We have a wooden bucket but there are gaps in it and after being pulled out of the well the water drains terribly. How to fix it? Any sealant?

1 Answer

Answer :

If you leave the bucket in water, the wood will drink, expand and seal the holes. This is how it is handled for boats and also for shafts and handles. And if this doesn't help, nothing will help, you have to get a new shackle.

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Last Answer : Buckets Variety bucket 3 kipstukken + 6 hot wings + 4 crispy strips + 2 frites (M) + 2 coleslaw€ 14,95 Party bucket 33 hot wings + 4 frites (M)€ 22,95 Family bucket 9 kipstukken + 16 hot wings + 4 ... hot wings€ 15,95 36 hot wings€ 19,95 45 hot wings€ 23,95 63 hot wings€ 29,95 Times 1,18 Netherlands

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Last Answer : A new bucket. A pencil. A notebook.

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Description : How did you decline the ice bucket challenge?

Last Answer : answer:Thank you for posting this question. I feel exactly the same way. I simply said, “While ALS is a very worthy cause, I choose to donate time and/or money to other worthy causes closer to my heart. Independent of that, I have no interest in dumping a bucket of ice water over my head.”

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Last Answer : answer:10 years ago: I wish I was good at English. And now I’m here.

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Last Answer : answer:I for one, have no desire to: Skydive (I have a fear of heights, flying, and falling) Fly to my favorite destination. See above ^^ Visit New York City. Big cities overwhelm me. I'd rather go ... them, proficiently. Although I would like to take a blow or two. It just looks like so much fun!

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Last Answer : answer:Learning to fly.. in particular parapente / para sailing. I actually set out to France, for a course, before, but that went sour. that trip actually confirmed my presumptuous fear that it may ... hard though, since I was deemed medically unfit to dive after I had a diving accident in 2002.

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Last Answer : Put a truly white card or object in the bucket for color reference. Most photo editing programs can use that to do color correction automatically.

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Last Answer : answer:Big Sur A boat ride down the Li River, through Guilin, China.

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Last Answer : An apple.

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Last Answer : answer:Mines dwindling, I am over 50 now, already done a LOT of cool stuff. I'd like to travel more, but, have traveled a lot already, have gone up in a hot air balloon, have rafted some wild rivers, ... in a Cobra. Other than more travel I can't think of much, I'm pretty content these days. :-)

Description : Whats on your bucket list?

Last Answer : The only thing left on my “bucket list” is to kick the fucking bucket.

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Last Answer : Whitewater rafting a class IV-V section of a river. It was my first rafting experience. That was almost two years ago though. Time to plan another adventure! =)

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Last Answer : answer:Sleep with every single fluther girl. Play baseball with all the fluther guys. Meet Matt Browne and get him to autograph his book for me. Have lunch with the founders plus Lisa Jam with Paul Simon and Neil ... 't sing for shit. Sell a million albums. Okay - and meet Mr. Stewart or is it Sir?

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Last Answer : answer:Interesting question for me especially since I'm currently in final rehearsals for the play ART' by Yasmina Reza. My character buys a painting that is all white, and the story revolves around me and my 2 ... might think it's shit. As to how much it might be worth, I really have no idea.

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Last Answer : I want to see the pyramids in Egypt among other things.

Description : What's on your bucket list?

Last Answer : There’s only one item on my bucket list: to make my precious Vicky as happy as I can for as long as I can. : ))

Description : What is better, flickr, photo bucket, or shuttefly?

Last Answer : answer:I like Flickr for family/friends. I have a Shutterfly account but always seem to turn to Flickr. It really depends on your use. You have to pay for the good stuff. Photo Bucket ... problems uploading, so I switched to Image Shack instead for free uploading for random links to fun stuff.

Description : What's on your bucket list?

Last Answer : Sky diving. Me and my best friend have decided we need to do a bucket list also and we are going sky diving in April when it has warmed up. I mentioned getting a tattoo, but she won’t go for that. I may still get a small tattoo.

Description : Know any blogs to help me create a travel bucket list?

Last Answer : I have a hard time understanding why people make lists like this. When you visit a place, it can change you, and then your whole list goes out the window or gets rearranged. I mean, if you ... remember that? I think your time would be better spent taking a trip and seeing where that leads you.

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Last Answer : I do just about everything wrong. I just put it all in a big pile in the back yard, and eventually it turns to usable compost. I don’t layer, I don’t worry about how much of what I put in, I don’t cover it, I don’t water it, I don’t turn it. It takes a while, but it seems to work ok.

Description : Should I spend the time to check a five gallon bucket full of pennies?

Last Answer : i dont believe so the buffalo wheat pennies or something like that are “valuable” according to my father, but some how i doubt its worth it

Description : Do you get mean looks from the "bell-ringers" if you don't drop some change in their bucket?

Last Answer : At least I’ve matured a bit from my teen years where I would drop a bunch of change on the ground and say “yours if ya want it.” Asshole. They aren’t beggars.

Description : I want to start a foundation loosely based on the movie "the bucket list". Would you support this or do you think it's nuts?

Last Answer : I think it’s an excellent idea.

Description : What are some relatively easy or simple things left on your Bucket List?

Last Answer : panning for gold

Description : What's your do before you die bucket list?

Last Answer : learn to rope and ride

Description : What's your do before you die bucket list?

Last Answer : learn to rope and ride

Description : What’s on your reverse bucket list - what would you NEVER do again?

Last Answer : Trust someone with my personal thoughts and feelings, just shallow relationships from now on.

Description : What's your do before you die bucket list?

Last Answer : learn to rope and ride

Description : What’s on your reverse bucket list - what would you NEVER do again?

Last Answer : Trust someone with my personal thoughts and feelings, just shallow relationships from now on.

Description : What's your do before you die bucket list?

Last Answer : learn to rope and ride

Description : What's your do before you die bucket list?

Last Answer : learn to rope and ride

Description : What's your do before you die bucket list?

Last Answer : learn to rope and ride

Description : What's your do before you die bucket list?

Last Answer : learn to rope and ride