In your own perspective, would you accept a position you are overqualified for?

1 Answer

Answer :

When I am told to choose between those two positions I would choose that  i qualified and I like the job it doesn't matter as love I love what I am doing I am fine with that.

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Last Answer : TRAPS: The employer may be concerned that you'll grow dissatisfied and leave. BEST ANSWER: As with any objection, don't view this as a sign of imminent defeat. It's an invitation to teach the ... reassure him that you're looking to stay for the long-term will help you overcome this objection.  

Description : Are you overqualified for this job?

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Last Answer : The simple fact of the matter is that only so much can be blamed on something other than the mechanics of fork-to-mouth. You don’t become 300 lbs overweight by catching a bug.

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Last Answer : Just_Justine Titles like this irritate me too. I’m not a part of the lesbian community, though I did have a girlfriend for about 18 months. Fifty or sixty copies of this book would make a nice fire.

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Last Answer : becase you get an Mariner award and a message in the Community Feed and more people can see the results…its a public milestone… congrats for reaching (6132) lurve

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Last Answer : I’m sure that it has something to do with the fact that the moon is very far away, and how your eye perceives the light. I don’t think the specific phenomenon you describe has anything to do with the surface. Oh here is an explanation that seems reasonable. Great question.

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Last Answer : I think it is mostly used as perspective on…

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Last Answer : Only if we use it in wise way.

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Last Answer : I’d say when you have made some kind of a meaningful connection with a person. Like they would automatically be there for you when there’s something wrong, Whereas an acquaintance is like someone you would give small talk to.

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Last Answer : There is no way you would live a 100% comfortable life completely on your own with 28–32k a year. You will be able to still have a social life here and there, but there will be times when you will hit a bump. BEST thing to do is continue going to school and maybe a better job will come up from it.

Description : What is your opinion on my perspective of love?

Last Answer : I say I love you to people all the time, but as a girl, I probably get far less shit for it than you. I haven’t thought about it much, but I bet that’s why. I think you have a lovely view on things.

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Last Answer : Yes, an outside perspective is always good. The question is whether you actually follow the advice (most normal people don’t).

Description : How good are you at seeing things from someone else's perspective?

Last Answer : oh my! I get in a lot of trouble for this because if someone is arguing I try to present each other’s points so they understand where each individual is coming from… it doesn’t work out so well because they end up getting mad at me because there is no grey there is only black and white.

Description : Are there any website that will put in perspective how much electricity costs?

Last Answer : If you want real numbers you need to figure it out with your own data. Electricity costs vary a lot. Places in CA can be as high as $0.25 per kWh (kilo watt hour) to very low in some ... Your A/C has to work harder to get rid of the heat from the appliance. But that is another discussion.

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Last Answer : Bee movie

Description : In which type of projection, actual dimensions and angles of objects andtherefore shapes cannot be preserved? a.Orthographic b.Isometric c.Perspective d.None of the above

Last Answer : c.Perspective

Description : Which co-ordinates allow common vector operations such as translation, rotation,scaling and perspective projection to be represented as a matrix by which the vector is multiplied? a.vector co-ordinates b.3D co-ordinates c.affine co-ordinates d.homogenous co-ordinates

Last Answer : d.homogenous co-ordinates

Description : What is meant by development ? What is the geographer’s perspective to development ? -Geography

Last Answer : Development implies overall improvement in economic, social and political conditions of a society. It is not only area-specific but also time-specific. Geographer's conceptualization of ... integrating discipline and offers a unique synthesis of development of natural and human resources.

Description : Why is time frozen from light's perspective? -Physics

Last Answer : Time is not frozen from light's perspective, because light does not have a perspective. There is no valid reference frame in which light is at rest. This statement is not a minor issue that can ... that actually exist, light travels through space and time in a normal way just like any other object.