1 Answer

Answer :

Cigarettes contain nicotine.

Related questions

Description : What's the Difference Between Smoking a Cigarette and Smoking a Pipe?

Last Answer : I'm not a smoker but the difference are with a pipe smoke is being inhaled in a glass because of mixtures that are being lit up so the other one is a soft cotton but the difference are the mixtures

Description : It's been said that cigarette smokers usually need to smoke one right after smoking weed because they feel like they smoked without getting the nicotine they "needed". Cigarette smokers of Reddit, how accurate is this?

Last Answer : The reasoning is dumb but the action is true. We are just addicted to smoking.

Description : What type of candy cigarette was your favourite when you were a child?

Last Answer : There were also the white, chalky, sugar kind.

Description : How prevalent is smoking left over cigarette butts?

Last Answer : For what definition of “common”? I’ve seen it done too.

Description : Can you smell the cigarette smoke from Pablo Picasso's paintings?

Last Answer : No, not from the ones I have seen. And you can’t get that close anyway.

Description : Do people get a nicotine rush/ high with their first cigarette?

Last Answer : Yes, sometimes to the point of getting sick. It’s called a “buzz” and it’s very fleeting.

Description : From the point of view of lung damage, which is worse for a person's lung - second hand cigarette smoke, or second hand marijuana smoke?

Last Answer : answer:From the American Lung Association: Marijuana Smoke Smoke is harmful to lung health. Whether from burning wood, tobacco or marijuana, toxins and carcinogens are released from the combustion of ... in the home. Additional research on the health effects of secondhand marijuana smoke is needed.

Description : Are you a pipe, cigar, cigarette, vapor person, or none of the above?

Last Answer : None of the above, never have been. In school, we were shown a picture of a healthy lung vs. the lung of a smoker, and that scared me away for good.

Description : Is there a way to prevent cigarette smoke from passing through walls?

Last Answer : Are your walls papered or painted? Short of painting the wall with something completely impenetrable that would keep out every bit of air I don't know what would work. And that might be hard to get ... . Any way to check Health Department regs or talk to the landlord? I would hate that situation.

Description : How many times a day do you get asked for a spare cigarette or a light?

Last Answer : Never.

Description : Smokers- do you notice that one type of cigarette stains your fingers more than another kind?

Last Answer : My fingers stained somewhat when I smoked Camel Wides, but not at all since going to American Spirit rollies.

Description : How much per cigarette do they cost in different cities around the world?

Last Answer : answer:*cigerette I’m not to sure. The prices in the UK have soared up over the past 2 years. A pack of 20 here cost the same, if not more that the minimum hourly working wage. When I go to Spain I can buy them for a fraction of the cost. I hear they are really cheap in Bulgaria.

Description : What type of electronic cigarette should I get?

Last Answer : My wife has had the best luck with the “Blu” brand. I wouldn’t know personally though.

Description : Quickest ways to get the smell of cigarette smoke out of a house?

Last Answer : Open all the windows.

Description : Anyone know how to get rid of cigarette smoke from an item?

Last Answer : Leather is the hardest thing to get smoke smell out of. Try using leather lotion and a soft cloth on the leather parts, and spray Febreze on the cloth parts. After that all dries, put a dryer sheet in it and close it up for a while. The smell will eventually go away.

Description : Which is more unhealthy? A donut or a cigarette?

Last Answer : answer:Neither are great, but, really, it's all a matter of genetics and luck. There are thin people that have heart disease and high cholesterol and fat smokers that live a normal lifespan. One never knows. ... the 3 cigarettes a day over the 1000 calories of lard and sugar. But, that's just me.

Description : Do you think fast food should come with warning photos and labels such as the ones now on cigarette packets?

Last Answer : No.

Description : Do you think graphic images on cigarette packages will actually help fight addiction?

Last Answer : I hope so, I’ve lost enough family to smoking to hope any changes will stop new smokers and make the older one’s quit.

Description : Have you ever looked inside an unsmoked cigarette?

Last Answer : I would check for you, but I honestly can’t bring myself to do it. Those suckers are expensive! If I accidentally break one, though, I’ll look inside for you.

Description : Are plain white wrappers coming for cigarette packs?

Last Answer : It’s all because of Joe Camel and the Budweiser Frogs. They ruined it all!

Description : How long does nicotine stay in your blood stream after a cigarette?

Last Answer : You might find this article helpful.

Description : Do the "warnings" on cigarette packs really do anything?

Last Answer : answer:Hah. Side note: love your topics I think the point is they're trying to use the a picture's worth a thousand words literally. The tiny-print cancer warning at the bottom of the pack was a lot ... that they make me want to help you stop smoking, even though that's not really my right to do

Description : Would an E-Cigarette make a good Christmas gift for a smoker?

Last Answer : Depending if the smoker wants to quit, you might be spending a lot of money for naught. Also, all e-cigs are different; I've heard some have nicotine, some e-cigs have cartridges that are not easily ... if they would want one for x-mas? Or try to hint around to see if they would appreciate one.

Description : Anything we can do about our neighbor's cigarette smoke? It's starting to reek here.

Last Answer : The first step would be to talk to the landlord/owner. I’m sure they do not want their property being polluted and stained with cigarette smoke.

Description : How bad is it when one drinks water which is littered with cigarette buds?

Last Answer : I doubt it will hurt him, but I almost threw up when I read your narrative.

Description : Is the smell of cigarette smoke on clothes very noticeable?

Last Answer : A non smoker can smell cigarette some from quite a distance. It not only sticks to your clothes but also your hair and skin.

Description : Why isn't there a law against throwing cigarette butts into the street?

Last Answer : It is against the law. It’s called littering. Just like most of the laws, it’s just not enforced enough.

Description : How safe is it to inhale an e-cigarette?

Last Answer : Safer than inhaling from a regular cigarette, which is enough for me. I use them all the time now. : ))

Description : How effective are electronic cigarette devices?

Last Answer : My husband is a very heavy smoker that has tried everything to quit. He took Chantix several years ago and was down to only a couple a day and just quit taking it and started smoking again. I try ... to do with himself. Since you have quit, It's possible that this may get you through tough spots.

Description : What was that comic strip around 1990 that had a cigarette and a joint as characters?

Last Answer : Yes, it was Doonesbury. The cigarette was Mr Butts.

Description : I just saw a football highlight from 1989 and the place kicker luis zendjas was smoking a cigarette on the sideline during the game has anyone else ever witnessed a professional athlete doing this?

Last Answer : Not since about 15–20 years ago.

Description : Cigarette smell how to mask and or eliminate it?

Last Answer : febreze. but the real advice: Quit smoking while you still can. Inhaling the smoke from burning dried plants and by that shortening your life, clogging your lungs, increasing your cancer risk is not ... mention that you also endanger those around you who are forced to inhale the smoke you exhale.

Description : How many chemicals are there in a marijuana joint and in a cigarette?

Last Answer : I know this doesn’t address the chemical part of the question, but as for your last proposal, they do not produce the same effect. Thereby, I don’t think it would be a good substitute. However, I’m not bashing the idea of it being a legal option…

Description : Do smoke detectors go off because of cigarette smoke?

Last Answer : There is no difference. There are two types of smoke detectors. Ionization type detectors are more sensitive to smoke particles. This article explains in detail and simple language how each type works.

Description : Is there a 12v car/cigarette outlet adapter for the portable Bose Sounddock?

Last Answer : Just buy an inverter with a plug socket on instead! That way you can use most mains powered products via a cigarette lighter socket which is far more useful :-)

Description : Is it considered littering when someone throws a cigarette butt on the ground?

Last Answer : Those people are thoughtless a-holes. If I have a cigarette, I squish out the cherry, step on it, and throw the butt in a trash can. How difficult is that?

Description : Is the electronic cigarette a safe alternative to quitting, and if so, which is the original electronic cigarette?

Last Answer : You’ll have to clarify what you mean by “safe” here, as it can be interpreted in many ways.

Description : I know this'll seem silly, but what is the healthiest cigarette type/brand?

Last Answer : Well evidently they are less healthy for you than normal cigarettes, but i smoke kreteks and they taste fucking amazing compared to a normal cigarette. I mean seriously i cant smoke plain tobacco cigs ... done smoking one instead of that nasty tobacco smell. And your lips taste like cinnamon too :P

Description : Where you work, do non smokers get upset at the frequent cigarette breaks taken by smokers?

Last Answer : This is a pet peeve of mine. Non smokers don’t even get a break where I work. Smokers take about 4 to six breaks a day.

Description : How do car cigarette lighters work?

Last Answer : Well, I think they set up a kind of a short circut. There is a flat copper wire in the lighter and the cap in the center is probably some kind of a resistor that prevents the electrical current to flow through at high values.

Description : Cigarettes are statistically the most addictive of all drugs (even beating out heroin), but we don't have much crime or anything caused by cigarette addiction. So how much of that do you think we'd have if all drugs were legal like cigarettes?

Last Answer : answer:I googled it and... holy fuck, this is true. Huh, the more you know. If all drugs were legal, the USA would be significantly more stable. Criminalizing drugs is what caused ... revenue by the Federal Government, and police have more resources and incentive to go after more pressing crimes.

Description : How do u like this cigarette lighter? men please come in?

Last Answer : The gun one is AWESOME!

Description : How do I get rid of cigarette smell?

Last Answer : How about torching that apartment (after you insure it)?

Description : Why are cigarette filters yellow with a cork pattern?

Last Answer : Well I wouldn't know why they are yellow, but if there was a reason with no effect then I would say that they just turn out that color. The reason they look like cork is because its a ... breath through the filter and the tobacco while some of the smoke is captured on the walls of the pockets.

Description : I haven't had a cigarette today and want to hurt people.

Last Answer : Oh, John…good luck to you! I, myself, am murderous when off the smokes.

Description : Why is it that, lately, whenever I do something active after having a cigarette I get very painful gas bubbles/nausea?

Last Answer : Maybe you’re swallowing a lot of air? That’s how some people “burp on command”...so maybe you’re swallowing it, and not burping it out.

Description : People who toss cigarette butts out the car window, should they be jailed?

Last Answer : I always carry a bottle of water to put my cigarette butts in. Fined yes, Jailed no

Description : Witch fuse control my 12v cigarette lighter on my 93 buick park Avenue?

Last Answer : 21.08–21.23 mm

Description : Cigarette Smile

Last Answer : It acts like a drug which later becomes the cause of death. Playing it makes the lips black. The smell comes from the mouth and the look becomes different. The look looks a bit black which is unusual.

Description : Which of the following is more harmful than coil and cigarette ?

Last Answer : The coil contains DDT powder , which in contact with it can cause certain death in humans. Two harmful ones , one causing cancer and death , coil poison which definitely brings death.