Which training styles are most effective for the athletes?

1 Answer

Answer :

An athlete needs fitness and endurance (only for medium and long runs). It depends on what specific category he is looking for (i.e, short distance, medium distance, and long-distance). An athlete must take up the routine of different combinational pieces of training for each day up to 6 days a week. Most importantly, he has to develop strength in his legs and the core part of the body. Exercising on abs must be done each day. Weight training is recommended on each alternative day. This is in general for all the athletic programs. Specific sets of training routines largely depend on the category for which one wants to compete.  

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Last Answer : I guarantee it.

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Last Answer : Diapers

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Last Answer : Chemist or a Doctor is what you need , not Fluther.com .

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Last Answer : You’d be cranky too if your testicles were shrinking.

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Last Answer : answer:lots of practice and filtering out all of the crap. but, not all pro athletes are able to repress their emotions look at the NBA, NFL, MLB they have their share of angry athletes. but i ... sensation goes away and you're more confident than before. pretty soon it's just part of your life.

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Last Answer : I think they would. Its an easy job that allows travel. I would do it in an instant. I think if you tried to do this now, they’d all tell you to F-off, then get their bodyguards to body slam and throw you outside.

Description : Do Olympic athletes get paid?

Last Answer : Great question. I’d like to know the answer too.

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Last Answer : Who says money is a quantified token of value?

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Last Answer : I’m not sure there’s a minimum age; on the opening ceremony one of the former eastern-block countries (can’t remember) had a 14 year-old. Curious.

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Last Answer : answer:pretty simple, you start doing something, let’s take swimming for example, you get good, you start doing competitions, you get first place a lot, you get noticed, you get signed, you get into the olympics that’s it in a nutshell