Common sense?

1 Answer

Answer :

Don't respond and focus on yourself or behave like they do and see how they react, keep your phone music player on with earpiece so that you can enjoy listening instead of stress.

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Last Answer : 1. This bill would ban vote-by-mail ballots from being sent out to all residents, making it so only voters who request a ballot would receive one. Th bill would require a voter request each year, ... no reason not to do that. I don't know the details of point 3, which seems unclearly worded.

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Last Answer : Context is everything. For example, in that other question, if “right” doesn’t mean “not left” then “correct” only applies as a moral judgement because the. Ircumstance doesn’t have a “correct” answer, as it’s a matter of personal choice.

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Last Answer : I believe that common sense is one of the writes to maturity.

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Last Answer : If someone says you are disagreeing when you are actually in agreement, my first inclination would be to tell you to explain why you feel the way you do. Is this a general communication problem? Could you give a specific example? That may help to clarify things.

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Last Answer : answer: common sense tells us that there's a first time for everything, right? Not sure I agree with this, as a kid growing up I was always out for adventures and I learned valuable experiences that ... can simplify what you're asking? I'm really just trying to feel this question out at this point

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Last Answer : Common sense is the ability to make a rational judgement based on the facts or perception of the facts in a given situation.

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Last Answer : answer:But he didn't buy an automatic rifle. Those are as heavily regulated as prescription drugs. They run background checks on people buying guns, you know. If you've been deemed nuttier than a ... and I supply about three thousand dinners a week. Nobody ever seems to worry about that, though.

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Last Answer : Paranoia. But I want my daughter to do it.

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Last Answer : Increasing tax rates doesn’t always increase tax revenues. A lower tax rate can often generate the same revenue as a high tax rate. Voodoo econmics.

Description : Common sense?

Last Answer : That would presuppose it is entirely a genetic trait. I don’t believe that it is.

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Last Answer : Yeah. I always take those restrictors out when I buy a new shower head. Bad me…

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Last Answer : To my ears, he made a lot of sense, and he wasn’t offensive at all.

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Last Answer : It’s a bit late really isn’t?

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Last Answer : Of course, but it so rarely does. For example: OJ Simpson was found not guilty.

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Last Answer : Sometimes it’s good, sometimes it’s bad, depending on what you’re referring to?

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Last Answer : answer:Lehman was like the other mortgage investment companies that failed. They bought up a lot of poor risk mortgages. On Sunday afternoons, love to drive around and look at homes! It just blew me away to see so many young people with small children with the huge homes…now, we know why!

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Last Answer : I’ve met plenty of people who have lacked common sense all their lives. So I would have to say the statement is false.

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Last Answer : Have you read any Jane Austen? A lack of common sense has been in the general human DNA for a long, long, long time. Mrs Bennet and Lydia Bennet come to mind.

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Last Answer : very important. my husband is super smart but not alot of common sense and sometimes i want to punch him

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Last Answer : Now that sources are saying they could have prevented the guy from getting on board, I'm all for them even more. I see no problem with them at all. How could they invade someones privacy? ... will see your panties, these same people buy stuff on the internet and risk getting their identity stolen.

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Last Answer : Yes, I do believe that doctors do sometimes lack the common sense needed to do well in their professions. In my case, it was a total lack of bedside manner in my following situation: In ... away and not try to help them answer questions about it or give them any further information whatsoever.

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Last Answer : common sense. you can tell it’s more valuable because it’s so rare.

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Last Answer : Both.

Description : Explain the shared beliefs and common bonds that give rise to a sense of common belonging. -SST 10th

Last Answer : Common bonds that give rise to common belonging are : (i) Experiences of common struggles (against colonialism, against oppression, against poverty caused by a colonial rule). (ii) Through symbols : ... Movement. He tried to forge a sense of unity among the different social groups in India.

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Last Answer : (i) Imagining a heroic past was one way in which the novel helped in popularising the sense of beloging to a common nation. (ii) Another was to include various classes in the novel so ... , heroism, romance and sacrifice. Shivaji became a nationalist figure fighting for the freedom of the Hindus.

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Last Answer : (c) Wisdom is applied knowledge and it has a capacity to choose when and how to use knowledge.

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Last Answer : Need answer

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Last Answer : Thomas Paine wrote in Common Sense that Americans should separate from Great Britain.

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Last Answer : What is the answer ?

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Last Answer : logos

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Last Answer : o convince that colonists to break away from British rule. The more men have to lose, the less willing are they to venture.

Description : Heuristics estimation technique depends on A. educated guess B. prior experience C. Common sense D. All of the above

Last Answer : D. All of the above

Description : The aim of Romanticism, a cultural movement, was: a. To create a sense of shared collective heritage, a common cultural past, as the basis of the nation b. Glorification of science and reason c. To focus on emotions, intuitions and mystical feeling d. Both A and C

Last Answer : d. Both A and C

Description : “Common Sense” suggested: (a) Reconciliation with England (b) Commonwealth Status with England (c) Protest against Parliament (d) Rebellion against the King

Last Answer : (d) Rebellion against the King

Description : A digital investigator pursuing a line of investigation in a case because that line of Investigation proved successful in two previous cases is an example of: a. Logical reasoning b. Common sense c. Preconceived theory d. Investigator’s intuition

Last Answer : c. Preconceived theory

Description : The English word ‘Communication’ is derived from the words (A) Communis and Communicare (B) Communist and Commune (C) Communism and Communalism (D) Communion and Common sense

Last Answer : (A) Communis and Communicare