en Yes :)

1 Answer

Answer :

I believe in it too :)

Related questions

Description : If I believe all religions/mythologies of the world express a common story, how do I express my faith in God?

Last Answer : A universalist theist? Your views are basically the same as mine. I think all religions are an attempt at accessing a divine power. I don't believe in one true religion . You could still, however, ... you think other means of belief and worship are valid. They are just not what you have chosen.

Description : Do you believe in god?

Last Answer : Yes.

Description : If you have a friend who is dying, and you know they are religious but you're not, and they ask you if you believe in God and Heaven, how would you answer?

Last Answer : I would simply tell her the truth “I don’t know. But you shouldn’t worry about it, because if the place exists you will surely go there. And when you do, be certain to pray for me or to bribe whomever is required on my behalf.”

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Last Answer : Which God? SOME might say the opposite. That believing in God is wrong. It’s your choice. Half of the planet will always be with you and the other half against you.

Description : Is it possible to believe in both God and science?

Last Answer : Of course. I never understood why there would be a conflict. If God is the creator of the universe, then He laid the ground work for which science tries to explain. Many religions fully support that science and God are not in conflict.

Description : Do you believe that some people can heal sickness in two minutes through the power of God?

Last Answer : There hasn’t been a single confirmed case of this “faith healing”. There is no such thing.

Description : If it could be proven one way or another that God is false or that what scientists believe is false, how would it change you?

Last Answer : I suppose I would trust an all-knowing God to know why I believe as I do and why I act as I do. In which case He (or She) would forgive me for not being a believer. It wouldn't change what ... make the world a better place. If Science was proved to be correct, there wouldn't be any problem for me.

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Last Answer : Oh good Lord, this is how Monday is starting out?

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Last Answer : A little of both I think, but he does his best work when we realize we need him. My closest moments to him have been when I cried out, I just can't do this! if you want it to happen, YOU have to ... at those times, that I realize that he can and he will, and he gets the credit for it all. Not me.

Description : Why do you believe in God?

Last Answer : answer:I believe god is very real for some people. I happen to believe god is an imaginary placeholder for what we don't know. I choice to believe this because, that's all ... experiences I could not otherwise explain rationally, which I interpreted as proof because of my religious upbringing.

Description : Will it do any good to pray to a God the Japanese people don't believe in?

Last Answer : I don’t think it matters what other people call their creator. I believe in one God. I pray to that power for all people and animals safety, health, and strength.

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Last Answer : answer:Not to believe in a God that does exist. Because then he will F*** you up. “what if your vision, your idea, your God in a Box doesn’t match up with the reality of God if such a being exists?” I already have that covered. I do not put the face of man on God.

Description : Pat Robertson says Haiti Quake God's punishment for deal with devil that let the Hatian slave rebellion succeed 200 years ago. Are we to believe a loving God is that heartless?

Last Answer : If any of this silly shit was true, it would show the devil being a far more compassionate being.

Description : If God made man in his own image why does Judaism (and no doubt other religions) insist on circumcision as a religous practice? Do they believe man has to improve on God's design?

Last Answer : God suggested it, as a sign of the Covenant. You could look it up.

Description : (For Atheist) Since you do not believe in god, what do you believe will happen after death?

Last Answer : Not much.

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Last Answer : Trying to start a flame war? (Although I do like “cantaloupe” in the topics list.)

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Last Answer : Well, you’ve summed up my belief in God for the most part. So i guess the answer is yes.

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Last Answer : Proof!!! Scientific evidence that can back up his existence. Which means I'll never believe. Because if we get proof, we won't believe in his existence...we'll know it.

Description : [Serious] ors who believe in God or a Higher Power; what experiences made you believe?

Last Answer : Need Answer.

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Description : If you believe in satan, ghosts or demons but don’t believe in god will you say your reasoning behind why?

Last Answer : I don't believe in Satan or demons, but do ghosts, I've had several occurrences that can't be explained otherwise, and God there's no evidence just as Satan and demons, and if there is why do ... people with their interpretations. I don't believe in something I can't see or experience, explain....

Description : What reason do you have to believe in God?

Last Answer : The hope that people / living beings that have suffered excruciatingly will get a warm reprieve in an after life. Personally don’t believe but I hold out hope that the suffering of others is somehow rectified

Description : What reason do you have to believe in God?

Last Answer : The hope that people / living beings that have suffered excruciatingly will get a warm reprieve in an after life. Personally don’t believe but I hold out hope that the suffering of others is somehow rectified

Description : (Serious) People who believe in God, why? What is your best argument to convince a non-believer that God is real?

Last Answer : Attention! [Serious] Tag Notice Jokes, puns, and off-topic comments are not permitted in any comment, parent or child. Parent comments that aren't from the target group will be ... performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

Description : Explain in one word "Who does not believe in the existence of God" ?

Last Answer : There is no belief in the existence of God who is an "atheist".

Description : Who do you prefer,who do you believe,God or Science?(realtalk)?

Last Answer : Science as it is the only objective method to look at the world around us. Meanwhile, God appears to be a fiction that had given our ancestors comfort in a cold, unforgiving world.

Description : Why do you believe in God?

Last Answer : Truly, the invention of technology and science are trying as to make it seem like there is nothing like God. That's incorrect. Have you ever thought of how a child is born, how the child is developed ... God. So one need to believe in that God whom can do all things (the thinkable and unthinkable)

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Last Answer : Lifestyles have made people go against their Christian values, values that were taught by our fore fathers. There areso many things that are making us turn away from God. Education, career, money ... way which most of the time disappoints us, and then end up blaming God for our misfortunes.

Description : Do you believe in God?

Last Answer : I have a lots of factors to believe on GOD , Among of factors make me to believe on GOD is as follows :- Born and Dearth of a human being - All humans being must path through born and ... systeam just for our LIFE. Disease, physical disability, poor, Richest etc Make me believe and Trust on GOD

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Last Answer : Need answer

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Last Answer : Need answer

Description : What did the Jews believe god would send them?

Last Answer : gold

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Last Answer : yes

Description : Did isaac newton believe that god created the heavens and the earth?

Last Answer : yes