How to deal with difficult officemates?

1 Answer

Answer :

I know most people who are working offline jobs can easily relate with this. I don't there is any working place that don't have difficult-to-deal-with people. Apparently, they are every where in work places. And they are those people that are into office politics. They love to gossip, backbite and they take delight in slandering other people's names that don't do what they are into. And at times, they are the old staff in those work places. Funny enough, I have found myself in situation like this, and it wasn't one or two places but as many as I can remember. And from what I have deduced about myself, is that I am the type easy love by many, but easily hated by those who wants me to live according to their own expectations. And I am not the type that compromise on my values just to be accepted by people. How did I manage to deal with these difficult officemates that don't like my guts? Honestly, I tried not to give them undue prominence by not dignifying what they say about me. I also try as much as possible, we don't have any form of altercation like exchanging of words or insulting ourselves. I respect myself which automatically would cause them to respect me, and I do same to them. If there's a task that needs to be done as a team, I ensure they don't become a clog in my wheel in doing my own bit in ensuring the task is successful.

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