I buy a box every day and sometimes I find myself not doing enough.

1 Answer

Answer :

Exactly 0ft.

Related questions

Description : How much do you spend a month on groceries?

Last Answer : I probably spend roughly $50 a week; not including if I eat out but there’s just me in my household and I tend to eat very simply.

Description : How much do you spend on hobbies per month?

Last Answer : that really a good question! I like drawing very much, in the past I think I could learn drawing by myself or take courses. In fact when I graduated from college. I didn't do any thing related to ... almost every day. I think I should start to do something related to my hobby! And I need exercise!

Description : About how much do you spend on your family for groceries per month?

Last Answer : Two adults. Probably $400/mo

Description : How much would you spend on groceries for 1 adult, 3 young kids for a month?

Last Answer : 1 adult… 100 pounds per month 3 young kids 150 pounds per month total=250 pounds per month. final total= 250 pm + 50 pm (extra) = 300pm

Description : How much do you spend on it?

Last Answer : If we break it down into about 10-30 thousand for a month. It depends on how many times you need to go to the vet. (cat)

Description : If you had to spend a month in the wilderness, plenty of food and shelter, but no modern conveniences, what would you miss the most?

Last Answer : AS long as Mrs Squeeky is there , I would miss nothing when I returned home.

Description : I haven't bought anything in a few months and my husband says it's normal. Do you also buy one thing in half a year? Or do you enjoy every moment?

Last Answer : I don't buy clothes often. I buy as needed, according to price and quality. But if I like something, I'll buy it. I used to buy more clothes, I had it full of wardrobes. Fashion changes and sometimes the size of clothes. Now I'm practical, I buy the ones I wear and then I buy another one.

Description : Federal ban on flavored cigarettes, are they pushing it too much?

Last Answer : I don’t think it will do much to curb smokers habits. They just won’t be able to get the flavored ones.

Description : Cigarettes are statistically the most addictive of all drugs (even beating out heroin), but we don't have much crime or anything caused by cigarette addiction. So how much of that do you think we'd have if all drugs were legal like cigarettes?

Last Answer : answer:I googled it and... holy fuck, this is true. Huh, the more you know. If all drugs were legal, the USA would be significantly more stable. Criminalizing drugs is what caused ... revenue by the Federal Government, and police have more resources and incentive to go after more pressing crimes.

Description : How harmful iQos really is? How much worse are the cigarettes?

Last Answer : Need Answer

Last Answer : You Usually Cosmit In the store Going That's it Will be 600 From 1 Thousands Sometimes Good Quality Cigarettes Getting Go.

Description : How much is a carton of Winston cigarettes in NC?

Last Answer : Feel Free to Answer

Description : Do they have caps for tobacco pipes and cigarettes?

Last Answer : When you go into a store, what remains of your cigarette stays outside. You could snub it out and pick it up on your way out or just finish it off before you go in. Some types of pipes have caps, ... would not fill and light a pipe if he/she knew he/she would be going into a store in short order.

Description : When did menthol cigarettes first come on the market?

Last Answer : I seem to remember menthol cigarette ads showing up on TV in the 1950s or early 1960s, well before cigarette ads were banned from TV. Kool, Salem, and Newport were popular. For some period, they came out ... they weren't real cigarettes. I don't have any idea what the market is like now, though.

Description : How are menthol cigarettes worse than regular cigarettes?

Last Answer : For my two cents, cigarettes should have been banned 50 years ago. Smoking is an odious habit. read this it is a historical study of how cigarette manufacturers created the demand for menthol in the black community. Target market + wealthy manufacturers = dead people.

Description : What's your take on electronic cigarettes?

Last Answer : An alternative way to deliver poisonous chemicals, and to keep people addicted to nicotine. They should be treated like cigarettes.

Description : Plain packaging for cigarettes - would it change your smoking habit?

Last Answer : Since I am not dumb enough to intentionally inhale poison in the first place, no, my non-existing smoking habits would not change.

Description : Why is it still legal to sell candy cigarettes in the US?

Last Answer : answer:While they aren't banned, I believe that brick and mortar grocery and convenience stores either can't or won't sell them. I have only seen them for sale at candy stores that specialize in nostalgia ... into one end, a cloud of powdered sugar came out the other end. It looked like real smoke!

Description : Why do people not quit smoking no matter how expensive cigarettes become?

Last Answer : answer:Nope. Money is no object when it comes to addiction. Money does keep people from starting the habit, and is a motivator for people to try quitting, but the addiction is stronger than the money in many instances.

Description : Does chain smoking cigarettes impair you mentally or something?

Last Answer : answer:Likely withdraw. Quitting is not easy, but it can be done. I quit over 15 years ago, and have lived with a smoker the past 10. Zyban helped me, in that it curbed my appetite so there was ... had a smoke right now, I would! Thereby making a liar out of yourself, the next cigarette you meet.

Description : Who is the actor playing the bully in the FDA commerical "Cigarettes are Bullies"?

Last Answer : Greg Harris: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0364739/

Description : Are people in the US so conditioned against smoking they won’t even give quarter to e-cigarettes?

Last Answer : Big tobacco and the FDA don’t want it going mainstream from what I’ve heard.

Description : Ex-Smokers, in what ways did you benefit from quitting smoking cigarettes?

Last Answer : answer:I quit many many times before I finally actually quit. Benefits, hmmmm. Food tastes better. I don't smell like an ash tray (clothes, house, furniture, carpets, drapes and the car) and when I ... keep from putting a cig in your mouth for about three weeks you have a chance to quit for good.

Description : What are the problems associated with e-cigarettes?

Last Answer : answer:The vape is still made of a mix of chemicals which one is ingesting into the lungs. There isn’t tar because it is vapor, not smoke from something being burned, but it is still a chemical soup without full knowledge of long term effects. And the nicotine is still bad for you.

Description : Why are people objecting to e-cigarettes?

Last Answer : I think the problem is we have been so conditioned to the horrors of second hand smoke, that even a harmless alternative is open to attack. Simple conditioning can breed some mindless reactions. Hey…that kind of falls in with my Question Here!

Description : People smoking e-cigarettes in restaurants - what do you think?

Last Answer : answer:Don’t hurt me none. Seriously. I can’t smell it, there’s no second-hand smoke, it affects me in no way shape or form. If I thought anything, it would be “How nice of that smoker to keep his nicotine consumption to himself”.

Description : What are reasons that prevent smokers from switching to e-cigarettes?

Last Answer : answer:Isn’t the fundamental question this: Knowing that cigarette are dangerous and ultimately will kill the smoker, why do people smoke in the first place? E-cigarettes and tobacco cigarettes are just subsets of the same irrational habit.

Description : Are you into electronic cigarettes and stuff? Which do you recommend?

Last Answer : Whatever you do with eCigarettes, watch out for scams. Some of them market in a particularly dirty fashion. I just had a run-in with a company that hijacked my browser on my way to Amazon and claimed ... you buy from reputable source and some are on Amazon the cost for starter kit is more like $30.

Description : Has anyone at all stopped cigarettes without any help of any kind?

Last Answer : Yep, me & my wife stopped together 10yrs ago, aided by nothing except a strong willed determination & a clear goal to succeed, which we did…which was nice.

Description : Can smoking cigarettes sometimes cause weight loss for emotional snackers?

Last Answer : Your body uses 700 calories a day dealing with the effects of smoking of a pack a day or more.

Description : Have any of you had any success with Electronic Cigarettes?

Last Answer : They don’t put out real smoke so it’s a win for people who are in the same room with the e-cig puffer.

Description : Do electronic cigarettes solve a social problem when I have friends over to party?

Last Answer : It’s up to you but as a cigarette smoker, I would just rather smoke outside. I do wonder though, if these are acceptable on airplanes.

Description : Non-FSC cigarettes?

Last Answer : I think you are out of luck, unless you can find some “old stock” at a store. Websites selling them are overseas, tax and importing issues could get you fines and penalties. Roll your own ? ?

Description : Can you help me find boutique smoke shops that might sell vintage cigarettes?

Last Answer : They have alot on ebay

Description : How effective are e-cigarettes for quitting smoking?

Last Answer : answer:It depends in part on how much nicotine you are used to. A casual smoker will have little trouble as e-cigs deliver as much nicotine aa normal cigarette. Since most people smoke less than a ... normal smokers I know who went the e-cig route have managed to quit entirely in pretty short order.

Description : Smokers: Have you ever used e-cigarettes?

Last Answer : I’ve never tried them but I would like to. I’m trying to quit though.

Description : Is there any correlation between urinating and cigarettes?

Last Answer : answer:Anxiety? Do you smoke to reduce your anxiety, by chance?

Description : Is it safe to smoke cigarettes while using a nicotine patch?

Last Answer : Only an idiot would do this and too much nicotine will kill you.

Description : Any suggestions for cutting down on cigarettes?

Last Answer : Find something else to do with your mouth and hands when you want a cigarette. For example, carry sugar free mints, lifesavors, gum to put in your mouth every time you want to pick up a cigarette. You ... up a cigarette, go for a walk, play with your pets or kids. Good luck and welcome to Fluther!

Description : Those who roll their own cigarettes: Can you recommend a natural filter?

Last Answer : answer:I think adding a filter is too much trouble in a roll your own situation, IMO. BTW: The roll your own smoker I knew…My Paternal Grandpa…lived to the ripe age of 96 without the use of filters. One of his brother’s did the same & lived to 94

Description : Is smoking Electronic Cigarettes truely safer than smoking regular cigarettes?

Last Answer : hello, I would really appreciate it if someone could help me out with this

Description : Does anyone on here believe cigarettes are not bad for your health?

Last Answer : answer:Cigarettes certainly aren’t harmful to me, and never have been. I don’t smoke them.

Description : How many people do you know who are over eighty years old and smoke cigarettes?

Last Answer : Two. The same number of all eighty year olds I know. No idea on their genetics, but they both seem about as healthy as an average eighty year old could be.

Description : How high do you think the price of a pack of cigarettes has to go before only rich people smoke?

Last Answer : Cigarettes are like any other drug. Addicts will do anything to get the next fix.

Description : Why do you think Newport brand cigarettes came out with the non menthol red?

Last Answer : Oh, perhaps so they can keep on killing people for profit, maybe? :>P

Description : What kind of cigarettes are Benson & Hedges De Luxe?

Last Answer : answer:From what I understand, Benson & Hedges Deluxe brand isn't being sold anymore because consumers don't really like it. Apparently the tobacco quality is really low. Info about this particular ... what to expect. The JTI site describes the B&H brand as a leading Virginia blend cigarette.

Description : Should we regulate advertisement of junk food in the same way as cigarettes?

Last Answer : yes

Description : Do the same Federal FSC Regulations apply to cigars as they apply to cigarettes?

Last Answer : I think it is a moot point, cigars will go out by themselves if left unattended. At least that is my observation, of a lifetime of cigar smokers.

Description : What does it take to quit smoking cigarettes?

Last Answer : Don’t quit. Cut back.

Description : Anyone use electronic cigarettes? What's your take on them?

Last Answer : I tried one for my first week of not smoking. The vapor still triggered my lady’s asthma, so cold-turkey from then on.