What weapon was used for the first time in the Battle of the Somme?

1 Answer

Answer :

The Battle of the Somme, or Somme Offensive, occurred betweenJuly 1 and November 18, 1916. The importance of air power and thefirst use of the tank are noted.

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Last Answer : Hair/insect spray + lighter = handheld flame thrower. If you want some range, use your broom and learn some fitting martial arts moves beforehand. Aim for his chest or throat and then throw your full body into the thrust. If you want to hit him, aim for the temples.

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Last Answer : answer:Muddy bog; a crossbow. It's the least heaviest thing, so I peg shit off quickly and get the hell outta there. Sandy dunes; well again the crossbow makes sense. But I'd rather have ... up unwanted obstacles. Urban setting; a fuckin' chainsaw. :) Cool question. Ziss some kinda psychology test?

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Last Answer : answer:There are several plans in the works. They’re currently working on drilling a relief well. This takes time. They are drilling 2½ miles below sea level. It doesn’t happen overnight. Let’s see how the realistic solutions work before you go nuking our ecosystem out of existence.

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