Should I see a dentist or give it a few days?

1 Answer

Answer :

Check around for a clinic that will take you on a sliding fee. I think you should have it looked at. If you need an antibiotic, you’ll want to start that soon as possible.

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Last Answer : answer:I imagine you're coming down with the flu or something provided you haven't exerted yourself recently and haven't been injured. Don't worry about it. I doubt it's because of your heating. Pro ... hair can't feel pain. Your scalp certainly can, but I promise your hair will never pain you.

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Last Answer : answer:Not that im the best for this kind of thing, in fact ill probably have more spelling mistakes and grammatical errors in my answer than in your sentence. but you are should be are you . but you ... . Personally, i would say have you been busy at your place of work for the past few days .

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