How many years is it ourajt?

1 Answer

Answer :

What is "ourajt" ??? : DA what "peeing" do you mean? - in diapers, without diapers, during the day, at night ??? Normal and healthy babies with diapers end sometimes between 1 and 3 years.

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Last Answer : Sending this on to @syz.

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Last Answer : Does he have a litter box?

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Last Answer : answer:Do you have a litter box? A kitten that young is like a baby and does not have the control to hold it. Make a litter box out of a small shoebox and take the kitten to it often, or ... the bathroom for awhile between playing with it. He/she should be using the box well within just a few days.

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Last Answer : You could buy a can of Cat Repellent, I recommend Lambert Kay Boundary Indoor/Outdoor Cat Repellent. Just spay it daily around your furnace and hopefully your cat will leave the area alone. It worked great on my cats, but some people have stingy cats.

Description : Cat peeing on the bed... again... only this time, I'm sleeping in it.

Last Answer : answer:Cats will do anything and trying to understand them is hard so if their behaviour matters you should strernly adress them or move them away from your bed when you see them get near it. All they ... do it immidiately after. Worked on our cat when he was still a kitten after only one try.

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Last Answer : Try completely (avoid anything with a strong smell) cleaning and refilling the box with the usual litter. The new stuff may have had a smell, or even texture that the cat didn't like. Some are very ... Most do not like change and can get upset when things are suddenly not to their liking. Good luck!

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Last Answer : I sprinkle peppers (like from a pizza place) in my plants and it seems to keep the cats away. Or you could plant some catnip in a far corner of your yard to divert their attention.

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Last Answer : Hmm tough choice. If I were in your shoes I would totally keep the cat doing what it's doing - less litter, less smells, and the ammonia in the cat pee might even help to clean the drains. When I get cats ... life are weird. If it saves you effort and you are happy with it, I'd say keep it as is!

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Last Answer : …What happened to him at you friends house?

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Last Answer : What your vet said about UTIs, constipation, and other difficulty voiding is very true. You said that she went in her box for a few days after the last vet visit and now she is at it again she ... with pain that your cat has. Before anything else, though, I would take her back to the vet.

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Last Answer : Not a fan of your daughter? Cats do sometimes pee in places to “get even.” I had a cat once that would pee in my shoes when I left town.

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Last Answer : Lurve for the last topic. I would be sure he does not have a bladder infection as that can cause otherwise housebroken animals to urinate in odd places.

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Last Answer : Is she spayed? If not this is probably the number one reason. She’s letting it be known she’s ‘ready to go’. If she’s already spayed then you need to work on letting her know it’s ok for a new cat to be in her space.

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Last Answer : Yes, if they’re there or on the phone. Great Question Lurve for using the term ‘Pecker’.

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Last Answer : Not sure about this but I was with my five year old great nephew at Disneyland. I took him with me into the Women's room. He puts his hands behind his head and just kind of went everywhere!!! Since I ... him, I'm guessing Dad just lets the thing loose! So, I'll be interested in your answers. :-)

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Last Answer : You have to use a special cleaner that will erase the smell of the urine. Otherwise, they just keep going back, once they start.

Description : Why does my kitten keep peeing on my bed?

Last Answer : Try leaving your kittens outside your bedroom at night, and during the day time close your door to your room. Now if you live in a normal house this shouldn't be a problem as for an apartment ... get rid of it. Hopefully you were writing this all down and paying good attention. Hope this works.

Description : Do you ever flush before you're done peeing and then race to beat the flush?

Last Answer : Of course. Premature Evacuation.

Description : How often does your peeing or pooping not go as planned?

Last Answer : I never plan. I just wing it

Description : What can I do to get my cat to stop peeing on the bed and sheets?

Last Answer : answer:Get the spikey stuff that goes under carpets to hold it in place, and put that on your bed when you're not using it (spikes up). A few weeks of that and she should stop the negative behavior ... Once the problem is gone, you can work on making the bed a snuggling place and not a peeing place.

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Last Answer : I saw something at the store to repel dogs............can't remember the name

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Last Answer : How old is your dog? I don't think he even understood that he was going out to pee, to poop. He takes staying outside as a pleasure and not an obligation to venture out. And he sets ... But urine lasts until about the sixth month of life. Until then, he does not consciously control the sphincter.

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Last Answer : Never trust your health to any answers of strangers, co-workers,a cab driver or the shamen down the street. Unless the advice isGet to a doctor or clinic".

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Last Answer : Answers is the place to go to get the answers you need and to ask the questions you want