So far, all I've heard about dogs is that they understand

1 Answer

Answer :

How interesting I didn't hear it Allitolag when you look at a point where there's nothing and it barks Probably when the cat gets stunned?

Related questions

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Last Answer : Yes, but don't imagine seeing it full, as if a person were standing in front of it. Some people just feel his presence or can communicate with him in some way. But I haven't heard of anyone who still sees flesh and blood people.

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Last Answer : One cat person came up with the idea that the cat is imitating the bird's chirp with it's chatter. I think that the cat is probably frustrated or excited about seeing the bird and not being able to catch ... prowl and catch sight of prey, they try to be as quiet as possible so not to alert the prey.

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Last Answer : answer:Bird masturbation is fairly normal. That said, if you are not pleased with him using your pillows, you may want to provide him with a soft toy to be used just for this behavior. A ... As with any behavior you're not fond of, remember to reward positive behavior and ignore the negative.

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Last Answer : ouu, I am going to England in March, for a literary tour (mainly on Shakespeare, and other amazing writers/poets) We are going to Manchester, Bath, Stratford, London, and Oxford. I don't really ... cannabis coffee shops, and I believe there is a museum of Piccasso, or Leonardo De Vinci or something.

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Last Answer : SSL can be a beast sometimes when you've compiled Apache from scratch. There are a LOT of things that could be causing it, but most likely its something simple. I have to ask, did you ... entry, otherwise I think it reverts to the self-signed cert you may have created when creating your CSR.

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Last Answer : Despair and Betrayal.

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Last Answer : A shadow.

Description : A duck arrives near a lake. He sees a sign were it is written 'No swimming allowed.', but the duck jumps into the water. Why? -Riddles

Last Answer : Because ducks can't read.

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Last Answer : The code is CHANGING everyday.

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Last Answer : The woman was hoping to see the man again. If you got this correct on the first try, you have the mind of a psychopath.

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Last Answer : The man was on a bridge when he first saw the train so he couldn't jump off the track immediately.

Description : A robber comes in a house that a rich person owns and hears a voice Jesus is watching you. He goes in the kitchen and hears it even louder. Jeaus is watching you and keeps going room through ... watching you' The robber is freaked out when he hears something moving behind him. What is it? -Riddles

Last Answer : It was Jesus, the owners Rottweiler (dog)

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Last Answer : She's walking.

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Last Answer : Time, which is often watched when you stare at a clock.

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Last Answer : The question that the traveler should ask is: 'Does the left road lead to Miami according to your brother?' If the answer is 'Yes', the traveler should turn right, and if the answer is 'No', the traveler should turn left.

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Last Answer : A blink of an eye.

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Last Answer : A window.

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Last Answer : An equal.

Description : in hamlet, when hamlet sees the ghost, it is symbolic of the a0 he must seek. -General Knowledge

Last Answer : In Hamlet, when Hamlet sees the Ghost, it is symbolic of the revenge he must seek.

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Last Answer : Regency dance

Description : what do i do my dog eats everything that he sees?

Last Answer : Blindfoled

Description : What is it that only you see , and no one else sees ?

Last Answer : Your dream , which only you see and no one else sees.

Description : What does the Prophet (peace be upon him) do when he sees the good deeds of the Ummah ?

Last Answer : Seeing the good deeds of the Ummah, the Prophet (peace be upon him) gave thanks.

Description : He sees her in the evening and does not sleep

Last Answer : I recommend solving the problem with regression therapy

Description : I'm in love with him but he sees me only as a friend. What should I do?

Last Answer : It's so painful to be in this position and I think most of us experience this at some time in our lives. Sometimes things change and two friends can be romantically involved but it's not ... and turns and there could be something waiting for you around the corner that will change your life forever.