Is it normal to hate blacks?

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Last Answer : The big fuss that was created by all of the whiners last years absolutely tainted the Oscars this year. Who can really say why anyone gets a award now?

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Last Answer : Sounds ridiculous.

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Last Answer : Answer.

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Last Answer : yes. you made me look. Personally, I still think “Black is Beautiful!”

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Last Answer : No one can claim to speak for an enormous and amorphous mass of people. Dash is entitled to her own secret ballot.

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Last Answer : Blacks out like just falls down asleep midway through a sentence? Or at the end of a long day? Or… context please?

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Last Answer : If they had a permit than only blacks were permitted to work in white areas.

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Last Answer : The natives of South Africa are black in colour, they make up for about three-fourth of the population and are called blacks. .

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Last Answer : Eight.

Description : What Supreme Court decision allowed for the segregation of blacks in separate but equal facilities?

Last Answer : Need answer

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Last Answer : Need answer

Description : Is Racism against blacks worse than the German holocaust?

Last Answer : It is hard to quantify 'worse'. The Holocaust was a relativlyshort period of persecution compared to the centuries of oppressionthat blacks have had to endure. This said, the volume and ... industrialised murder of the Holocaust was of a scale thathas rarely been matched in human history.

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Last Answer : For the most part, they don't. Only 3.8% of the population isblack- and that includes members of the US Military that arestationed in Alaska. The 3 largest cities are Anchorage, Fairbanksand Juneau, and would have the largest black populations.

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Last Answer : They were charged a poll tax that they couldn’t pay and weremade to read a section of the constitution when they didn’t knowhow to read.

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Last Answer : Feel Free to Answer

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Last Answer : What is the answer ?

Description : What two things did southerners legislators pass that made it extremely difficult for blacks to vote after reconstruction?

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Last Answer : Need answer

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Last Answer : Need answer

Description : What revoked southern blacks civil rights after 1875?

Last Answer : fhecvd

Description : What in your view did Langston hughes see as Booker t. Washingtons lesson for the next generation of blacks in America?

Last Answer : I think that one of the primary lessons that Hughes wishes to impart from his poem is the idea that Booker T. Washington served a vital role in the construction of Black consciousness in America. Hughes understood how the teachings of Washington could serve people of color well.

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Last Answer : the introduction of a tax-supported school system

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Last Answer : Roy Rogers

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Last Answer : Patrick

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Last Answer : could live together in peace~apex

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Last Answer : The Dred Scott decision

Description : This 1896 Supreme Court decision approved segregation of blacks as long as "separate but equal" facilities were provided A. Plessy v. Ferguson B. Marbury v. Madison C. Brown v. Board of Education D. Dred Scott v. Stanford?

Last Answer : Plessy v. Ferguson

Description : How many blacks alive today have grandparents who were slaves?

Last Answer : the resurch documents that many blacks alive today have grandparents today who were slaves authoe no percentage it did say many

Description : When did segregation end for blacks in America?

Last Answer : Socially, many parts of America are still segregated, so segregation has not ended. Legal segregation ended gradually. In some states, public schools were never segregated, in others, school ... that allowed legal racial discrimination in housing remained legal until the Fair Housing Act of 1968.

Description : Why do Blacks in America continue to be very religious?

Last Answer : In my opinion, much of it is historical in nature. The slaves had nothing else to hope for other than an afterlife if happiness. Their dystopian existences were designed to make them feel that they ... meantime, they continued to be abused here in earth. Thus came the idea that their salvation wou

Description : This 1896 Supreme Court decision approved segregation of blacks as long as "separate but equal" facilities were provided A. Plessy v. Ferguson B. Marbury v. Madison C. Brown v. Board of Education D. Dred Scott v. Stanford?

Last Answer : Plessy v. Ferguson

Description : How many blacks alive today have grandparents who were slaves?

Last Answer : the resurch documents that many blacks alive today have grandparents today who were slaves authoe no percentage it did say many

Description : When did segregation end for blacks in America?

Last Answer : Socially, many parts of America are still segregated, so segregation has not ended. Legal segregation ended gradually. In some states, public schools were never segregated, in others, school ... that allowed legal racial discrimination in housing remained legal until the Fair Housing Act of 1968.

Description : Why do Blacks in America continue to be very religious?

Last Answer : In my opinion, much of it is historical in nature. The slaves had nothing else to hope for other than an afterlife if happiness. Their dystopian existences were designed to make them feel that they ... meantime, they continued to be abused here in earth. Thus came the idea that their salvation wou

Description : Why is Disney so softly racist against blacks?

Last Answer : Here is the reason... they aren't.

Description : "The structure here refers to one of the harshest, most inhumane, societies the world has ever known." What structure is Mandela talking about? (a) Racial domination against the Blacks (b) Poverty and suffering (c) Discrimination against the poor (d) oppression of women

Last Answer : (a) Racial domination against the Blacks

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Last Answer : (a) First democratic non – racial government.

Description : Which ̳experience of oppression‘ is being referred to here? (a) The experience of the blacks being oppressed by the white people. (b) The experience of the slavery. (c) The experience of tragedy. (d) The experience of being feared

Last Answer : (a) The experience of the blacks being oppressed by the white people.

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Last Answer : d) Hispanics

Description : Affirmative Action policy is to help: (a) Whites (b) Blacks (c) Women (d) None of these

Last Answer : (d) None of these

Description : Is it normal to hate this much?

Last Answer : Are you seeing a psychotherapist? If not, why not? This seems to be causing you some distress, and seems to be interfering with activities of daily life. That's what psychotherapy is there for: to help you ... assistance in finding a therapist in your area, PM me, and I will be glad to try to help.