Which of the following is not a genetically modifed plant?

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Answer :

Which of the following is not a genetically modifed plant?

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Description : How hard would it be to genetically engineer a plant whose fruit are actually made out of meat?

Last Answer : Let's ignore water and broad brush the chemistry to do a sense check. All Plant structures are basically 3 main components: cellulose, hemi-cellulose and lignin. The ratios vary to form leaves, trees, ... . It wold need to be rich in oils like jatropha or olive. Thanks for the thought starter.

Description : Golden rice is a genetically modified crop plant where the incorporated gene is meant for biosynthesis of (a) omega 3 (b) vitamin A (c) vitamin B (d) vitamin C.

Last Answer : (b) vitamin A

Description : How many different types of genetically different gametes will be produced by a heterozygous plant having the genotype AABbCc? (a) Six (b) Nine (c) Two (d) Four

Last Answer : (d) Four

Description : 16.Golden rice is a genetically modified plant where the incorporated gene is meant for the biosynthesis of (a)Vitamin A (b)Vitamin B (c)Vitamin C (d)Omega 3

Last Answer : ANS.(A) Vitamin A

Description : What is a genetically modified organism (GMO)?

Last Answer : A genetically modified organism (GMO) is an organism that has been genetically engineered to contain one or more genes from another organism, or to have its own genes modified, with the goal of enhancing its traits or functions.

Description : Is it possible to genetically engineer a tapeworm that is beneficial for weight loss, without the usual negative symptoms?

Last Answer : What traits would you engineer for? Just Google “tapeworm diet” and lots of info comes up with delightful details. :-)

Description : When does GMO (Genetically Modified Organism) become a non-GMO?

Last Answer : Monsanto and others produce seeds that supposedly do not reproduce on their own. It is a bit like crossing a horse with a donkey to produce mules. The mules are sterile. Seed manufacturer do ... replanted the seeds from crops they liked and discarded plants that did not do well in their climate.

Description : What would be some possible effects, positive or negative, on life expectancy, if you genetically altered humans and animals to be able to digest and incorporate plastic into their physical makeup?

Last Answer : Erections lasting longer than 4 hours?

Description : Would it be immoral to enslave someone, that was genetically engineered to want to be a slave?

Last Answer : Creating a genetically engineered underclass would be immoral.

Description : Would you stock your fish tank with genetically altered "Glofish"?

Last Answer : Yes, and I’d replace the water with clear silicone.

Description : Could Republicans be androids, cyborgs, or genetically engineered humans?

Last Answer : D. They are selfish, greedy, hypocritical bags of shit.

Description : Are Replicants androids, cyborgs, or genetically engineered humans?

Last Answer : They are not humans, they are not grown, they are manufactured. They were designed to be used as slaves, so it didn’t “become legal”; it was never illegal in the first place. But that is why they were to be used on distant planets, not on earth.

Description : Technology and the world of tomorrow, a split society between those genetically enhanced to be stronger and smarter, and those born without enhancements, what is there to complain about?

Last Answer : With luck, we won’t be around to see it.

Description : Would the US be happier if future females could be genetically created not to have nipples until seven months pregnant?

Last Answer : I think you're focusing the solution on the wrong side of the issue. The nipple-phobes need to deal with their issues. The fact that they overly sexualize nipples is not anyone's problem but ... Women have nipples they provide milk to our babies. Somehow the first world seems to have forgotten that.

Description : So if one man sired two separate children, to twin sisters, would the children be more like siblings genetically?

Last Answer : answer:If the sisters are identical twins then the children are genetically full siblings. If twin men and twin women have children together as separate couples, the children are full siblings genetically.

Description : Could physical attributes be genetically-linked to heritable health issues?

Last Answer : Genetics trump looks. It’s all in the DNA, and while physical attributes are hereditary as well it is going to be the underlying genetics that predispose one to certain conditions, not the physical appearance. I look more like my dad but inherited my mothers kidney condition.

Description : What are the obstacles to overcome to genetically engineer a biological radio communication system?

Last Answer : Even if you have a transmitter, you need a receiver and an antenna. That implies a tuner, and one needs to be able to select a specific transmission from all those around you, otherwise ... in Manhattan would be overwhelming. And real telepathy would need to be able to transmit over distance.

Description : GMO (Genetically Modified) Foods? What's the deal?

Last Answer : Obviously I don’t get out much. What is GMO foods?

Description : Would you eat genetically modified (or engineered) salmon?

Last Answer : Although, I don't think the fish would harm me, I am against what it does to the fish. I would try to avoid it like I avoid veal, because from a humane standpoint it upsets me. Same with ... can barely stand up because of it. I need to research that more. Probably I am eating those chickens.

Description : Who is the New York Times columnist who writes about Genetically Modified Foods (GMOs)and the like?

Last Answer : Mark Bittman?

Description : If ape chromosomes 2 and 3 were not fused in humans, do you think that humans could genetically interbreed with chimpanzees?

Last Answer : Trying to figure out why they would do that

Description : Are you aware and concerned about Monsanto's attempt to force us all to eat Genetically Modified food?

Last Answer : answer:Check out Food Inc for some awful Monsanto practices. I don’t think there is sufficient evidence to be concerned about the food’s safety.

Description : Are you genetically-closer to your cousin(s) or your niece(s)/nephew(s)?

Last Answer : Depends, are we assuming you and your sibling have the same parents and that you parent and their sibling have the same parents?

Description : If it were scientifically possible to determine that your unborn child had an 87% chance at becoming a psychopath, but you had the option of genetically correcting it, would you do it?

Last Answer : What are the list of things that could potentially go wrong with the experimental procedure? That would have a lot of weight in my decision.

Description : Scientifically or genetically speaking, is it possible to gain "super/powers"?

Last Answer : None of the super powers depicted in comic book superheroes are realistic or even physically plausible, other than exceptional strength and speed such as we see in acrobatic athletes. No amount of genetic ... will give you x-ray vision, make you invisible, able to leap tall buildings, or fly.

Description : Someone aged at least 30+ claimed to have been genetically modified at birth - was that possible?

Last Answer : Hardly. The technology didn’t exist at that time.

Description : Why be against genetically altered/enhanced fruits and vegetables if you are onboard with human stem cells?

Last Answer : answer:Two words: organ damage Also, GMOs actually produce less. Genetically modified foods also do not have more vitamins. You want higher nutrient density? That’s what heirlooms have been bred for for generations.

Description : What does science have to say about some people being genetically inferior to other people?

Last Answer : answer:If you're referring to the superiority or inferiority of an ethnic or racial group see the link. There is ample historical and scientific proof that this is bunk. If you're referring to ... ? Would there be anyone left willing to do the mundane tasks AND find satisfaction in doing so?

Description : Genetically modified food producers don't want it to be labelled 'GMO' (or should it be 'GMF') Where are you on this issue?

Last Answer : answer:a) Not that they're questionable, just that consumers freak out about it. Like how nuclear magnetic resonance got renamed magnetic resonance because people get creeped out by the word nuclear. b) I ... 't mean it's not there. For what it's worth, I have no problem with GM products.

Description : Are you eating Genetically modified food?

Last Answer : Almost all corn produced in the states is genetically modified to resist pest. So the gm corn has it’s own insecticide built in.

Description : Is it possible to be more genetically related to an aunt than a parent?

Last Answer : This does a good job of explaining the answer to your question. Basically, everyone has two sets of genes from their parents. When we reproduce, we pass half of them. But we don't know which half. So ... of time the coin gets flipped, the average works out to about half of one, half of the other.

Description : Is it possible that identical twins are genetically superior beings?

Last Answer : Sometimes I wonder the same. As the stepmother of twins I find it remarkable how in sync they are – like a sixth sense that is definitely unique to twins. Makes you curious.

Description : What if, today, it was discovered that one race was genetically superior to another?

Last Answer : I already am physically inferior to almost everyone. Nothing would change.

Description : "Is Genetically Engineering Animals To Not Feel Pain Really the Solution to Factory Farming?"?

Last Answer : Factory farming is not sustainable – eventually we will not be able to engineer our way around the truth.

Description : How do you feel about genetically modified foods?

Last Answer : I don’t think about it. Ever.

Description : Green human beings without the need for food and agriculture - How realistic are genetically engineered posthumans relying on photosynthesis?

Last Answer : Would we have to stand in dirt all day, get covered in animal shit and not move?

Description : If someone learns something, can it be passed down genetically to their offspring?

Last Answer : The Goa’uld pass down knowledge to their offspring. In the real world, that doesn’t happen

Description : What you will do if you were genetically changed?

Last Answer : Wouldn't the first thing to do be find out what the special power is? edit: Things I'd do, depending on my superpower: - Save a bunch of gas by flying to school - Check out the girls' lockerroom ... up - Go to vegas and get rich - Become an $8/minute psychic - Become one very lucky pair of panties

Description : Do genetically-modified foods have a negative effect on human health?

Last Answer : All foods have been genetically modified over history. Before we could raise plants in agriculture, we had to domesticate them from their wild ancestors. (Compare corn to teosinte, its wild ancestor). Now, ... blowing in the wind). And any crop or food source needs to be tested for human safety.

Description : Are those terrorists genetically defective, under the influence of a virus, or what?

Last Answer : They are just very angry, very misguided people, some of whom believe so strongly in an after-life and that what they are doing is right that they truly believe blowing themselves will reward them in the next life. Fucking losers, lol

Description : If genetically engineered humans were legalized, would you?

Last Answer : Maybe give myself red hair if I could change something on me. But honestly, yeah, I might guarantee intelligence and a predisposition to a healthy weight. The way I see it, it’s just active, conscious evolution. As for gender, no, I don’t care. :)

Description : Why would one twin excel in a sport yet the other be quite the opposite considering they are genetically identical in every way?

Last Answer : it goes back to the nature vs nurture debate. How much of what we do is based on genetics and how much is based on events that happen to us. They may be genetically similar but they no doubt have different personalities and interest.

Description : All of us 6.8 billion people on Earth are almost identical genetically - If more people were aware of this, would this replace racism with justice?

Last Answer : You’d think so but politics has a way of reinforcing xenophobia.

Description : Is there value in resisting a new technology (genetically modified foods, for instance), which, while potentially harmful in the short term, could save millions of lives in the future?

Last Answer : There’s really no point of resisting anything. If it happens it will happen.

Description : Presumably you are familiar with the fable of the frog and the scorpion....so how come we are loaning money to a class of people who are genetically programed to sting us?

Last Answer : The dream I had last night was about whether or not American car companies would get stimulus monies or not. This afternoon my mom tells me how it went down and my hopes for viable business sifting to the top, re structuring so workers could go where better needed, the hope died.

Description : is bipolar disorder genetically transferred to offspring?

Last Answer : It can be. Mental illness, as a whole tends to "run in families". But then you have the family member who is totally sane, in the midst of madness. NAMI.com can give you many answers

Description : Is genetically modified food actually harmful?

Last Answer : I don’t think there’s enough fact to provide an answer one way or another. This has been an ongoing debate. If it’s proven that they are safe, genetically modded foods could take over the industry. I think if you do find facts, the origin of those facts needs to be closely examined. Good luck!

Description : Is genetically modified meat sold in the US?

Last Answer : While I can't answer that question honestly, I do know that the beef and chicken here are fed copious amounts of genetically modified corn. While the modifications aren't particularly bad for the animals ... also have a terrible time digesting corn as their only food source in the wild are grasses.

Description : If we did a "Noah" project today, what would happen genetically?

Last Answer : answer:Oh I think there would be all sorts of problems! There would be a higher risk of genetic disorders. Also I think we would end up losing species because you couldn't guarantee that all the ... reproduce. This is a good question, I'm looking forward to seeing what everyone else has to say.

Description : A woman has only daughters. Analyse the situation genetically and provide a suitable explanation. -Biology

Last Answer : Women contain two X chromosomes where men contain one X and one Y chromosome. Therefore, a female produces gametes that are all of the identical kind and only add in one chromosome to the ... woman has only daughters because only the sperms having the X chromosome fertilized the ovum each time.