How to deal with negative people which are very close to you.?

1 Answer

Answer :

How to deal with negative people who are very close to you: 1. Never assume. Ask them if you really want to know the answer. Since you are really close to them, it is likely that they are comfortable with sharing personal details, thoughts, or opinions about different matters. Also, contrary to the popular belief, the way a negative person thinks is highly unpredictable so to stay safe from misunderstandings, never assume. 2. Mean what you say. Do not make promises that you can't keep. Do not sugarcoat anything. Do not assure them about something that you are not sure of. Just tell them what you can do to help them or what you can do that they will appreciate at the moment. Also, whenever you make a promise that you will be there to support them, make sure that you will do it. 3. Show don't tell. When the negative person is having a problem, act on the solution and instead of telling him or her that there is a way to solve the problem, show how you are solving it. This will most likely result to a long-term change in their point-of-view.

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