I usually go to private individuals, but unfortunately I went there last time. I tried a private person, they had my teeth pulled for 2.5 hours, there were two of them and they didn’t know it. Plus it kept hurting for a whole week after that. It was a very bad experience, especially since the needle was broken in the same place in front of me when I was on root canal treatment.   

1 Answer

Answer :

I'm going to be a private person too, the state is only worse than believe it. I had gas at the time of my wisdom removal, after the anesthetic, the doc had something to do and the effect started to fade, I got another and then a third, but it still hurt like I couldn't have imagined before. A shard stuck in my gums and only came out after a long hike-drill. After that, I didn’t eat or sleep from the pain for 2 days. Bezzeg drunk Americans and even enjoy such surgeries, and even dogs get drunk during surgery so they don’t hurt when they need to be awake. Why can't we give a stronger painkiller with us ?? 

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Last Answer : I don’t mind driving, or taking many turns. Going to a capable, friendly, and reasonable dentist would be my priority

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Last Answer : Yes. I hate choking. They should let us control the suction and give a video feed so not to be scared.

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Last Answer : Check around for a clinic that will take you on a sliding fee. I think you should have it looked at. If you need an antibiotic, you’ll want to start that soon as possible.

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Last Answer : answer:What’s your reason for refusing? Ever had an abess, an infected root nerve, a cavity beneath the gum line or between two teeth that had no space between them that went untreated becasue the dentist couldn’t see it? Hell on earth. Advanced breast and colon cancers are also no day at the beach.

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Last Answer : The last one I had was A couple years ago, and was about $700 dollars.

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Last Answer : Clove oil is used by dentists and you should be able to find it in a Walgreens. It is incredibly effective. Be careful not to use to much or you will go into a coma that can result in organ shutdown and death so be careful!!!

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Last Answer : Not at all a ridiculous request. A lot of them have payment plans, others have sliding scales, some have both, some don’t have either. But it’s definitely not a ridiculous request, and no one will think you strange for asking.

Description : How many people on here have had a dentist say this to you?

Last Answer : Yes, and I was back 3 weeks later when the glue didn’t hold.

Description : What did this dentist do to my tooth?

Last Answer : No idea but I'll have a guess. When they did the root canal they kill and remove the nerve form the part of the tooth buried in the jaw bone (the root). They then usually cover what's left of the ... of the tooth will be left in the jaw so I imagine that he cleared out the remains of the tooth root.

Description : How much pain should I expect at the dentist tomorrow?

Last Answer : answer:I don’t think it will hurt like hell. You certainly can take some tylenol or ibuprofen if you are nervous. Do not take aspirin it will increase bleeding. Is the reason you have not been for a cleaning because you generally are afraid of the dentist, and it typically is very painful for you?

Description : Best way to relieve tooth pain (cavity I think) until I can get to a dentist?

Last Answer : Pain relievers help. Ice can help, too. Put an ice bag on the outside of your jaw. Numbs the pain.

Description : Do you detest the dentist?

Last Answer : When I couldn't afford really good dentists I did. Sorry they made you feel that way. My childhood dentist was a real jerk too. I have found that when I have a candid conversation with the ... why I hate going to the dentist they are much better. My last two dentists have become family friends.

Description : Are you [ were you ] afraid of the dentist ?

Last Answer : I go to the dentist about once a year. No I am not afraid of Derek, he is a lovely and a very good dentist. Again, do people flame each other over dentist visits?

Description : What would a dentist do about teeth discoloration?

Last Answer : answer:Filling cavities is up to a few hundred bucks a piece pending where you go. I have insurance through my employer and I think they paid like almost 200 per cavity the last time I had fillings (plus ... from 2-3 cavities a year to no cavities just by adding mouthwash at least 3 times a week).

Description : Am I responsible for the dentist bill if my son accidentally causes an injury to his friend's tooth while playing with an air soft gun? The other boy had permission to play and did not have a the proper mouth guard.

Last Answer : I think it might depend on 1. whose supervision they were under 2. if the boy was told to wear a mouth guard 3. the parent/guardian of that child new that their child was not equipped with the proper protection and still allowed it.

Description : Can a dentist tell if your teeth are stained from smoking vs other reasons?

Last Answer : I don't know that nicotine stains would look any different from other stains, but there must be other signs that a person smokes besides the colour of their teeth (subtle changes in mouth tissues, breath ... dad is a dentist, and he knew I smoked in high school before anyone else figured it out.

Description : Does your dentist do the work him/herself or does (s)he have a hygienist?

Last Answer : My hygienist has a Masters in it so I feel she’s very qualified. My actual dentist checks me out once a year unless the hygienist suggests a more thorough exam. I trust her and I don’t feel like I’m somehow not being well cared for.

Description : Can I use the dentist who gave me a reference as a referee on my resume?

Last Answer : yes you can.

Description : How urgently do I need to see a dentist if I've broken a tooth?

Last Answer : My perspective is from that of someone in the same situation who decided to wait. I would get it fixed now. If you continue to chew on it, the tooth will eventually crumble, requiring an extraction and ... a root canal in addition to the filling. The question is $150 now, or $800 - $3500 later.

Description : How is the dentist in toothpaste commercials chosen?

Last Answer : they usually also have perfect teeth along with all the others involved in toothpaste ads. Its all in the teeth

Description : Have you ever heard of someone getting a cavity filled at the dentist, using NO anesthesia or gas, nothing at all?

Last Answer : I had a filling once when I was in my teens without pain relief in a bid to impress the dental nurse. It was the stupidest decision I ever made and it hurt like hell!

Description : Do you like the dentist?

Last Answer : I like my dentist.He is dreamy—lol—

Description : Suggetions for a 10 yr old afraid of dentist?

Last Answer : When my step daughter went for a root canal they gave her some kind of children’s Xanax. I don’t know if that’s an option for a routine drilling, but it’s a suggestion.