Why are myths an important part of ancient Egypt?

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Last Answer : 200 CE) received 36 drachmas a day for performances in Egypt during the Roman Period and for one six-day show was paid 216 drachmas (approximately $5,400). Entertainers performed for the laborers during their building projects, on street corners, in bars, in the market, and, as noted, in temples.

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Last Answer : To me, it's religion. More specifically, the concrete proof in evolution and natural selection showing us that we were not created by some invisible sky guy but that we and every single other life ... millions of years. It really is a thing of beauty, far more beautiful than the creation myth.

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Last Answer : answer:Here are my answers: Chocolate will cause you acne: (truth or myth?) Myth On a hot day, you will get better mileage on the freeway rolling down the window and avoid using the A/C: ( ... some people might think. The high fat content keeps it good for a while. I never would risk it though.

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Last Answer : answer:He was more attractive than I am and he was rich and I am poor. I can get laid but he can’t. Maybe the ladies picked up that he was fucking crazy. The whole MRA thing is bonkers. Go here to see the type of shit this asshole emerged from. http://www.reddit.com/r/MensRights/

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Last Answer : None.

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Last Answer : answer:These are good points, but somewhat of an oversimplification. Economic production is an indicator of well-being and progress. It would be a better measure if the negative effects, like ... to the last point, worker owned corporations provide an interesting alternative to the current system .

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Last Answer : You want us to dispel stereotypes, or say which ones we’re in?

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Last Answer : Maybe ask someone who’s taking some kind of Japanese class, know anyone?

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