We have a tiny puppy. How does a dog learn to hear a name?

1 Answer

Answer :

Keep calling him by the name he should hear and he will learn in time. When he comes to calling, give him a treat!

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Last Answer : Have you tried putting treats on each step?

Description : How do I teach my puppy to come hither?

Last Answer : Start with sit and stay. I start with the length of the leash. When you give the come command give a gentle tug on the leash. Then use a rope for a leash and get the pup to sit and stay up to ... . Eventually, the pup will know that come means to come. I would also use treats when the pup does well.

Description : How do I teach a puppy not to pee on the floor?

Last Answer : Did you get her from a shelter, because my neighbors dog has the same problem. I really dont have an answer, but maybe you can talk to your vet or a trainer. GOOD LUCK!

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Last Answer : Is he a pit bull? “Steeler”, as in Pittsburgh Steeler. “Finch” as in Bullfinch At least he already has a theme song

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Last Answer : It's pretty hard to dislike a Westie, let alone a puppy, for very long. I bet it's just fear of replacement by something so cute, or something like that. It's only been three days. My ... Keep pampering her and go on walks with her etc without the puppy around, keep the food separate, etc.

Description : Does my cat or puppy.... feel love?

Last Answer : They know by instinct the attraction to the leader of the pack, or their mother. Burt they have no concept of “love.”

Description : When looking for a new dog, how can you tell what temperament a puppy is going to have as an adult dog?

Last Answer : answer:Although a puppy will be different in a new home, where it is the only puppy, than with its litter mayes, there are a few things I look for other than OMG FLUFFY CUTENESS. I want one that's ... . :-) Are they looking for any particular breed or size? I wish for them the happiest of puppies!

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Last Answer : answer:You have a puppy and you should not expect overnight miracles with a dog that young. Puppies bite as a way of testing their environment and the others in their pack which includes you and the other ... there I would reward her with a treat. Worked like a charm. Have fun with your new pup!

Description : My 8 month old rottweiler puppy chews everything, how can I stop him?

Last Answer : You cannot stop his chewing, but what you can do is give him something he is allowed to chew - something more tasty and/or interesting than the valuable items you don't want him to destroy. ... you catch him chewing something you don't want destroyed, just redirect his attention to the bone/Kong.

Description : What would be on your list of things to buy for a new puppy?

Last Answer : Food and water dishes harness 6 foot leash training treats kibble or other food healthy age appropriate chews soft toys crate if you don’t have one baby gates if you are not giving him the run of the place

Description : For dog owners, when do you switch your puppy from three to two meals/day?

Last Answer : PS. Close to adult weight, as far as we know.

Description : How old should a puppy be before they can use a Kong?

Last Answer : answer:A Kong cannot be too big. It is important it is big enough, though. The pup can start using a large Kong right away. The question is, rather, up to what age can this puppy use Frodo's Kongs ... dead set on tossing the Kong up and having it land on its head, it needs to be supervised. Hugs.

Description : Do you think I'm in the right place for adopting a puppy?

Last Answer : answer:As far as money, if you can still save while caring for all the typical expenses then I think it's ok. Since you are saving you will be able to pay for an unexpected illness if it happens ... a good judge of how much work another dog will be, so I don't question your judgement regarding that.

Description : Re puppy buying: Does this ring true?

Last Answer : That sounds like a weak excuse. All breeders would be vaccinating for Parvo. I’d want a puppy too, though the dogs that adopted me were amazing.

Description : If you catch your puppy in the act of peeing in the house, is it OK to scold them?

Last Answer : Sending this on to @syz.

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Last Answer : How big is she and how big will she get?

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Last Answer : Jim Carrey. From the Masks Jack Russell terrier.

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Last Answer : They reverse the training. The dog would not know a puppy pad from an expensive rug.

Description : How can I get my puppy to stop biting everyone?

Last Answer : answer:My first recommendation is to find a reputable trainer in your area and sign up for puppy classes. You don't mention if she's biting hands, or people in general. I'm going to assume that she' ... be. (And please don't listen to anyone that suggests that you look to Cesar Milan for guidance.)

Description : Does your female puppy hump when it feels left out or that attention is not focused on it?

Last Answer : I’m told the behavior is an attempt to display authority. Your puppy may be trying to put you in your place.

Description : Our puppy seems a bit sad. Any ideas why?

Last Answer : answer:How much stimulation does she get when you and your husband are home? She needs long leash walks (at least ½ mile or double that). She also needs to run and play in your backyard off leash ... collies are the smartest breed of dog. They were bred as working dogs. They need something to do.

Description : What can I give my puppy to make it gain weight?

Last Answer : answer:If the vet didn’t tell you that the puppy is too thin, let her alone. (Maybe an occasional strip of cooked bacon) but you want her her to mature a little more before fiddling with her normal diet. Simon’s Sister’s Dog I would not recommend this, however.

Description : My puppy seems to be having panic attacks?

Last Answer : Many tricks like puppy xanax or plug in pheremones from mama dogs. Or you can take her with you.

Description : How can I train my puppy to stop peeing in the house?

Last Answer : answer:Persistence. And consistency. It sounds as if you are doing all of the right things. Take her out immediately when you get home and immediately after letting her out of the crate. And remember, at 2 ... , cookies - all of that. If you don't feel ridiculous, then you're not excited enough.).

Description : Are there any home remedies I can use to treat a very itchy puppy?

Last Answer : You can use Neosporin per my vet, I’ve even used calamine a few times, but Neosporin is better. If you continue seeing dandruff and itching after a week, you may need to ask you vet for a special shampoo for dry skin.

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Last Answer : answer:Here are three great places to start. Good luck and always remember. A dog really is a dog.

Description : Why does my puppy go crazy and prance around when I give her a small dog biscuit or little sausage?

Last Answer : Because she is not yet old enough to be blasé.

Description : Traveling with a puppy - hotel stay?

Last Answer : Can you leave him overnight at your vet? That’s what I do when it’s a short trip like this.

Description : Dog owner Q. #1: What do you think of the use of puppy pads?

Last Answer : Crate train, much easier. They learn to go outside, not inside.

Description : How do you get a new family puppy to eat?

Last Answer : Find out what the puppy was eating before they got it. Changes to dog’s diets can take time, and puppy’s especially.

Description : What to do about puppy diarrhea?

Last Answer : answer:First, has she had a parvo shot? Second, puppies can dehydrate really quickly. You need to call your vet.

Description : Issues house training a 7 week old puppy.

Last Answer : answer:Great question! I have two dogs now 8 & 9 that I have had both since they were puppies one since 6weeks (shepardX) and the other (Lab) since 10weeks. I know all about the being separated too early , ... , if you feel better with the pad do it that way. :) Good luck! Congrats on your new bff!

Description : How should I behave around my cat as it adjusts to a new puppy?

Last Answer : From what I've heard, pets tend to adapt to situations better if their humans aren't fretting and nervous, so I would suggest that you try to behave normally around her, petting her as often ... getting all the attention he usually got. She then paid more attention to him and everything was alright.

Description : I want to install Puppy Linux on an old laptop that is otherwise useless. Will uninstalling Windows make it faster?

Last Answer : Did you actually install it to the hard drive or are you running it from a CD/DVD?

Description : At what age should a puppy be spayed?

Last Answer : When my dog was a puppy my vet reccommended letting her go into season at least once, which is usually at around six months. I understand that it helps decrease the risk of certain types of cancer (though I can’t remember which – it was a long time ago).

Description : I cannot housetrain my 8 month puppy. How can I do this?

Last Answer : I think Italian Greyhounds are very energetic high maintanence dogs, but I’ll have to look that up. He may need more room and activity and this might be messing with him a bit.

Description : How do I get my puppy to eat out of his bowl?

Last Answer : answer:Does it move or make a noise when he touches it? Is it too deep or too large or too small for his size? Is it plastic or does it have a strong odor? How long has this been going ... food into the bowl while your hand hovers nearby. Gradually move your hand away until he's eating on his own.

Description : What should be my next course of action to find this puppy?

Last Answer : With so many puppies needing homes, are you sure you have to have a pedigreed Siberian Husky to have a great relationship with a pet? Even if you are building a dog-sled team, a pure-bred is not required.

Description : Puppy obsessed with hands?

Last Answer : He wants you to pet him and give him love. Nosing hands is dog speak for ” gimme attention and lovies! My cats do the same thing, they will bite my hands when they want to be petted. Your puppy knows that your hands mean feel good touch.

Description : Is there something I can do to help stop my ferret from biting/nipping at my puppy while they play together?

Last Answer : I would keep them apart before someone gets hurt. It’s all fun and games til someone gets their eye put out. Welcome to fluther.

Description : Can you help me with some very basic puppy training commands?

Last Answer : You could either take her to a class near you such as the ones at Pet Smart or search google for some videos on training. I saw a few out there and one was from IAMS, one from Purina, and I'm ... system. Everytime she does something you want her to do, give her a treat and a loving pat on the head.

Description : What dog toy can my Great Pyreneese puppy not destroy?

Last Answer : Try large toys from the “Kong”: group. Their red things are very durable and all my dogs have loved them.

Description : How much would a Dalmation puppy cost in the US or California ?

Last Answer : Well a dalmatian grows into a fairly large dog and VERY energetic. I'd imagine they would have some in LA whether in the classifieds, online, or at a nearby shelter. As for price, I wouldn't ... you nueter or spay them, trust me but it will be tremendously easier financially to have a snipped dog.

Description : Will my Great Pyrneese puppy ever stop biting and jumping on humans?

Last Answer : Uh oh. You are going to have to be less laid back and more strict with boundaries. Use your policeman side ;)

Description : Is my new Lab puppy wacko, since she loves bananas?

Last Answer : answer:Lab Puppy = wacko Banana’s are ok, but too many could ferment in the belly. ewwwwwwww. A few slices and even a few frozen slices are fun. You are in such trouble with puppy proofing for a lab. Have fun!!!!!

Description : I am thinking about adopting an Italian Greyhound from a rescue group. He was rescued from a puppy mill. Anything that I should know about this breed?

Last Answer : answer:They break easily. I'm not being facetious - I think we've seen every IG in Durham for a broken leg. So make sure that the lifestyle that you envision with a dog fits. They also tend to require ... more so, having been raised in a puppy mill. You may also find that he's hard to house-train.

Description : Why do I keep comparing my new puppy to my deceased border collie?

Last Answer : Loss is like that. I think I accidentally called my current husband Lenny (my deceased husband’s name) a few times when were were first together. It’s natural and will slow down as you learn to appreciate your new puppy’s unique personality.

Description : My 5 month old puppy had her first accident in almost 2 months during a severe thunderstorm. Could the storm have literally scared the sh*t out of her?

Last Answer : I'd have to say yes. I'm only familiar with cats but cats are really sensitive to things like weather, and when a storm goes on, a cat is not oblivious to it, trust me. I assume that a dog ... a stranger from yards away, they raise their heads up if you slam a door, so they do react to thunder.

Description : My mixed breed puppy, Lizzie, is about 10 days shy of 5 months. Would I know if her ears were going to point up by now or is it too soon to tell?

Last Answer : Nope, she’s definitely going to be droop eared.

Description : Is my new puppy actually magically self-cleaning or am I just fooling myself?

Last Answer : I have a big white dog and she somehow gets pretty clean appearing on her own. I suspect whatever the dirt is, is flaking off on the floor or grass or furniture.