Where to buy stun guns?

1 Answer

Answer :

Depends on where you are. They are not legal in all places.Check your local gun shop or gun shows IF you are an adult.

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Description : Can Stun Gun kill Parasite in human body? (500,000 volt )

Last Answer : Why in the world do you not just get some antibiotics, or whatever they use to kill parasites in the body? Surely there are medications that can kill this strain of parasite. A stun gun sounds like an extremely bizarre alternative, to me. Sorry, I think your nuts.

Description : Is it possible to create a simple stun gun out of the materials that I have?

Last Answer : answer:With what you have, you couldn't build anything too powerful, so it really depends on what sort of shock you are looking for. Bear in mind that you are talking to someone who has a fair chance of ... a blast of 120V 60Hz AC current; my days in the Navy kind of helped me build up a tolerance.

Description : Is it possible to use a stun gun when I'm less than 18? Alternatively, in how many years it is possible to use it, thank you for your answer.

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : Hello, I would like to advise if anyone has any experience according to which to choose a stun gun or. pepper. I searched here variously on the net ... So I want to ask what is the best and what about kV .. ... :) .. stun gun with spray I would like the most :) price about 800, - .. Thank you :)

Last Answer : It is best to spray pepper spray with a longer range and it is best to blind the attacker with a flashlight and see into the face and hit the face more precisely. Definitely a pepper.

Description : Does that shoot something into a person?

Last Answer : high voltage discharge small current causes convulsive contraction of striated muscles with subsequent immobilization for a few seconds to minutes the stun gun has two fixed electrodes and must be applied to ... - 15 m and only into the inserted electrodes triggers a discharge on the towed wires

Description : Can an ex felon own a stun gun in Colorado?

Last Answer : Feel Free to Answer

Description : Can you or where can you buy those marsh mallow guns?

Last Answer : answer:Are you talking about marshmallow launchers? http://www.rei.com/product/739132 http://www.nextag.com/marshmallow-launcher/compare-html

Description : do pawn shops buy paintball guns?

Last Answer : Yes, they do. They even buy broken ones if yours is broken. They will buy anything if they can get it cheap and then turn around and make a large profit on it. Of course if your selling some thing ... If your buying, its the rarest and most sort sfter thing around. They are con artists. Be ware...

Description : Does it seem that some people subconsciously believe that guns only hurt bad people, when they're used by good people?

Last Answer : If people actually believed that, they probably don’t understand the rules of proper gunplay. And if you don’t understand the rules, you’re screwed no matter what.

Description : During the January 6th insurrection, why didn't the insurgents use their guns?

Last Answer : My opinion is that the vast majority of them are cowards and guns are part of this elaborate, poser cosplay they insist is a revolution. Here in Massachusetts recently, a handful of supposed militia types ... skills and training. All bark. No bite (thankfully). Like those guys - full of crap.

Description : If Donald Trump could "declare an emergency" to build his stupid wall, does Biden have the same latitude to "declare an emergency" and do something about guns?

Last Answer : Well he has a start; NRA has declared bankruptcy, I wonder if that is because Putin and the Russians stopped sending them money ? ?

Description : How important are new guns to organized crime in North America?

Last Answer : Depends on what you mean by how important . But in general, I am confident that while new guns, especially new unregistered guns, are useful to organized crime, and enable violence that would ... up in accurate unbiased articles that are framed in ways that are directly relevant to your questions.

Description : How do you feel about guns?

Last Answer : I need ammo not a ride

Description : Would Rick Santorum be in favor of undocumented aliens carrying guns?

Last Answer : There have been instances already, where the good guy with a gun (black, coincidentally'), was gunned down by the cops when they showed up. Apart from the obvious fact that the arriving coppers ... revealed that they are, as usual, full of shit, the propaganda damage will have already been done.

Description : Texas is an open-carry state. Why didn't any of the 'good guys with guns' stop the WalMart massacre today?

Last Answer : The mythological “good guys with a gun” never do save the day, do they.

Description : Is it reasonable to allow your kids to have toy guns?

Last Answer : Yes, it’s unreasonable when they’re in the hands of adults

Description : If guns were stylish again?

Last Answer : As long as they were not allowed to have any ammo on that certain time of the month, I would be fine with it.

Description : Why is the Trump team saying yes to the 3D printing of guns?

Last Answer : 3D printed guns are not a thing, you can print parts of guns but not the whole thing. The closest you can get is one with all plastic parts and a metal firing pin. I don't know who would want ... and that tech has been around as long as guns have. The threat of 3d printed guns is sensationalism.

Description : Could an obsession with guns and gun collecting be a form of OCD or mental illness?

Last Answer : I think everyone has mild forms of OCD. Like with one any mental illness it depends on the intensity and how badly it disrupts their normal life. I think in the example you gave it’s just a guy who is substituting his weapons due to some sort of masculine insecurity.

Description : Can I sign the petition in support of open carry guns at the Republican Convention anonymously?

Last Answer : Well you can’t so it’s kind of a silly question. Sign it if you want but it obviously will not be anonymous.

Description : Should hammers have similar restrictions that guns do?

Last Answer : answer:Better access to mental health care, and reducing the stigma of mental illness. I’m not nearly as sick as some of these people, and I know the struggles I go through to talk myself out of self-harming.

Description : Can you really sell guns on facebook?

Last Answer : It is allowed BUT is not legal to sell in states that require a background check. The only reason that Facebook would not let you sell a firearm is if you FB page is for a commercial sales page.

Description : Will you be visiting Georgia now with it's "Guns Everywhere" Bill?

Last Answer : answer:Well, I live in Georgia, so there's no escape. To answer your second question: NO - tourism was not taken into account. This was propelled by the right wing legislators following the conservative ... be carrying. My guess is that except for a few rowdy assholes, not much will really change.

Description : Should teachers and students be allowed to have guns in school?

Last Answer : answer:NO. No one should be allowed to carry guns or even to own them, unless they are in the military and fighting in a war. The perpetrator yesterday was taken down by pepper spray. Much better alternative than a gun.

Description : Do Americans love guns too much?

Last Answer : 1. We are not only white people. 2. Potentially. 3. No. 4. Partially, but we decide what we adopt into our daily lives.

Description : Is anyone else just disgusted with this country's stupid position on guns?

Last Answer : I’m fed up, but for the opposite reasons as you, I expect. We seem to have learned nothing from history. Prohibition isn’t going to work. It never did, and it never will.

Description : Why did Native Americans trade for guns?

Last Answer : here are some stabs in the dark 1) trade for guns to fight other tribes 2) there was not a lot of precedent for sweeping conquerors for them, with the massive empires of the Inca and Aztec being far away from them, so they couldn’t imagine in that direction.

Description : Comments, anyone, about 3D printed guns?

Last Answer : All i can say is – Oy vey!

Description : How feasible are electrostatic pellet guns?

Last Answer : answer:I will make the assumption you are interested in the charged portion of the electrostatically charged metal pellets in your question. We already know how to fire metal pellets ... can include: no-op, unpredictable and uncontrollable, and total destruction. Wear your safety glasses.

Description : Are more guns in schools the answer to mass shootings?

Last Answer : Umm – let me think for a moment. No.

Description : A Fluther contest: Let's try to guess how many more questions about guns we will see here in the next thirty days starting 12/28/12?

Last Answer : [edit]: Uhh missed the “guns” part. I’ll say 7.

Description : Isn't it just as wrong to have a law that REQUIRES that every household keep and maintain a hand gun, as it is to not allow people to carry guns if they want to?

Last Answer : answer:Yes, but for different reasons. Kennesaw has had the law for 30 years; supposedly there hasn't been a murder there in that time, which may be cause and effect, but it may also be propaganda. The ... . In the 20s and 30s, the KKK had a large representation in Kennesaw (and most of N, Georgia)

Description : Are there any good stories about guns?

Last Answer : How could there be. Even including wars (my only experience other than plinking targets) every time somebody gets a gun out to use it, something bad is happening.

Description : What would happen if the world never found out about Guns and Fire arms?

Last Answer : answer:I don't think much would change. I mean we'd still kill one another, only it would be slower, and probably more epic. Lol. The tools don't really change much I think, because the ... pointing and shooting I mean is pointing and stabbing really any more complex? I believe I've made my point

Description : What's the title of someone who aimed the guns?

Last Answer : There were spotters on land who would call in coordinates that the gunners would use to zero in on their target. We still use spotters, but it’s done with lasers for smarter munitions.

Description : A $176K hearse and $210K pair of guns, if you have the dough to spare, what historical stuff would you collect?

Last Answer : Kurlan naiskos

Description : Why are guns really needed?

Last Answer : answer:To go hunting, if that's ok with you (adult animals, overpopulating - ex kangaroo in Aus.) For mercy killing? In case Aliens do indeed attack us? So that criminals don't start ... real guns for that. Violence will exist regardless but guns make it quite successful at being damaging.

Description : If people were honest about their fears, wouldn't they be buying guns and ammo?

Last Answer : answer:Maybe, but seeds and gardening books seem even more appropriate. Maybe some books or lessons on finding wild food, hunting, trapping, fishing, etc. Water filters are a great idea. ... the useful things for taking care of yourself. Brought to you by your friendly neighborhood survivalist.

Description : Did Guns and Roses version of this song.......slaughter it?

Last Answer : After listening to both The Skyliners and Guns N' Roses versions of the song, I wouldn't go as far to say that the latter took the beauty out of it. They stayed true to tempo and lyrics, as far ... tell. If I had sentimental connections to the original version, I might feel the same way as you do.

Description : Why does Texas think that it is a good idea to allow guns on campuses?

Last Answer : They hope to prevent a Va tech.

Description : How many of you have guns? Why do you have one?

Last Answer : No, do not have any in my home!

Description : What types of airsoft guns are suitable for what skill levels?

Last Answer : Do you mean type as in gas, electric, or spring? Or do you mean type as in model of the airsoft gun?

Description : Are airsoft guns bad for the environment?

Last Answer : Yes.

Description : Who is the artist that replaces animals' heads with guns?

Last Answer : Sounds like Damien Hirst could have made such stuff although i am guessing here.

Description : Are there any high quality suction dart guns?

Last Answer : No. there are not as far as I know, or my son would have it.

Description : Is it legal to not only transport airsoft guns into Mexico, but use them for target shooting in Mexico too?

Last Answer : answer:I doubt that there would be much spirit-of-the-law trouble; airsoft guns are rather popular in Japan which, like Mexico, has very strict gun laws. * roffles quietly about Mexico ... routinely get shipments of smuggled toys and clothes, usually from churches in the Southwestern United States.)

Description : Airsoft guns: The L85A1 or The Famas... Or something else?

Last Answer : I have seen these guns? but I really don't know what they are for. They look like replica firearms but they shoot something? Are they a cross between BB guns and paint ball guns? I got a ... further confused me about what airsoft guns are for. You don't shoot at people do you as in paintballs?

Description : In Fallout 1 can your companions who use guns run out of ammunition?

Last Answer : answer:Yes, they can run out of ammo - in which case they'll just start whacking people in the head then. Give them more (the appropriate kind for the weapon they're using) and they'll start shooting up ... dialog and you have to select it in that menu, as well as any weapons you prefer them to use.

Description : What would the world be like if only women were allowed to own guns?

Last Answer : Own and use, i guess you mean?

Description : What limits should there to owning and carrying guns?

Last Answer : answer:1. You should have to pass a background check before you get your gun. 2. There should be a waiting period of several weeks before you can own a gun. 3. You should have to take a firearms safety course. 4. You should be subject to a home inspection to demonstrate safe gun storage.