A vein differ from an artery in having `:-`

1 Answer

Answer :

A vein differ from an artery in having `:-` A. Strong muscular walls B. Narrow lumen C. ... D. Valves prevent direction of blood flow towards heart

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Description : A vein differ from an artery in having `:-`

Last Answer : A vein differ from an artery in having `:-` A. Strong muscular walls B. Narrow lumen C. ... D. Valved control direction of blood flow towards heart

Description : Pulmonary artery differs from pulmonary vein in having

Last Answer : Pulmonary artery differs from pulmonary vein in having A. Thick wall B. Thin wall C. Valves D. Both (2) and (3)

Description : An artery can be distinguished from a vein in having

Last Answer : An artery can be distinguished from a vein in having A. Thicker wall B. Lesser lumen C. No valves D. All of the above

Description : In which of the following character a vein differs from an artery `:-`

Last Answer : In which of the following character a vein differs from an artery `:-` A. Having valves to ... wall D. Having pigmented wall to give dard look.

Description : How are the jobs of a vein and artery the same?

Last Answer : Whilst the vein carries deoxygenated blood towards the heart andthe artery carries oxygenated blood away from the heart and to themuscle, both of the blood vessels are the same in that they bothcarry blood. ... at a higher pressure. The flex in the walls helpsthem to not burst under the pressure.

Description : Is a blood clot attached to the interior wall of a vein or artery.?

Last Answer : Blood clots are usually called -- a deep vein thrombosis (DVT)-- so I would say they attach to the interior wall of a vein. Maybethe pressure is too great in an artery for a clot to attach to thevessel wall

Description : Is a blood clot attached to the interior wall of a vein or artery.?

Last Answer : Blood clots are usually called -- a deep vein thrombosis (DVT)-- so I would say they attach to the interior wall of a vein. Maybethe pressure is too great in an artery for a clot to attach to thevessel wall

Description : Where the pulse check artery or vein?

Last Answer : A pulse is checked on an artery.

Description : The blood vessel carrying blood from the lungs to the heart is – (1) Hepatic artery (2) Pulmonary artery (3) Pulmonary vein (4) Renal artery

Last Answer : (3) Pulmonary vein Explanation: The pulmonary veins are large blood vessels that carry oxygenated blood from the lungs to the left atrium of the heart. In humans there are four pulmonary ... lung. They carry oxygenated blood, which is unusual since almost all other veins carry deoxygenated blood.

Description : Which of the following is a large blood vessel that carries blood away from the heart? (1) Vein (2) Artery (3) Capillary (4) Nerve

Last Answer : (2) Artery Explanation: The pulmonary artery carries blood from the right side of the heart to the lungs to pick up a fresh supply of oxygen.

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Last Answer : (4) Hepatic portal vein Explanation: The portal vein or hepatic portal vein is a blood vessel that carries blood from the gastrointestinal tract, gallbladder, pancreas and spleen to the liver.

Description : Differentiate between any five of the following. (i) Artery and vein (ii) Hard water and soft water (iii) E-mail and Snail mail (iv) Apes and monkey (v) Hydrostatics and hydrodynamics (vi) Comet and ... (vii) Barrage and dam (viii) Electron and hole (ix) Isobars and isotopes (x) Autopsy and biopsy

Last Answer : Answers: (i) Artery and vein: Arteries: Muscular blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart. All arteries, with the exception of the pulmonary and umbilical arteries, carry oxygenated blood ... to determine cause of death Biopsy: Removal and study of a tissue sample for diagnostic purposes

Description : How we can differentiate the bleeding from artery and vein?

Last Answer : By the colour of the blood which is bleeding. 

Description : How we can differentiate the bleeding from artery and vein?  

Last Answer : By the colour of the blood which is bleeding.  

Description : Cyanosis caused by mitral insufficiency is typically associated with C A. Pulmonary vein thrombi B. Pulmonary artery emboli C. Pulmonary edema D. None of these

Last Answer : Pulmonary edema

Description : In which point, pulmonary artery is different from pulmonary vein? (a) Its lumen is broad. (b) Its wall is thick. (c) It has valves. (d) It does not possess endothelium.

Last Answer : (b) Its wall is thick.

Description : Difference between pulmonary artery and pulmonary vein is that, the pulmonary artery has (a) no endothelium (b) valves (c) thicker walls (d) oxygenated blood.

Last Answer : (c) thicker walls

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Last Answer : (c) D - Pulmonary vein-Takes oxygenated blood to heart, pO2 = 95 mmHg

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Last Answer : (a) C - Vena cava - Takes blood from body parts to right auricle, pCO2 = 45 mm Hg

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Last Answer : (a) more than that in the pulmonary vein

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Last Answer : A. Prevention of leg vein thrombosis in eld

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Last Answer : a

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Last Answer : ANSWER: A

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Last Answer : ANSWER: C

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Last Answer : Aorta

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Last Answer :  Pulmonary vein

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Last Answer : Most patients go to rehab after a cardiac incident. Heart surgery (and heart attack) takes a lot out of a patient and it takes time to recover and achieve a satisfactory level of activity as well ... , left to rehab on their own, would not follow the program, which would lead to more difficulties.

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Last Answer : Ninja Scroll.

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Last Answer : answer:

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Last Answer : One: We pray to God to heal you . Two: There is no difficulty in not fasting the month of Ramadan due to illness. Then, if you are able to fast, then make up the fast of this month. And if ... So that there is no beetir (odd), since there is no beetir prayer except at night. Allah is All-Knowing.

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Last Answer : Feel Free to Answer

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Last Answer : A vein in rock is a line that contains another mineral besidesthe larger percentage of what the rock is made up of. A vein, forexample, could be a vein of coal in a coal mine. Coal is extractedout of the rock.

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Last Answer : Need answer

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Last Answer : A vein in rock is a line that contains another mineral besidesthe larger percentage of what the rock is made up of. A vein, forexample, could be a vein of coal in a coal mine. Coal is extractedout of the rock.

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Last Answer : DefinitionVein stripping is surgery to remove varicose veins in the legs.Alternative NamesVein stripping with ligation, avulsion, or ablation; Saphenous vein ligationDescriptionVaricose veins are swollen, ... either:General anesthesia and will be unconscious and unable to feel pain.Spinal anesthes

Description : Renal vein thrombosis?

Last Answer : DefinitionRenal vein thrombosis is a blood clot that develops in the vein that drains blood from the kidney.Alternative NamesClot in the renal vein; Occlusion - renal veinCauses, incidence, and ... specific problem, but may indicate nephrotic syndrome or other causes of renal vein thrombosis.Abdom

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Last Answer : Whether you suffer from varicose veins, spider veins, or otherkinds of vein problems, you will want to know about the kind ofvein treatment that will work for you. The first stop for thisinformation is your ... to stop the blood from flowing the way it is supposed toflow, and it begins to pool