Ever since we have plastic windows with a battered hut so it started to do mold in the corners and fog the windows. When we had old wooden windows, it was no problem.

1 Answer

Answer :

Hello, you need to measure humidity and temperature. Correction will then be addressed accordingly.

Related questions

Description : When our apartment was insulated, mold started to form at the ceiling and new windows fogged. Is there anything you can do about it?

Last Answer : Old windows did not seal so much it is clear. I recommend ventilating a lot and reducing sources of humidity. Reduce the number of flowers in the apartment, do not dry clothes at home, etc.

Description : Should my apartment complex provide results from a mold test?

Last Answer : Yes, it is important for a renter to have any information that could affect their health. A renter has the right to know if the apartment complex passed inspection. how do i get rid of black mold in the shower area

Description : I think I have mold in my apartment. How can I find out for sure Frank?

Last Answer : Contact your landlord and have the landlord taken a look. Go from there tell him or her you want professionals to check it out.

Description : Why don't dogs have dew claws on their back feet?

Last Answer : Because they don’t. I doubt it was a determining survival trait.

Description : Any idea why my dog's dew claws are "peeling"?

Last Answer : It's fairly normal for dewclaw nails to peel. Since they don't touch the ground and get worn down like the rest of the claws, the layers tend to build up more than normal (it's just layers of ... regularly - in severe cases, we've actually seen the nail grow all the way around and into the pad.

Description : For orchid owners, how have you dealt with scale and sticky honey dew on a dendrobium orchid?

Last Answer : answer:I take it is caused by aphids? Can you get some lady bugs? Put it outside and let some lady bugs loose. Sounds like it may be greenfly, one website suggested this: Sulphur/fatty acids, insecticidal soap, Dimethoate, Malathion

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Last Answer : beautiful lady rested after her morning jog, waiting for me to return from my morning journeys. I knew I was loved and cherished so much. I went to her on bent knee and professed my eternal love.

Description : What do you think of the newest round of Mountain Dew flavors?

Last Answer : answer:I don’t really like any of them enough to continue to purchase them, but my favorite is Typhoon. It kind of tastes like Hawaiian Punch soda. White Out is pretty much just like Sprite or Sierra Mist. Distortion, I think, has too much of a lime flavor. And is just kind of weird overall.

Description : Whats worse for your body a starbuck's caramel latte or diet mt dew?

Last Answer : Just look at the nutritional information for the drinks. While one can argue that the aspartame in diet drinks is bad, I believe the calorie contents are more important here. Hands down, without having read their nutritional infos, Starbucks will be worse for you than a diet drink.

Description : Other than looks, is there a reason to have my dog's dew claws removed?

Last Answer : Yeah, but I don’t know why. It was because there were too many typos, but there weren’t. Anyway, I’d like some input, got any?

Description : What's your favorite new Mountain Dew?

Last Answer : I think they are gross. Traditional Dew is the Dew to Do. Sorry.

Description : What "flavor" is Mountain Dew?

Last Answer : Is YUCK a flavor? :)

Description : Does consuming Mountain Dew/Swedish Fish really lower sperm count?

Last Answer : No but wearing tight pants will

Description : Hoe do I get rid of Dew worms in my lawn

Last Answer : Dealing with Them Underneath the casting mounds, dew worms' extensive tunnels can dip several meters below the surface. This inaccessibility, combined with their creepy size, makes them very hard to kill ... won't eliminate them. It is definitely not safe for animals, children, or pregnant women.

Description : How do I get rid of dew worms

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : Will Golden Dew Drops cling to a chain-link fence and eventually cover it?

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : when is the rite time to pick a honey dew from the stem?

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : How do know when a honey dew melon is ripe

Last Answer : The stem where it joins the melon will turn brown.

Description : how do I know when the honey dew melon is ripe?

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : Can I touch green bean plants when wet with dew?

Last Answer : Yes but why would you want to wait until the plants are dry before picking beans

Description : how do i know when to harvest honey dew melons

Last Answer : A honey dew skin will get slightly sticky when ripe. Open hand a melon like you would holding a basket ball with one hand and draw you finger tips across the melon. If there is friction and your finger don't slide off easy it is probably ripe. Practice on grocery food store melons.

Description : How can I get rid of dew worms from my lawn?

Last Answer : This are also known as night crawlers. Some people make a business out of this selling it to fisherman. If you don't water your lawn for a couple of days......they will go lower in the ground. ... really are good for the garden just too many of them makes a mess. Encourage the birds to eat them.

Description : What is Water vapour beyond the dew point? -Do You Know?

Last Answer : answer:

Description : On two consecutive mornings the temperature is 17C. On one morning there is a heavy dew, but on the other morning there is no dew.Explain this occurrence?

Last Answer : One has humidity the other one doesn't

Description : What is meant by humidity and dew point ?

Last Answer : Humidity in daily life means relative humidity. Relative humidity is the partial pressure of water vapor in the air of a particular place and the saturated vapor pressure of water vapor at that ... that temperature, the water vapor in the air then turns into dew This temperature is dew point

Description : Why cloudless nights are better for dew deposits than cloudy nights ?

Last Answer : During the day, the sun's heat keeps the air near the surface warm and unsaturated by water vapor. On a cloudless night, the surface radiates heat and cools, eventually reaching a temperature when the air ... from the surface. As a result, the surface does not get cold and dew does not freeze.

Last Answer : Dew is the point where water accumulates on grass , plants etc. at night.

Last Answer : You can use the skin shine cream , hopefully the acne scars will go away very soon.

Last Answer : Dew Of name Money Water particles.

Description : What happens its dew point as an air mass increases in temperature?

Last Answer : As an air mass increases in temperature it's dew point falls(becomes a smaller number)

Description : What is the dew-point when the dry bulb temperature is 20C and the relative humidity is 17?

Last Answer : at 17% relative humidity the dew point is -5.8C at a dry bulb of20C

Description : What would happen to the height of a cloud base if the dew point temperature or lower?

Last Answer : Need answer

Description : What are dew point sensors used for?

Last Answer : dew point sensors are used for very accurate measurement of relative humidity and temperature and also used fot the calculation of dewpoint temperature and absolute humidity.

Description : What has to happen for Condensation to occur in nature air must be cooled to its dew point and there must be some kind of solid surface present true or false?

Last Answer : 1

Description : What relationship would you expect to find between the air temperature and dew point temperature at ground level if an area is covered in fog?

Last Answer : The relationship that you expect to find between the air temperature and dew point temperature at ground level if the area is covered by fog is the temperatures of th air and the dew point would be very close in value.

Description : For the study of climate which of the following is not relevant? (a) Flash point (b) Steenson screen (c) Dew point (d) Hygrogram

Last Answer : Ans: (a)

Description : When dew point la reached it is said that at that temperature (a) the atmosphere is said to be saturated with water vapour (b) the relative humidity of the atmosphere is 100% (c) the atmosphere can hold no more water vapour (d) All the above

Last Answer : Ans: (a)

Description : Pusa delicious, Pusa majesty, CO-3 and Coorg honew dew are

Last Answer : Ans. Gynodioecious varieties

Description : Ear showing honey dew symptoms is characteristic feature of

Last Answer : Ans. Grain smut of bajra

Description : In psychrometric chart, dew point temperature lines are A. horizontal B. vertical C. curved D. straight lines slopping downwards to the right

Last Answer : ANSWER : A

Description : The dew point is the: a. Dry bulb temperature on a psychrometer b. Temperature at which water vapour will start to be absorbed into the air c. Temperature below which water vapour will start to ... vapour will start to condense out of the air e. Temperature at which water will start to evaporate

Last Answer : Answer: C

Description : Wet-bulb temperature is: a. The temperature indicated by a thermometer whose bulb covered by a water-wetted wick and exposed to a rapidly moving stream of air b. The same as the dry-bulb ... point temperature d. Always less than the dry-bulb temperature e. Not required to find the relative humidity

Last Answer : Answer: A

Description : A device for measuring relative humidity is called: a. A dew point analyzer b. An R. H. gauge c. An aspirating gauge d. A psychrometer e. A chronometer

Last Answer : Answer: D

Description : Dry-bulb temperature is: a. The absolute temperature corresponding to the atmospheric pressure b. The same as the wet-bulb temperature if the relative humidity is less than 100% c. Not required ... d. The temperature of the air measured with an ordinary thermometer e. The dew point temperature

Last Answer : Answer: D

Description : Dew point can be best defined as the: a. Absolute temperature at which air, upon heating, will evaporate moisture b. . Percentage of moisture that air can hold at a given temperature ... to condense should the temperature drop further e. . Atmospheric pressure at which air will condense moisture

Last Answer : Answer: D

Description : At 100% relative humidity, the wet bulb temperature is A. lower than the dew point temperature B. higher than the dew point temperature C. equal to the dew point temperature D. none of the above

Last Answer : ANSWER : C

Description : The dew point temperature is less than the wet bulb temperature for A. saturated air B. unsaturated air C. both saturated and unsaturated air D. none of the above

Last Answer : ANSWER : B

Description : What is the perfect condition for dehumidification of air? A. air is heated above its dew point temperature B. air is cooled up to its dew point temperature C. air is heated below its dew point temperature D. air is cooled below its dew point temperature

Last Answer : ANSWER : D

Description : When the dew point temperature is equal to the air temperature then the relative humidity is A. 0% B. 50% C. 100% D. unpredictable

Last Answer : ANSWER : C

Description : A Mixture of dry air and water,the formation of fog starts when, A. air temperature is equal to the dew point temperature B. air temperature is greater than the dew point temperature C. both a. and b. D. none of the above

Last Answer : ANSWER : A