1 Answer

Answer :

The most delicious fruit in the world is: Mango 6

Related questions

Description : Which type of palm date fruit is the most delicious?

Last Answer : Any Date from Madina, Saudi Arabia. They melt in your mouth, ( and in your hands too :). They are world renouned. Try em’ and let me know what you think! You can find them in some farmers mkts. But mostly in Arab/Pakistani Groc stores. Good luck.

Description : Do you think chocolate covered macadamia nuts are delicious?

Last Answer : You can get them in Hawaii (or on the mainland in sealed cans) – and yes, they are delicious. And fattening.

Description : Any new discoveries of really delicious grocery items?

Last Answer : Chocolate pudding. Not so new but generally overlooked.

Description : What Food Is Disgusting To You, But Delicious To Others?

Last Answer : Cilantro unfortunately. It tastes like soapy stink bug, but also kind of good. I just can’t get past my genetic ick.

Description : What’s a good food substitute for crispy and delicious friend chicken skin?

Last Answer : A beyond meat burger. It is becoming more popular in Canada. From Tim Horton’s and A&W. Eventually will make its way around the world.

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Last Answer : Clearly subjective, but for me Duck is a rare treat. Thai Crispy Duck specifically. Turkey is only once a year at Thanksgiving. I love it, but I'm good until the next year. Chicken now chicken ... it too many ways to count. Parmesan, scolapini, stuffed, roasted with vegetables, soup, and on an on.

Description : Have you tried something really delicious, at a restaurant, recently?

Last Answer : I save money to go to a fine dining restaraunt two or three times a year, and I recently had a mushroom ravioli dish that was outstanding

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Last Answer : Most people love gooey, melty caramel, but would you enjoy gooey, melty pumpkin pie?

Description : Have you found any new delicious food products that you'd like to share?

Last Answer : I bought the Red Lobster biscuit mix in the supermarket, and they were pretty close to the real deal. I used a little less of the seasoning packet, because my husband and I don’t like a lot of garlic. They aren’t very garlicky, we are just extreme about limiting garlic.

Description : What are some healthy and delicious ways to cook/prepare broccoli, cauliflower and squash?

Last Answer : Healthy? Steam ‘em up and serve with a few drops of apple cider vinegar. Delicious? Steam ‘em up and serve with a cheese sauce. Squash? Bake in the oven, serve with butter or margarine, sprinkle with brown sugar. NOW I’m hungry!

Description : What is one food or dish that is very simple, but tastes sublimely delicious?

Last Answer : I have said it before, and I will say it again: Gordon Ramsay’s scrambled eggs

Description : What kinds of delicious summer foods have you guys been making/eating lately?

Last Answer : Tomato and Swiss cheese sandwiches, with Miracle Whip with some lemon juice in it. So good!

Description : Care to share a quick, easy, and delicious time-saving recipe?

Last Answer : Buy TV dinner. Remove from package. Microwave 5 minutes. Eat.

Description : Have you ever eaten something that sounded delicious, that turned out to taste terrible?

Last Answer : answer:I'm with you. When a dish doesn't taste yummy like you would expect from prior experience it's quite disappointing. That has happened to me. Big time ditto on red velvet cake. I don't ... whether it be butter or oil. Ick. Something that otherwise would be delicious. I find it quite annoying.

Description : Is there a word for the mixture of hunger and arousal felt when looking at really delicious food?

Last Answer : Salivate?

Description : Do you have any recipes that turn a 7 ounce can of cuitlacoche into a delicious dish?

Last Answer : answer:I thought I might be the only person on earth who has not only heard of, but eaten this stuff. One of my friends at work is from Mexico, and we were just discussing the yumminess of ... has Huitlacoche and Black Beans. Delicous! Hope something here sounds good. Let me know how you like it.

Description : Has there been a food you like, thought was delicious, but when you found out what it was made of or how it was prepared you could not bring yourself to eat it again?

Last Answer : Canned spaghetti cooked on the stove top at maximum heat. Gross and hard to clean up afterwards. With all that burnt spaghetti.

Description : What is your tastiest recipe for delicious soup?

Last Answer : this one

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Last Answer : Smelly, tasteless glop.

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Last Answer : P.S. I’d like to use the skins as well if possible for an extra zing.

Description : Do you have any recipes for cooling, but delicious salads?

Last Answer : While it’s not exactly a salad, how about some ceviche? Something about all the lime and cilantro I always found to be perfect on a hot day.

Description : Tell me about your delicious breakfast hot tea!

Last Answer : answer:Earl Grey tea, freshly brewed from real tea leaves. It's wonderful because it is tea leaves and boiling water. I add a ½ t. granulated sugar. Ingredients in your Folger's ... Maltodextrin, Instant Coffee, Salt, Silicon Dioxide (a Flow Agent), Artificial Flavor, Carboxymethyl Cellulose Gum.

Description : What delicious Cupcake just made it into the mansion?

Last Answer : WOOOOOOOHOOOOO!!! Congratulations to a wonderfully delicious Jelly! Enjoy the mansion!

Description : Really delicious roast beef?

Last Answer : The cut determines how you cook it. The more the muscle is used, the tougher it gets, but it has more flavor. it would need slow cooking over time. A loin would get less use and need less cooking. What cut are you thinking of?

Description : Can you share your most delicious recipes that your friends and family love?

Last Answer : answer:My Mother In Law makes the best short ribs in the world. She takes a large pot, adds a jar of Prego Tomato Sauce, and adds extra chopped onion, diced peppers, and garlic. Place four ... . This is served with Jewish potato pancakes, apple sauce, cooked green beans, mixed salad and rye bread.

Description : Do some individual orange trees produce particularly delicious oranges?

Last Answer : Try a honeybell. You will be changed forever. It comes out of a few locations in Florida. It’s a cross between a tangerine and a grapefruit. Wow, the web site says less than 1 person in 5000 has ever tried one.

Description : Once and for all, is there a Delicious dry dog food? I often don't have any people food left !

Last Answer : I am unfamiliar with any. Of course, I have a cat…now let’s talk cat food…

Description : What're some delicious pancake toppings?

Last Answer : answer:I like putting butter or margarine and syrup on them… Blueberries go well with pancakes…

Description : Raw mushrooms and peppers: how do I prep them so they're most delicious on pizza?

Last Answer : answer:Just dice the peppers up into thin strips or small, easily cooked pieces and the mushrooms will cook down on their own. I add fresh veggies to frozen cheese pizzas all the time and they cook ... raw veggies that have not been sauteed. Mmm yellow peppers don;t forget the black olives! :-)

Description : What is the most delicious party food you have ever tried?

Last Answer : Baked cheese bagel chips with a creme cheese spread that had minced jalepeno, minced red pimento and minced cilantro in it.

Description : Does anyone know of a delicious and easy dessert for diabetics.

Last Answer : Chocolate cake. Not quite simple, but not too difficult I hope.

Description : Would you care to provide me with some delicious risotto recipes?

Last Answer : koanhead It’s this rice dish that’s really creamy, made from special rice with white wine and chicken broth. It actually doesn’t taste much like rice, which is nice (I’m not a big fan of rice on its own).

Description : Can Jellies help me to be less delicious?

Last Answer : If you use Skin So Soft lotion by Avon, it actually keeps the bugs away from you.

Description : I'm looking for an alternative to delicious.com. What do you suggest?

Last Answer : I was in the same boat. I used del.icio.us for years. I switched to http://pinboard.in/ yesterday. You can export from del.icio.us and import into pinboard. I didn’t lose data.

Description : What is the most delicious vegetarian entree if you hate beans?

Last Answer : I think ricotta is vegetarian, just not vegan. If you’re looking for vegan, one of my favorite cookbooks is The Shoshoni Cookbook by Anne Saks and Faith Stone. Everything in it is yummy!

Description : It's a cold Saturday morning. What is your delicious hot drink with no caffeine?

Last Answer : I love hot peppermint tea with just a touch of sugar to really bring out the minty flavor.

Description : What makes the popcorn at the cinema more delicious than the popcorn being prepared at home alone?

Last Answer : I think this pops down to one answer…....you did not have to fix it yourself.

Description : Is There a Meat Substitute You Find Delicious?

Last Answer : answer:I adore Boca Burgers, especially the flame-grilled, garlic, mushroom etc. I can’t imagine anything canned I’d ever want to eat. Meat foods in a can like spam spam spam are disgusting and I would think I would like veggie spam even less. Crumble up garlic Boca Burgers for your lasagna.

Description : Do You Use an Instant Iced Tea That's Delicious?

Last Answer : I love Lipton’s iced tea mix. I hate flavored and/or sweetened tea, and I can never find a bottled tea that isn’t sweetened, so I need to make my own. I’ve tried different brands, but Lipton’s tastes the best imo.

Description : Anyone have some easy-ish, delicious polenta recipes?

Last Answer : answer:I like to grill the polenta then put black-beans and avocado on it. Sometimes a bit of sour cream. (TJ's cuban black beans are good if you don't want to make your own.) Making your own ... ? edit: Some people like to fry their polenta in a bit of butter and eat it with warm maple syrup.

Description : How can I make this cole slaw delicious?

Last Answer : Something sweet.

Description : Favorite, most delicious lentil Recipe?

Last Answer : None. Lentils are disgusting and they make me sick. I cannot eat them because they really do literally make me sick.

Description : Rewrite : What thirst quenching,lip smacking,delicious non alcoholic drinks would you recommend for a party of teetotalers?

Last Answer : Coke Zero. Tastes great, and there’s no guilt involved.

Description : Where Can I Find A Delicious Library IPA?

Last Answer : got it right here, i’ll try to email it.

Description : Why is Chipotle so delicious?

Last Answer : because it is delicious and not loaded with chemicals.

Description : Have you recently stumbled upon something delicious to drink or eat?

Last Answer : Well I mixed some Aloe Vera juice and triple sec together. It was fruity goodness

Description : Is there a better faster Delicious bookmarklet?

Last Answer : javascript:s=document.getSelection();for(i=0;i

Description : Who has a delicious, serve it hot, British recipe?

Last Answer : Toad in the hole! I think it’s fairly British. Being from Britain myself I’m not too sure on what the stereotypes are like.

Description : Can anyone recommend a great online bookmarking service, other than Delicious?

Last Answer : Wel, there’s google bookmarks and such, but i think delicious is the best one out there.

Description : What do you use Delicious for?

Last Answer : I use it to bookmark anything that I might find interesting enough to revisit someday. In that way, it's great for collecting programming reference/techniques or for tracking political discussion or ... if Ma.gnolia has enough differentiating factors to pull me off either delicious or Mento, though.