Why do bruises occur?

1 Answer

Answer :

Why do bruises occur?

Each of us, since childhood, is familiar with such an unpleasant phenomenon as bruises. Basically, a bruise is a hematoma that is darker in color than the skin. Typically, the bruise is brown, blue, or even black. Hematomas can be painful or not at all uncomfortable. And if the summer school, in addition to rest and pleasant impressions, has adorned your body with a couple of hematomas, you should understand the nature of their appearance. Indeed, sometimes, bruises appear for no reason, and this is the reason for contacting a specialist.

Hematomas can appear not only as a result of injuries, but also due to internal problems. In older people, bruises appear even in the case of minor injuries. A hematoma is a subcutaneous hemorrhage, and in old age, the circulatory system becomes more fragile. In addition, bruises appear in the case of diseases that are associated with blood clotting disorders. As for children, the appearance of bruises, as a rule, is explained by active games and increased injuries. To avoid painful sensations, it is recommended to apply ice to the damaged area of the body. Anti-inflammatories will also help.

If the bruise strikes the imagination with its size and does not pass for a long time, be sure to show yourself to a traumatologist. An alarming signal is those hematomas that occur on the head, abdomen or in the eye area. They can be a symptom of a serious injury that requires surgery. Take care of yourself and watch your body. A timely visit to a doctor will help identify problems in the early stages.

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Last Answer : Write it down so you don’t forget to ask on your next visit. Maybe you should make an appointment just to discuss this so you won’t forget again. You really should get this checked out. I hope it is nothing serious.

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