1 Answer

Answer :

Architect of Intellectual Memorial - Mostafa Harun Quddus Healy.

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Description : Can we have a memorial thread for Sidney Poitier?

Last Answer : You played your parts well, Mr. Poitier. RIP.

Description : Is turning off the mic while a US veteran credits Black Americans on Memorial Day an act of racism or not?

Last Answer : Yes. Evidence of structural racism where a reference to Black contributions to American heritage is considered “distracting”.

Description : Do you think we will go through a big spike in covid cases because of Memorial Day?

Last Answer : Yes, there will be a spike. But not so large, because 38% (?) of Americans have had one or more vaccine shots, so the affectable population will be smaller. I’m OK with the vaccine deniers getting sick. Let ‘em infect each other and suffer the consequences.

Description : Will you be watching the Trump campaign speech from the Lincoln Memorial on July 4?

Last Answer : Hell, no! And why should I?? The news media will report on it for days, probably…

Description : I've wanted to visit the 9/11 memorial since it opened. Reading about nightmarish levels of "security" has me reconsidering. Thoughts?

Last Answer : I’m a native New Yorker and I wouldn’t go The whole thing seems like a tourist trap

Description : What are you doing on this wonderful 3 day Memorial Day weekend, and are you going to remember to thank a vet?

Last Answer : I’m going backpacking, yes.

Description : This is a very cool story, but aren't they concerned about blowing sand obliterating the memorial?

Last Answer : answer:No. It might eventually be covered by sand, but it's not going to happen in a single sandstorm. That's a long process, as a rule. Since there's nothing except the memorial to cause ... eventually all that we've created will be obliterated, too. I'm not particularly worried about any of that.

Description : Any suggestions for a memorial scroll (details inside)?

Last Answer : Maybe this site will give you some ideas.

Description : Why do you imagine somebody threw green paint on the Lincoln Memorial?

Last Answer : ” I was pissed and bored and have no respect for anything ”

Description : Say if we are going to have a Memorial Day in honor of you, what would it be about?

Last Answer : answer:I think it would be more about the people celebrating then it would be about me. Which is awesome. In some sort of unseeable way I have impacted lives and made changes as they have changed me. ... hallway) or Doug Stanhope I would be golden .. And of course it would have to be outside.

Description : What will you be doing for this Memorial Day weekend 2013?

Last Answer : Having a barbecue for 12 here tomorrow and getting ready for my trip on Tuesday. Lupper with some women friends and maybe out to see a band after that. Weather is crappy here today.

Description : What 5 songs would you want played at your funeral or memorial service?

Last Answer : answer:Processional ‘By the Rising of the Moon’ At the service He is Risen Abide With Me At the burial I would want ‘Ghosts of Culloden’ on the bagpipes. Can’t remember the 5th.

Description : Americans: How do you observe Memorial Day?

Last Answer : answer:My son, as Senior Patrol Leader of his scout troop, is leading a flag presentation at a memorial day service at the local cemetery. He is also officiating at a US Flag Retirement ceremony at the same time. I focus on remembering those who died in combat, and those who fought for us.

Description : Would you describe your Memorial Day weekend as restful, productive or social?

Last Answer : answer:I would say a little bit of all three. Although I am already tan, I like to go to the pool and just read, because I don't think there's a beach fairly close to Cincinnati. Except Lake Eerie ... my laundry. And very very very VERY social because I have three parties to go to in a few hours.

Description : Who should be honored on Memorial Day?

Last Answer : The day was actually set aside to remember those that died in any of our armed services. Now, it seems to be a day of remembrance for all of those that have passed. So to answer your question, all who want to remember anyone who has died, including confederate soldiers, etc, can be honored.

Description : New Martin Luther King memorial statue sculpted by a Chinese sculptor - Could they not have found an American sculptor willing to do such a monumental piece of art?

Last Answer : I totally agree with you on this one. jp

Description : Is there a song that you have directed to be played at your funeral/memorial?

Last Answer : Yes Is there any other song and turn it up to 11!!

Description : Was it disrespectful for the President to play golf on Memorial day?

Last Answer : Seriously? No. (After all, the rest of us appear to consider it a day to buy mattresses, white goods, and get sunburns at the beach.) Somehow, I think if he had clad himself in ashes and sackcloth and spent the day self-flagellating, someone would still complain.

Description : What special meal plans do you have for Memorial Weekend?

Last Answer : Memorial Day weekend is the time to break out the summer food. Tonight we had rib steak, corn on the cob, green beans and sliced tomatoes. Ice cream for dessert.

Description : Your fluther persona has just met a ravening monster in the 49th dungeon and been devoured. What will you say as a memorial to your late e-self before you take up a new fluther identity?

Last Answer : “POOF!“x3 ;)

Description : Why is the USS Arizona memorial important/significant?

Last Answer : answer:Ever heard of World War II? Ever learned where it began? Ever learned where over a thousand innocent sailors are spending eternity? Ever heard of the sneak attack by the Japs? Ever asked ... honor the dead and to make note of their sacrifice. That is why the Arizona memorial is important.

Description : Should Glen Beck be allowed to get a permit for his rally at the Lincoln Memorial?

Last Answer : I believe it’s wholly a political thing. I vote no. His views are opposide of King’s…which make it reprehensible.

Description : Shouldn't Native Americans be in every Memorial Day parade since America was their country first?

Last Answer : Memorial Day is to honor soldiers who have served in our country. Native Americans soldiers do march in the parades.

Description : What have you, will you do for Memorial Day to honor our soldiers?

Last Answer : i don’t know, i find it difficult to honour people embroiled in dishonourable wars, despite their professionalism, bravery, sacrifice and naivety. After all, we were all young once and looking for adventure. Nothing personal i like the few veterans i have met, they have qualities i respect.

Description : So they held a memorial service for Caylee Anthony. And it was televised and will be even moreso tonight. What do you think of that?

Last Answer : I think it’s sad that there are so many other children out there who’ve suffered nearly as much, if not moreso, than Caylee Anthony, and there are children who die at the hands of their parents every single day, and the world barely hears a peep.

Description : Obame Memorial?

Last Answer : Probably in some form, it’s a bit early for that though don’t you think? We have memorials plopped down everywhere. It’s not just Jefferson, Lincoln, and Washington. There are hundreds of little ones to the most random things.

Description : Will you donate to help pay for the security at MJ's Memorial?

Last Answer : I don’t think I would, they will just probably get it from peoples taxes

Description : Where in the spectrum from mourning to pedopalooza are your feelings about Michael Jackson's memorial?

Last Answer : I must be one of those people that noted his passing, but am not obsessed by his passing. I guess I figure there are far more important things going on in the world, right now. I am shocked this huge ... when you abuse drugs. Any type of drugs. I'm also floored by the need of a $25,000 casket.

Description : Should the city of Los Angeles be paying for Michael Jackson's memorial?

Last Answer : The city has no choice. The safety of the public is their responsibility. Personally I feel it is not right but if it was a president would the federal government reimburse the city? I do not think it is likely. Perhaps they should have sold the tickets to the service to cover the cost…

Description : What does Memorial Day mean to you?

Last Answer : paid time and a half.

Description : To each and everyone of my brothers and sisters in arms... Happy Memorial Day!, Make their sacrifices worth it. How will you spend this day?

Last Answer : Hoping one day they will lay down their arms..

Description : Great ideas for a side salad for a Memorial Day barbecue?

Last Answer : Both fruit salad and pasta salad are memorial day favorites.

Description : Memorial Day Salute: Have you been or do you know anyone in the military? Thank you for your service.

Last Answer : I am retired Army, My dad was Navy , One brother was a Marine the other was Army (also retired), My sister was Army and My son is Army at this time. I have numerous other relatives and friends that are vets. and I am proud of all of them.

Description : It is the International Holocaust Memorial day. What does it mean to you?

Last Answer : Nie wieder.

Description : How long should you leave a memorial ribbon be displayed?

Last Answer : my husband is a detective his colleague got killed last month and he just took his off his badge now

Description : Why did this Memorial day come a week earlier. It's usually the last weekend of May?

Last Answer : answer:Traditionally, it was May 30th. Because it has to be in May, and because now it is always a Monday (for the three-day weekend), and there isn’t another Monday in May. Here is a site: http://www.usmemorialday.org/calendar.html

Description : The Vivekananda Rock Memorial is situated at which place? -General Knowledge

Last Answer : The answer is 'Kanyakumari'

Description : The Vivekananda Rock Memorial is situated at which place? -General Knowledge

Last Answer : answer: