1 Answer

Answer :

Computer Permanent Of memory Name ROM . _ Details: Rom Or Reed - Only Memory ( English : Read-only memory (ROM)) is One Kind of Save Medium Which Computer And Others Electronic On the machine Use To do Is. Rome That Information Stays That Change To do Goes No. Or To do Even if That Too much Slowly Or To do Tough. So This Use To do Is Mainly In firmware. Others More Those Non - volatile Or Electricity Let's go Even if Whose Information From Goes Such Memory Hall EPROM , EPROM Or Flush Memory. These No No Time Rom To say Is But This That's right No. Or Wrong The idea Because EPROM Or EEPROMMs Wipe Goes And Again Program To do Goes.

Related questions

Last Answer : ROM : Computer A Permanent Memory Whose Data Computer Off If Or Electricity Let's go Even if Delete Become Goes No.

Description : What are your earliest memories of computer usage?

Last Answer : I first used a computer at a job in 1985. It was an Apple 2E and it was used to produce proposals at an insurance agency.

Description : Which among the following is correct about ROM: a) ROM was used to store the 'boot' or start up program (so called firmware) that a computer executes when powered b) ROM has now fallen out-of-favor to more flexible memories that support occasional writes c) Both of Above d) None of These

Last Answer : c) Both of Above

Description : Which memory is fastest among all the memories in a computer: a) RAM b) Cache Memory c) EPROM d) None of These

Last Answer : b) Cache Memory

Description : Which of the memories below is often used in a typical computer operation? 1) RAM 2) ROM 3) FDD 4) HDD

Last Answer : 1) RAM

Description : Which of the memories below is often used in a typical computer operation? 1 RAM 2 ROM 3 FDD 4 HDD

Last Answer : 1 RAM

Description : Which of the following computer memories is non-volatile ? (1) DRAM (2) SRAM (3) ROM (4) RAM

Last Answer : ROM

Description : Why do siblings have different memories of the same event?

Last Answer : Memory is very fallible. Emotion affects memory a lot. Also, sometimes we rewrite a memory or someone suggests something to us and it alters a memory or even creates a memory. Sometimes we unwittingly ... with friends from school and everyone confirms we never did that. We did see movies about it.

Description : What are your worst Highschool memories?

Last Answer : everything that’s connected to high school

Description : Two potions sit in front of you. One will make you reborn 200 years into the future while the other one will send you 5 years back in time. You get to keep your memories in both scenarios. Which potion do you choose?

Last Answer : 200 years in the future. You can't take the sky from me.

Description : Who are some famous wise men / women whose memories live on today because of their lives and their words and actions?

Last Answer : Julius Caesar. He was once abducted by pirates. Being the master diplomat he was, he befriended the pirates, and jokingly told them, that once he was set free, he would come back and kill ... proceeded to assemble a fleet, hunted down the pirates, took back the ransom, and slit their throats.

Description : Care to share your memories of visiting Notre Dame de Paris?

Last Answer : Oh, that’s truly terrible… it was perhaps my favorite cathedral.

Description : Will you share some of your favorite memories with dearly departed jellies?

Last Answer : I think maybe it’s just a little too hard right now, dear @mangeons, with the recent loss of Auggie.

Description : What are your memories of your childhood home?

Last Answer : I have lovely memories of the house, I did feel safe there. And Lordy, it had so many places to hide!

Description : Is there a medical name to having ones brain full of memories?

Last Answer : stanleybmanly I mean full at or over capacity.

Description : If a Starfleet Officer dies, and is reincarnated as a member of a pre-warp civilisation, but retains all memories of her/his previous life, does the Prime Directive still apply to him?

Last Answer : The Prime Directive doesn't seem to matter to those in the current non reincarnated Starfleet members. So no. However the Temporal prime directive might apply . I wonder about my own reincarnation If giving ... live a perfect life so that I am granted the freedom to make more changes to the thread.

Description : Is it possible to transfer someone's memories and personality to someone else by transplanting a certain brain organ, and if so, what organ - or organs, perhaps - would be able to do this?

Last Answer : The brain itself is an organ. The frontal lobe is the part mostly responsible for personality. I know of no way the frontal lobe can be switched from one human to another.

Description : Adam West died today at 88. What are your favorite memories?

Last Answer : I liked all of those hokey BIFF .... BAMM .....graphics when they were fighting. And the great Burgess Merideth as The Penguin. Also, when they made the first Batman movie in the late 80s, and it was ... was quoted as saying: They didn't even ASK me .. Anyway, RIP, Adam. It was fun. Thanks.

Description : Would you share some of your favorite Fluther memories?

Last Answer : Ah! A shift from the recent heat. I don't know if you were around at that time, but there was one April Fool day in 2014 when Pi and the mod team decided to make a goofy category called ... argument, look at the bigger picture and decide for ourselves whether to let go of the anger and move on.

Description : Do you have any memories that aren't accompanied by extremely strong emotion?

Last Answer : Most of my memories are like this. It’s like inserts form a movie.

Description : What are your 10 first memories?

Last Answer : answer:Sitting in the back seat of a car in one of those baby seats, trying to reach my mom's sowing kit. Her and another woman were sitting up front, smoking cigarettes. My dad taking a piss on ... entirely sure of the precise order of these, I'm going by the first two places I remember living in.

Description : Will you join with me, and share memories and tributes to American hero John Glenn?

Last Answer : Oops – doubles.

Description : How do you deal with memories? Do you embrace them or turn them away?

Last Answer : They are part of package. And it isn’t a matter of going back. If we could go back, there would probably be plenty of places we would all go. Without memories, good or bad, you might as well be a bean plant.

Description : If you had to speculate, what is the common physiological cause for both near death experiences and alien abduction memories?

Last Answer : LSD.

Description : Do you have fond memories of the Dick Van Dyke Show to share upon the loss of cast member Ann Morgan Guilbert, aka "Millie Helper"?

Last Answer : answer:Ohhhhhh, Rrrroooooobbbbbb. I loved the Dick Van Dyke Show. Every character was a perfect counterweight to the other. I haven't seen an episode in years, so I'll be lacking in any details. ... painted, and the painter wouldn't leave. It was funny and poignant and perfect. RIP, Millie!

Description : Care to share your thoughts or memories of comedian Garry Shandling dead at the age of 66?

Last Answer : I was never a huge fan but he did have a unique presentation. RIp gary, you went out with a bang, the perfect way to go, a fast delivery. haha

Description : Care to share memories of Joe Garagiola - Cardinals player, Hall of Fame Announcer and TV personality - who died 3-23 at the age of 90?

Last Answer : Ah…and I lose another piece of my childhood. RIP Joe.

Description : Do you have bad ( or good) memories from your school days from k- PhD?

Last Answer : answer:Pretty fucking horrible to be honest. It was pretty much constant bulling and being called faggot until my sophomore year in high school. Then I found my people who didn't treat me like shit but ... after I left High School. But smooth sailing in college. I did my shit and was left alone.

Description : Care to share fond memories of Meadowlark Lemon, the "Clown Prince" of the touring Harlem Globetrotters basketball team, dead at age 83?

Last Answer : I saw the Globetrotters when I was growing up. They were wonderful! Better than the circus.

Description : How effectively can hypnosis retrieve lost memories?

Last Answer : It is much more likely to create false memories than to “recover” lost ones.

Description : Does this JC Penney catalog from 1982 jog any memories?

Last Answer : The womens’ hair styles are nothing short of awful.

Description : What effects will the ubiquity of cameras have on our kids' memories?

Last Answer : answer:You have many more records of your childhood than your parents do. They have many more than their parents and on and on. So I think it will be the same as your childhood, dozens or ... be digital. And they'll wonder how all the 3d video being recorded constantly will affect their children ;)

Description : Why do some folks have such hazy memories of their childhood?

Last Answer : answer:I don’t remember much before I was about 5…. and that is actually a good thing. I was about 5 when my father was kicked out of the house. Much of the time before that was spent getting beaten.

Description : Do you have any memories, as a child, of any incidents when your parent(s) let you down so badly you never forgot it?

Last Answer : Just when my Mother left my father for a younger man,when I was 14 . Other than that my parents were pretty cool.

Description : Can you point me to some links on implanting false memories?

Last Answer : answer:Yep. Our memories are fictions. I'll try to dig up some really interesting articles later. But I'll recommend Elizabeth Loftus. She's been studying and speaking about memory for years ... of past events. They are present creations that are reassembled and manipulated during every recall .

Description : Share some good memories?

Last Answer : SOme cousins had a goat, other cousins had a racoon. I thought they were so much cooler than my old dog lol.

Description : If you could venture inside someone's memories, whose memories would you choose?

Last Answer : One anonymous Healer from a Native American tribe who lived, maybe five hundred years ago.

Description : Care to share fond memories of a TV cooking broadcast?

Last Answer : Graham Kerr in “The Galloping Gourmet” TV show in the 60’s/70’s. He was a hoot. www.youtube.com/watch?v=4mY4Qi7J4ag

Description : Would you rather lose all of your old memories or never be able to make new ones?

Last Answer : loose them all. not being able to make new ones would SUCK

Description : More songs like the theme for Xam'd lost memories?

Last Answer : answer:One Reason by Fade Deadman Wonderland theme Key by Daisuke Ono Psychic Detective Yakumo theme I know these aren't exactly what you are looking for, but for me they are similar in a way, other ... even funny anymore, plus living in Japan has opened many doors to some great music, and shows.

Description : Do you identify with the "you" found in old videos, photos, writing, and memories?

Last Answer : No, I think you are on the money with this question In many photos and videos I am not the same person as I am now. We like to think of ourselves as continuous beings but if we dare to ... have inside one illusion. But I like to think there is at least one thread holding all my selves together!

Description : Would you please describe your memories of growing up in the 90s to me?

Last Answer : I turned 18 in 1990. Was still hooked on hair-band rock (Bon Jovi, Def Leppard, etc.), drove a 69 Ford Falcon. Lord of the Rings was still a book (and cartoon). Wayne's World made ... phones. Our jeans were tight-rolled, stone-washed, and ripped. I think my computer was running Windows 3.0.

Description : Is it possible that dreams of flying are memories of weightlessness?

Last Answer : Yes.

Description : Is there a certain smell or sound that brings back memories of your childhood?

Last Answer : Fresh hay, homemade bread, or my father’s aftershave. Wow, those take me back to nice places. Life was simple back then.

Description : What is your experience with odor and memories?

Last Answer : The high desert in Southern California where the pine trees would get the wind from the valley. The smell of the pines and rustling pines, fun when I was young.

Description : What are the most abiding memories you retain from your first days at school?

Last Answer : Good Memory: In College I had a great time! I met my BFF and we are still friends to this day. Another friend of mine dreaded my hair for the first time during my Freshman year and I still wear my ... absolutely the best time in my life, like I met myself for the first time when I went to school.

Description : What memories of your birth did your parents pass onto you that have lingered?

Last Answer : answer:My mother and father made a leisurely late-morning trip to the hospital. By the time of their arrival, my mother says she remembered being wheeled into the delivery room fully clothed, with her ... An uneventful delivery, however, except for the date Dec. 31. I was also a lunchtime arrival.

Description : It's the international James Bond day - what are your fond memories and thoughts of this great franchise?

Last Answer : answer:Ursula Andress emerging from the ocean in Dr. No. It was considered shocking in the spirit of the times.

Description : Do we get to have those brief moments of intense joy so that when we are down those memories can sustain us?

Last Answer : answer:Share it with us. I had one today when I discovered The Ode to the Lemon. (cited here for the third time today, but it is refreshing on even the third read). I also had a moment of moderate joy today when the young woman at Apple tech fixed all three of my problems in record time.

Description : Comedienne Phyllis Diller has died at 95. What are some of your favorite memories of her long, funny career?

Last Answer : answer:The first things I think about when I think about Phyllis Diller are cigarette holders and crazy hats. For the younger Jellies who may not know this great female comedian, she did the voice of the Queen for A Bug’s Life.