What are a pigs biotic factors?

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Description : Q1. How do biotic and abiotic factors affect crop production? -Science

Last Answer : 2 major factors that affect the crop are: Biotic factors like insects, rodents, pests, and many more spread the disease and reduce crop production. Abiotic factors like humidity, temperature, moisture, wind, rain, flood and many more destroy the crop raised.

Description : Which are biotic factors in a ecosystem?

Last Answer : climate, parent material which forms the soil and topography

Description : Assertion: Agriculture and aquacultures are man-maintained ecosystems. Reason: All biotic and abiotic factors are managed by humans in these ecosystem

Last Answer : Assertion: Agriculture and aquacultures are man-maintained ecosystems. Reason: All biotic and abiotic factors ... and Reason are false, then mark (4)

Description : How do biotic factors have an effect on the organism in the organism?

Last Answer : The term biotic means living or having lived. Examples of biotic factors would include a frog, a leaf, a dead tree, or a piece of wood. The term abiotic means non-living, or never having ... shelter ? availability of food - plants and animals ? number of predators? co-operation to help find food

Description : What are some biotic and abiotic factors in the desert?

Last Answer : Some abiotic factors in a desert would be sand, rocks, water, stones and climate. Some biotic factors would include cacti, bushes, snakes, rodents and bugs.

Description : What are some biotic and abiotic factors in the desert?

Last Answer : Some abiotic factors in a desert would be sand, rocks, water, stones and climate. Some biotic factors would include cacti, bushes, snakes, rodents and bugs.

Description : What are the abiotic and biotic factors of the tundra?

Last Answer : Some abiotic factors in the tundra are dirt, water, sun, air, snow, precipitation.

Description : What are biotic factors in an ocean ecosystem?

Last Answer : coral, plankton, seaweed

Description : How do biotic factors affect abiotic factors?

Last Answer : These effect more to the ecosystem to humans because they are the ones destryoing the world that was made for everybody..but how do these two factor affect humans easy..pest,insects,predators..yes human have predators like mammal two times stronger than us.!

Description : What are biotic factors ?

Last Answer : Biotic factors are the living beings (plants, animals, and microorganisms) that are part of a given environment. Image Diversity: biotic factors

Description : Soil factors are otherwise known as : (1) Edaphic factors (2) Biotic factors (3) Physiographic factors (4) Climatic factors

Last Answer : (1) Edaphic factors Explanation: Edaphic is a nature related to soil. Edaphic qualities may characterize the soil itself, including drain-age, texture, or chemical properties such as pH ... may also characterize organisms, such as plant communities, where it specifies their relationships with soil.

Description : The environment includes – (1) Abiotic factors (2) Biotic factors (3) Oxygen and Nitrogen (4) Abiotic and Biotic factors

Last Answer : (4) Abiotic and Biotic factors Explanation: An environment encompasses all living (biotic) and non-living things (abiotic) occurring naturally on Earth. It consists of plants, animals and micro- ... factors) in an area functioning together with all of the non-living physical (abiotic) factors.

Description : What are biotic factors?

Last Answer : Biotic factors include plants; animals; human  beings and all other living organisms

Description : Describe the role of biotic factors in an ecosystem? 

Last Answer : There are three types of biotic factors in an ecosystem: - Producers: - i) Organisms that can make their own food are called producers. ii) All green plants are producers. In aquatic ... . c. Decomposers consume the dead bodies of animals and plants. For example bacteria and fungi etc.

Description : Which is the correct order of arrangement of the biotic factors? A A. Kingdom-Phylum-Class-Order-Family-Genus-Species B. Kingdom-Phylum-Order-Class-Genus-Family-Species C. Kingdom-Phylum-Order-Class-Family-Genus-Species D. Kingdom-Phylum-Class-Order-Family-Species-Genus

Last Answer : Kingdom-Phylum-Class-Order-Family-Genus-Species

Description : Which is the correct order of arrangement of the biotic factors? A A. Kingdom-Phylum-Class-Order-Family-Genus-Species B. Kingdom-Phylum-Order-Class-Genus-Family-Species C. Kingdom-Phylum-Order-Class-Family-Genus-Species D. Kingdom-Phylum-Class-Order-Family-Species-Genus

Last Answer : Kingdom-Phylum-Class-Order-Family-Genus-Species

Description : Soil factors are otherwise known as – a) Climatic factors b) Edaphic factors c) Biotic factors d) Physiographic factors

Last Answer : b) Edaphic factors

Description : The environment includes (1) Abiotic factors (2) Biotic factors (3) Oxygen and Nitrogen (4) Abiotic and Biotic factors

Last Answer : Abiotic and Biotic factors

Description : Soil factors are otherwise known as : (1) Edaphic factors (2) Biotic factors (3) Physiographic factors (4) Climatic factors

Last Answer : Edaphic factors

Description : How many chickens, pigs and cows have you eaten so far?

Last Answer : Great question. I think it's probably difficult to estimate our own personal consumption. The best method is probably to take national statistics to give us a very rough estimate using population. The ... in looking at the business of producing meat, and the tremendous suffering that is involved.

Description : Why were dogs spared to not be eaten, but pigs weren’t?

Last Answer : Dogs are useful as hunting implements.

Description : Why does my sow eat her baby pigs and what can I do to stop it?

Last Answer : answer:Pigs tend to do that, usually because of malnutrition. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Savaging My best guess is to simply take the piglet and try feeding it away from it's mother, if ... orphan pigs. http://www.pigpalssanctuary.com/health/baby_pigs.htm I hope you save and help them. Peace!

Description : What can I do about a Sow that is eating her new baby pigs?

Last Answer : answer:I grew up in a rural area in Illinois (some 50+ years ago, before factory farming was the norm) and I have heard of this. It's called savaging. I did a little research when I saw ... them with a sow from another breed will affect their purebred status, as long as a healthy diet is provided.

Description : Guinea pigs scratching nonstop?

Last Answer : Is the vet a possibility? That would be your best bet.

Description : How can I make my guinea pigs to stop fighting each other?

Last Answer : Next time give em both baths.

Description : Can we compare the Snowden saga to the old kids' fairy tale, "The Three Little Pigs"?

Last Answer : answer:I think it's a bit of a stretch, the US isn't threatening another country, they are asking for cooperation. And Snowden is no innocent off to visit a Grandma and hijacked by a wolf. If anything ... to be mindful of who helps him across the river lest he gets tossed in the air and snapped up.

Description : What would happen to cows, chickens, pigs and other animals, if humans stopped eating them?

Last Answer : They’d all star in Disney/Pixar movies & grow fat off the profits…lucky bastards.

Description : How are hormones taken from pigs and other animals for medication?

Last Answer : The hormones are a byproduct of slaughter houses. The also get heart valves for open heart surgery from them. Had a work associate named June, that raised hogs specifically for heart vales. Another associate had open heart surgery, we always thought Gerry got his valves from June farm.

Description : How would the Bay of Pigs Invasion turned out if President Kennedy had supplied close air support?

Last Answer : answer:* have turned out How about full scale nuclear war? That would have been fun, in addition to being a reasonable response to western aggression.

Description : Can you create some variations on the phrase "when pigs fly"?

Last Answer : When fish ride bicycles.

Description : In what ways are pigs abused causing some to avoid eating pork?

Last Answer : answer:I don't think your premise is correct. People are not necessarily vegetarian because animals are treated poorly. They are vegetarian because they don't believe in eating animals. Vegetarians do not ... young. But that should not be a reason to avoid eating pork from reputable pig farmers.

Description : Why are cops refered to as pigs?

Last Answer : answer:It has to do with their seemingly running the show…See Animal Farm by George Orwell. But the cops did turn the Pig thing around back in the 70s. They devised a “PIG” award which stood for : P – Pride I – Integrity G – Guits

Description : Is there a distance pigs must be by law from a neighbors residence?

Last Answer : answer:You would need to look up Land Use and Zoning Department of the county government. Although if the sheriff has been out on harassment charges it's likely your father has already questioned this man's right to ... side of the fence? All's fair in love in war as long as no one hurts the pig

Description : When did potbelly pigs become a must-have pet?

Last Answer : They’re bred to be small, there’s a big market for owners who don’t want to trade in their Gucci doggybags now that they got bored of their chihuahuas. Mini dog’s are out, mini pig’s are in. Pigs are awesome pets though, having one at a more manageable size sounds like a nice pet.

Description : Is it legal to eat guinea pigs in the United States? Specifically, Tennessee?

Last Answer : yes no one will care.

Description : Pigs are expert at finding Truffles,Truffles are worth a small fortune in resaurants around the world,so why don't we all own a Pig?

Last Answer : because I would cook mine mmmmm bacon

Description : Why doesn't anyone get upset about chickens, pigs or cows, why only whales?

Last Answer : We can be glad we needen't worry about our cattle being endangered yet. rooetyoo As far as cruelty meted out to animals is concerned people for animal rights take into consideration cruelty against ... various purposes like for its meat,fur etc. And there are laws governing these issues as well.

Description : Why do people say pigs are nasty.

Last Answer : They are clean but i don’t eat pigs.

Description : Whats your guinea pigs favorite snack?

Last Answer : Apple, pear , melon lots of seeds and oats . Alfalfa hay is great , fresh blossom from the garden, fresh flowers and herbs . if you feed straight from your or a friends garden, make sure no chemical feeds/killers have been used in the surrounding gardens.

Description : How can I save my pigs so that I can use them as my background?

Last Answer : If your pictures are viewable using the built in photo app, you can set it as a background. I don’t really understand the question, it seems specific to a certain app. Maybe the app has a forum on it’s website?

Description : You have to pick one,you've got either a frogs tounge or a pigs nose,which one?

Last Answer : frog tongue sounds awesome, what even is the downside

Description : When pigs fly.

Last Answer : What is world peace?

Description : Hi a friend and I are doing the science fair together and studying pigs and would like to know what tricks can pigs do and what abilities do they have

Last Answer : Pigs are very smart animals. They learn quickly, can be house-trained and can be taught any tricks dogs can do. Contrary to popular belief, they are very clean animals. Their skin is sensitive and ... have performed in circuses and at fairs. For more information, please go to our article on Pigs.

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Last Answer : How about some of these: Rascal, Brunhilda, Cheeky, Pepper, Cruella, Krabby, Moxie, Ghengis. Those are a few names that could describe a naughty guinea pig.

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Last Answer : Any dog, given the opportunity will attack a guinea pig. Guinea pigs are prey animals and dogs naturally go after prey. However a dog can be taught, with patience, not to bother or to attack the ... a good idea to leave them alone together - supervise whenever the guinea pig is out of the cage.

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Last Answer : All animals do.

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Last Answer : It's best to start training a pig for nail cutting a very early age if possible. Begin by accustoming her to having her feet touched by gently stroking the legs and feet. Make it a fun experience ... steel diagonal cut mini pliers. Use with care as there are nerves and blood vessels in the hooves.

Description : I have a guinea pig and I'm thinking about getting a rat. Can they be put in the same cage?

Last Answer : No. They can become aggressive with each other and you would wind up losing one. They also have different diet and cage requirements. They are best left each in his own cage.

Description : I have a pig and I'm thinking about getting a dog. Is there anything that I need to be concerned about?

Last Answer : They would probably get along better if they are brought up together. If the dog you are considering is young, you have a better chance. Of course, it depends on the personality of the individual ... together. They should be supervised as play can escalate into war and the pig is usually the loser.

Description : I just got three guinea pigs (we're fostering them), they seem to like celery, carrots and strawberries. Is there anything else they really like? Or don't like? I heard they are lactose intolerant, is that true?

Last Answer : The most important food for guinea pigs is hay, timothy or meadow grass, as it contains the fiber they need and they enjoy it best. There's a long list of foods to avoid - potatoes, avocado, ... are weaned, milk and other dairy products can give them problems and should not be part of their diet.