How to get rid of bruises?

1 Answer

Answer :

How to get rid of bruises?

Many of us are familiar with such a situation when an accidentally placed bruise is found on the body, it is not known when and under what circumstances. Just hide bruises somewhere on a leg or arm with clothes, but what if the intruder sat on his face? For example, how he likes, under the eye. And here meetings are planned, which cannot be canceled either, or someone needs to have a wedding, or maybe even their own ... It is no longer a secret that such injuries, even if they are completely fighting, can cause some bewilderment among others, which is supported by sidelong glances. Everyone has their own thoughts on this matter and to explain to everyone - they are more dear to themselves, so it's time to disguise.

The very first option that comes to mind is to wait for the bruise to heal on its own, but how many days will it take? Maybe weeks? The bruise lasts about a week on the arm, and on the leg for a month.

So how do you get rid of bruises?

The bruise will go away faster if you immediately start helping him, that is, using various medicinal lotions and remedies. Thus, immediately after the impact, ice applied to the affected area will have a wonderful effect. However, do not forget to remove it for a few seconds, as the skin around the bruise can get its new injury - frostbite, you also need to wrap ice in a cloth. When there is no ice nearby, you can use a jet of cold water.

The next day, the treatment plan for the bruise completely changes, because the main blood flow in the bruised area has already stopped, so we change the freezing to warm up the hematoma for its speedy resorption. Heating pads, hot salt or sand in bags will help here. But it is necessary to remember that warming agents can be used only after the swelling around the bruise subsides.

If we talk about folk remedies, then people use such means as a bodyag or a lead lotion. Bodyagi powder is diluted with water or oil, approximately 2d1, and the resulting mass is rubbed into the skin with light movements. It should be said that you need to be careful with the bodyag, it is nothing more than a powder created from a freshwater sponge. It has a rather rigid structure of fibers, which, with penetration into the tissues, catch up with a rush of blood to the damaged areas, which helps the bruises to dissolve. However, there is also a downside to this tool. A similar action can cause a protective reaction of the body, provoking the appearance of dermatitis on the skin. In this regard, you need to use the bodyag very carefully, especially if you have sensitive skin, you should also not crush the bodyag too often.

anti-bruising vitaminsVitamin K, which is found in nettles and cabbage, and vitamin C, which is contained in all citrus fruits, also helps to restore blood vessels quite well. Therefore, along with all procedures with removing bruises, actively eat pineapples, lemons, cabbage ... If you decide to use pharmacy vitamins, then pay attention to askorutin (these are mixed ascorbic acid and rutin), or resort to complex vitamins. In addition, cabbage leaves, or rather compresses from them, are extremely effective. It is necessary to wrap the sheet in a thin cloth and beat it off a little with a rolling pin or a culinary hammer so that the juice will stand out from the vegetable. Garlic tincture is also known, which is prepared by pouring two garlic heads with half a liter of vinegar (5%), which will also help speed up healing.

Another popular folk remedy is a 5% iodine solution. It is applied in the form of a mesh to the affected area, often at night. You will not notice any iodine patterns on your body in the morning, unless, of course, you overdo it with the dose. But again, do not forget that iodine is not recommended for thyroid disorders.

As for vegetation, you can use a tincture of calendula, radish or parsley to get rid of bruises. Fresh leaves of plants such as burdock and coltsfoot also contribute to the early absorption of hematomas. These herbs are kneaded and applied as a compress. Of the oils, the most effective is lavender oil at the very beginning, while rosemary oil is suitable for old bruises.

ArnicaHerbal ointments, for example, "Arnika" or "Rescuer" ointment, will also give an excellent effect. Non-herbal remedies - these are medicinal gels such as troxevasin, indovazin, lyoton - are indicated in ascending order of the severity of the bruise received.

As a result, I wanted you not to forget that any bruise always goes through all its areas of development - this is the law of the body. Initially, it is red, then red-purple, then it takes on shades of blue, then bluish-green with a yellow rim, then lighter and lighter, until complete recovery. If it so happens that a completely different picture opens up to you, then go to the doctor as soon as possible. There can be different consequences, for example, the formation of blood clots, which is fraught with clogging of blood vessels, and this is extremely serious.

Redness and swelling around the bruise that does not go away is another bell to go to the doctor. This indicator reflects the possibility of getting any infection, or the formation of a trophic ulcer. Well, for sunbathers , you shouldn't worry about bruises especially, because the flaws described in this article are practically not visible on the tanned body.

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