Ways of healing bruises?

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Description : Do you know anything about veins that cause pain and bruises?

Last Answer : All I know is that bruises are formed by broken blood vessels. I hope that helps.

Description : How to Cure Bruises

Last Answer : How to Cure Bruises Bruises are those dark-blue patches under the skin that result from hitting a hard surface too hard. The blood capillaries under your skin break upon impact and blood goes everywhere ... to three weeks, see a doctor. Your prolonged bruising may be a symptom of another condition.

Description : How to get rid of bruises?

Last Answer : How to get rid of bruises? Many of us are familiar with such a situation when an accidentally placed bruise is found on the body, it is not known when and under what circumstances. ... bruises especially, because the flaws described in this article are practically not visible on the tanned body.

Description : Why do bruises occur?

Last Answer : Why do bruises occur? Each of us, since childhood, is familiar with such an unpleasant phenomenon as bruises. Basically, a bruise is a hematoma that is darker in color than the skin. Typically, the ... and watch your body. A timely visit to a doctor will help identify problems in the early stages.

Description : Permanent bruise on my back behind my heart ):?

Last Answer : That dosnt sound good. i would make sure i got that checked out asap.

Description : How would you have handled this situation?

Last Answer : Arrest the mother for suspicion of child abuse and/or call in Child Services for your area. .

Description : What can stop a bruised eye from hurting?

Last Answer : answer:Ducking? Not a lot aside from the usual like ice or a cold pack. A pack of frozen peas will do in a pinch.

Description : Is an inflamed bruise anything to be concerned about?

Last Answer : If it’s not open, it can’t get septic. It sounds like you ruptured a lot of capillaries. First ice, then heat.

Description : Does vitamin E help in healing bruises?

Last Answer : Foods rich in Vitamin E as well as Vitamin E supplements do help bruises heal faster. Vitamin E works together with Vitamin C to repair damaged tissue, as in the case of bruising.

Description : Why do I keep getting mysterious bruises?

Last Answer : Have you been taking ibuprofen or aspirin lately? Have you changed your diet? If you are noticing bruising and you cannot account for accidents, you need to see your Dr. There are definite reasons why bruising can increase.

Description : Is there a way to get rid of bruises?

Last Answer : Nope, the only thing that will get rid it is time.

Description : Why do I have bruises on my legs?

Last Answer : Write it down so you don’t forget to ask on your next visit. Maybe you should make an appointment just to discuss this so you won’t forget again. You really should get this checked out. I hope it is nothing serious.

Description : What causes my bruises to heal so ridiculously slowly?

Last Answer : The more blood capillaries and veins broken the longer and the lack of protein, build up of lactic acid, or if you don’t have much muscle.

Description : Why do bruises (black and blue marks) turn yellow?

Last Answer : Don’t quote me on this, but I thought it was the increase in antibodies/white blood cells in the area. Puss, or whatever. I’m probably the least qualified person to speak about this.

Description : Is this normal?

Last Answer : Where? And who has them? - breathless or breathing? - and which way? Yes - it can happen: breathing - with too strong posture of the face (nose ...) with the palm or mask or intubation (around the nose, on the cheeks, around the mouth, breathing chin - from exertion (around the eyes)

Description : What are the symptoms for bruises strains and sprains?

Last Answer : Need answer

Description : The words in the passage that suggest there was a blast include (1) fire, heat, confusion, overturned and chaos. (2) blazed, dazed, heroic, succumbed and paralysis. (3) broken glass, cuts, bruises and sycamores. (4) rescue, quadrangle, altruism, trigger and heat.

Last Answer : (1) fire, heat, confusion, overturned and chaos

Description : Approximately ____ percent of all poultry carcasses processed in the United States are downgraded (reduced quality) due mostly to bruises. a. 10 c. 29 b. 20 d. 45

Last Answer : c. 29

Description : If spiritual healing is false, how come stress is related to many illnesses?

Last Answer : I think Dawkins is a smart guy, but he is so devoted to science that he fails to identify those areas of science that aren't set in stone. For instance, there have been ... temperature or consuming a liquid that has certain chemical properties that may be beneficial for some physiological issues.

Description : What is it about the healing process that causes the itch?

Last Answer : I did some quick research, and the under the skin itching is linked to reactions to meds and even cancer (not to freak anyone out) here Other people are saying it's because your nerves are ... different part of your skin, but the nerves there aren't as sensitive or accurate in those areas.

Description : What is the secret to a wound healing with the least amount of visible scarring?

Last Answer : If it’s sewn, a good stitching does help. Some wounds and cuts aren’t sewn. Keeping it moist with antibacterial ointment or Vaseline helps the new strands of collagen not become a scar. There might still be redness, but that usually fades over time.

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Last Answer : Not heal Vegeta after Kuririn blasted a hole through his chest.

Description : What was your experience in healing plantar faciitis?

Last Answer : answer:My husband and a close friend have this. Both have had some significant relief with arch support inserts and bought new shoes with arch support. My husband even wears slide on shoes in the ... is thinking about returning to the doctor for an insert that will be made specifically for his foot.

Description : Have you ever had Acupuncture or another traditional healing method?

Last Answer : answer:Yes, I've had acupuncture. There was a strain of influenza going around that kept people sick between 3 to 5 days. I developed the symptoms, got an acupuncture treatment, and was completely free of ... on that occasion. I will not give a recommendation for it, though. It's not for everyone.

Description : Is there anything I can do to speed up the healing process?

Last Answer : answer:I am no medical person by any means. But sounds like a bruised foot? In which case, I Googled it and most recommend pain tablets. I would imagine cold packs might help. Elevation, or heat pads. If ... country run. I'm sure they would like to know you work out, or keep fit and are healthy.

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Last Answer : A Happy Brownie and just wandering around my property in nature. Always a healing and peaceful experience. I can spend hours in a timeless space just communing with the animals and collecting seeds from my ... the hose and mist myself. Happy Brownies and watering at sunset is my zen time. ;-)

Description : Which is better - leaving a cut open while it is healing, or keeping it covered?

Last Answer : Cover it, then take the cover off once the wound has closed and won’t open back up.

Description : How can you tell if your blister is healing well?

Last Answer : answer:I was taught that you should never deliberately drain a blister. Your body will take care of the excess fluid within a couple of days. I have four blisters on the souls of my feet from wearing the ... the skin will come off in the next few months but I'll wait for that to happen naturally.

Description : Odd request #394- would you send out healing thoughts to my dog today?

Last Answer : answer:@WillWorkForChocolate Absolutely! I’ll even make the cat chime in for good measure… After all, when a cat prays for a sick pup… God/The Universe/EF Hutton (For atheists) ...listens. Sending light and peace and love to your baby! ♥ ♥ ♥

Description : Do you think labelling psychological illnesses and disorders helps or hinders healing and recovery?

Last Answer : Things need labels and names. What would we call…everything? I think we could narrow this down and tackle the problem of people being misinformed about many things in general. Kate the Great asked a question similar to this about mental illness.

Description : Other than chatting it up with your therapist (family or friend), and taking meds, what do find to be healing?

Last Answer : Nature or fluther.

Description : Have you ever observed a faith healer or faked a healing by one?

Last Answer : About 20 or so years ago there was a faith healer on a local channel here. He would get people that were in wheelchairs and yank them out of the chair and proclaim they were healed. People would get ... guy that stood behind the fainters. He was an older man and I truly think he believed it all.

Description : Do you have experience with remote healing?

Last Answer : Are you referring to distance healing? My mum does this. A friend in another country tried to do it on me a while back, but said my energies are like whirlwinds around me or ... doing distance healing. I have witnessed more reiki healing results that were not through distance healing though.

Description : Do bandaids actually help healing, and what the f do I do about this?

Last Answer : answer:Depending on they type of bandaid you’re using, you could be allergic to the material it’s made out of. Sometimes you do get redness around a wound, but it’s usually because your body is fighting off infection. Get a different kind of bandaid, and cover it up.

Description : Healing time for a dog bite?

Last Answer : answer:If the swelling is getting worse, you should have it checked out again. If any germs got between tendon nd the sheath that surrounds it, no amount of antibiotics can get to it. Seriously, that kind ... and often scar. You might want to get some vitamin E oil. Hope you're all better soon!

Description : How does reducing inflammation promote healing?

Last Answer : My non-expert opinion is that it’s like healing a cut on your skin. If you pick or slice at it, it does not heal. Leave it alone to repair the damage.

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Last Answer : I had a ruptured L5-S1 disc removed 25 years ago and it solved the problem. Many of the back problems come from bad posture or bad lifting technique. Correcting those structural issues may help ... . I have heard of people getting relief from accupuncture, but have no direct experience with it.

Description : Do you believe in stones that can aid healing?

Last Answer : answer:If you believe in them, i suppose it would as a placebo. PS : Warm stones would be great for stomachs I think

Description : Is forgiveness a necessary part of healing?

Last Answer : A wise man once told me that Anger is a beautiful feast, until you realize you are feasting upon yourself. When you forgive, it isn’t for them. It’s for you so you can heal and move on. I’ll never forget, but I can forgive.

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Last Answer : I should think it would depend on how hard you spin. Most exercises while you have a broken bone should be gentle, if you are allowed to do anything at all. In many cases, someone with a ... need to be done? Will internal fixation be required? What are the risks and complications of surgery?

Description : Septum healing period?

Last Answer : my girl has hers and she was told it took a month. but it took less

Description : As destructive as life, As healing as death; An institutioner of strife, Just as prone to bless. It is all that is good, Yet with an evil trend; As it was the beginning of things, It can also be the end. What is it? -Riddles

Last Answer : It is fire!

Description : what are some of the psychological stages of healing following an injury? -General Knowledge

Last Answer : Shock, realization, acknowledgment are some of the psychological stages of healing following an injury.

Description : Which tissue take part in healing the wounds? -General Knowledge

Last Answer : The answer is 'Epithelium tissue'

Description : Healing of wounds is hastened by which vitamin? -Do You Know?

Last Answer : answer:

Description : Which tissue take part in healing the wounds? -General Knowledge

Last Answer : answer:

Description : Which tissue take part in healing the wounds? -General Knowledge

Last Answer : answer:

Description : Which Hormone Helps Plant Wound Healing ?

Last Answer : Gibberellin hormone helps to heal plant wounds.

Description : I have a sore throat , should I use nebanal powder ? My penis was sore ,,,, then I started using nebanal powder there ,,, !! Cos used to come out from the first wound, then it stopped because of ... it possible for me to get better ? Or should I change ? And what are the symptoms of wound healing ?

Last Answer : Yes, you can apply this powder on a regular basis. I hope you will find a solution. And do not water or soak the wound. Keep the wound dry and clean. If necessary, clean it with lukewarm ... day and give this nebanal powder. And take antibiotics as soon as possible with the advice of a doctor.

Description : What is the way to get rid of low back pain ? I do a job of marketing. There are about 3 to 4 kilometers of walking every day. My problem is !!! My back hurts. There is pain from ... tablets. খ Medication is a little healing. In the morning I feel completely healthy. The same situation after noon.

Last Answer : In fact, you walk every day which is more likely to cause pain. But yes, it can also be due to physical weakness and lack of calcium. Complete the dose of the medicine that you have been given. Hope you find the solution.