How to fix toys that has battery rust damage?

1 Answer

Answer :

The best option for this is to remove the coil, clean it and but it back. Most coils usually twist out. If they are beyond repair, Amazon is a great  place to find replacements.

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Last Answer : use sevin available in the lawn & garden the directions well I am not sure you have the plant or if this is a vine. use gloves, old long clothes, goggles and mask. Keep children & pets away until dry, be sure to get both sides, use a fly squatter to move the leaves.

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Last Answer : I don't like to use chemicals on food......after the sun goes down mix 1 teasp of liquid hand soap & 1 qt water, mix & spray............might need to repeat.

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Last Answer : An Icicle.

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Last Answer : An icicle.