1 Answer

Answer :

Non-violence is practicable.

Related questions

Description : A Satyagrahi wins the battle through non violence ' . Explain with examples -SST 10th

Last Answer : 'This answer was deleted by our moderators...

Description : Mention the reason, why Gandhiji in his struggle for freedom evolve the method of non-violence? -SST 10th

Last Answer : Gandhiji knew that Indians were not strong enough to get freedom by any physical force. Only non-violence was the weapon to defeat the British imperialism.

Description : Which mass struggle was launched by Gandhiji on non-violence lines in 1920? -SST 10th

Last Answer : In 1920 Gandhiji launched the Non-Cooperation Movement. Non-Cooperation means withdrawal of all support and co-operation. The target of this programme was the British Government. It had only one ... seats. People observed strikes and refused to pay taxes. Khadi became the symbol of freedom.

Description : Who wrote non-violence ?

Last Answer : Written by Ahimsa Manik Bandopadhyay.

Last Answer : The basis of non-violence is restraint.

Last Answer : Non-violence is the opposite of violence.

Last Answer : Father of non-violence and non-cooperation movement - Mahatma Gandhi.

Description : Who was the renowned civil rights leader who fought through the means of non-violence?

Last Answer : Answer: Martin Luther King, Jr.

Description : Marin Luther King, Jr. was an clergyman,activist and leader. He is famous for: (a) Civil rights Movement using non-violence disobedience in USA. (b) Civil rights Movement using violence in ... using non-violence disobedience in India. (d) Civil rights Movement using non-violence in Costa Rica.

Last Answer : (a) Civil rights Movement using non-violence disobedience in USA.

Description : Which day is observed as International Day of Non-Violence?

Last Answer : 2nd October

Description : International day of Non-Violence day observed on_______________? a. 1st October B. 2nd October C. 3rd October D. 4th October

Last Answer : B. 2nd October

Description : Non-violence as taught and practised by Mahatma Gandhi is rooted in the Indian Doctrine of (SSC CGL 1st Sit. 2012) (a) Swaraj (b) Swadeshi (c) Satyagraha (d) Ahimsa

Last Answer : (d) Ahimsa

Description : In a tribute to Mahatma Gandhi's philosophy of brotherhood and peace, the UN General Assembly declared his birth anniversary, October 2, as the (1) International Day of Non-Violence (2) ... Cooperation (3) International Day of Peace and Cooperation (4) International Day of Peace and Non-Violence

Last Answer : International Day of Non-Violence

Description : The body of a woman is found in bed. Tere are no signs of violence and no marks of any kind on her body. The only evidence is a pair of scissors lying next to her.How did she die? -Riddles

Last Answer : She had drowned. The women was found on a waterbed that had been punctured by scissors while she was slept.

Description : What would you like to see as an alternative to using weapons and violence to fight a war?

Last Answer : answer:I've always thought that crime and war would have been way more fascinating if we hadn't developed weapons past swords and such, or if ballistic weaponry had been held in the same cold war ... duels, battles and heroism on a level that our current modern technology doesn't hold a candle to.

Description : Why is Central/South America so violent? What is the solution to the violence there?

Last Answer : I haven’t looked any further, but I heard much of it is due to policies the US has there. But I don’t know.

Description : Why does it seem that black people are more likely to find violence funny or something to be proud of?

Last Answer : I do not accept the premise of this question.

Description : As a child, when you were crying, did your parents ever threaten you with violence to make you stop?

Last Answer : No. That sort of threat was usually reserved for inappropriate mirth.

Description : When is violence the answer?

Last Answer : I really can’t think of any situation except in defense of your self or someone else.

Description : What do you think about ongoing violence in France?

Last Answer : What made Macron think that raising gas taxes was a good idea? I haven't followed the whole story, but from what little I know, there wasn't a compelling reason to do so. France has a long history ... he could get away with it. On the other hand, burning up some cars is better than burning people.

Description : Is violence the answer?

Last Answer : Of course it is. It worked in the French Revolution, the Russian onslaught in WW2, the treasonous rebellion of the colonies against their rightful British rulers, and that so-called civil war ... . Violence is the supreme authority from which all other authorities are derived. - George Washington

Description : Do Americans live in constant fear of random acts of violence?

Last Answer : I’m scared about someone shooting up my school. I still think its a great place to live based only on opportunities and the privilege Americans have over other countries.

Description : Does U.S. militarism and nationalism play any role in domestic gun violence?

Last Answer : While I don’t disagree that there is some connection, I don’t quite know which is causality, and which is end result.

Description : Is it possible that violence, mental health issues, and other social challenges are byproducts of overpopulation?

Last Answer : no

Description : Why is bigotry okay, but violence is not?

Last Answer : bigotry and intolerance are perfectly legal until you infringe on another’s civil rights. By the same token its perfectly legal to want to kill someone or wish them dead.

Description : Can there be graphic violence in text?

Last Answer : By describing violence in graphic detail. It's as old as Homer: Running behind and overtaking him, Meriones hit his buttock on the right side and pierced his bladder, missing the pelvic bone. ... just set appropriate flags or something and get it published acknowledging that it has violence in it.

Description : What's your opinion on violence in movies that involve children?

Last Answer : I mean… it’s a story about a demon clown that eats children. What exactly were you expecting?

Description : Does hatred justify violence?

Last Answer : No.

Description : How would you handle or respond to this type of waiter, without resorting to violence?

Last Answer : I would start by asking if Are We the Baddies?

Description : How would you solve the inner city violence problem?

Last Answer : answer:Get rid of the instruments of violence. If people are shooting each other, get rid of the guns. That’s a first step.

Description : Is there any proof that the violence and racism surrounding many of Trump's rallies could be a direct result of the horrible things he's said during those rallies?

Last Answer : Proof? Fuck, man. Watch the tapes. He incites these guys like Hitler did at his rallies. What more proof does one need?

Description : I just heard on the radio that kids who use marijuana are more likely to be involved in violence (I assume than those who don't). Is that right?

Last Answer : answer:Was it on a factual station, or on Limbaugh or Fox News? That makes a difference. I doubt the theory. Marijuana tends to be a mellowing influence. Not a violent influence. * ... violence among traffickers (drug sellers) is different than violence among users. What did the story identify?)

Description : Is it possible to write interesting fiction that has no conflict or violence?

Last Answer : Ask Laura Ingalls Wilder.

Description : Do you ever wonder or worry about the pets of the victims of violence?

Last Answer : I have known a number of people who take over care of animals if there is a tragedy. Usually they are family members, sometimes friends. I have a couple of friends who have no family, and I have ... reunite or rehome. In my experience, friends, neighbors, and/or family are likely to care for them.

Description : If arming more people is the answer to reducing gun violence, do we start with kindergarten teachers (as Dr. Ben Carson, U.S. presidential hopeful has suggested), or do we need to start with the kindergartners themselves?

Last Answer : It doesn’t, and it’s a totally absurd proposition.

Description : The US was founded in the idea that violence is an appropriate response to injustice. Why doesn't that apply to those who are still oppressed?

Last Answer : answer:You know the answer to this.. Hint, they are black..

Description : Have you ever had a customer you wanted to verbally abuse of commit acts of violence against?

Last Answer : answer:What people who deal with customers need to understand is the cost of re-acquiring a lost customer is prohibitively expensive while keeping a customer happy costs relatively little. Businesses sometime ... who are on the front lines with customers and by not having policies that support that.

Description : If a judge was unable to grant an injunction against sexual abuse and violence due to lack of evidence would there be a possibility to modify a custody agreement?

Last Answer : answer:You have to demonstrate a reason for your request. Accusing someone of sexual abuse is a serious charge; you have to show why and how you know it is happening. You may only get a temporary ... go on. Issues like this, when brought up for the first time in a custody situation, are questioned.

Description : Does the law treat domestic violence against women more seriously than against men?

Last Answer : I think there’s a typo in your question that makes it nonsensical. Read it and edit it.

Description : Suicide by firearm, does society class that as gun violence?

Last Answer : So, let me see if I understand you correctly. You are promoting the use of firearms as a suicide tool? And the next paragraph, if stretched, would seem to indicate that you feel that guns ... readily available so that they can be used for that purpose? Readily available to those with mental illness?

Description : What if, instead of issuing a global threat of violence to commemorate the anniversary of a violent event, the victimized party declared an anniversary moratorium on violence?

Last Answer : Examples?

Description : True or False: Legalizing marijuana in the U.S.A. would drastically cut gang violence domestically?

Last Answer : False. You still have methamphetamine, heroin, and cocaine to deal with.

Description : Hidden history: Did you know about this event? (Trigger warning for homophobic violence).

Last Answer : answer:I actually have heard about this, only because Ghost Hunters filmed an episode there last season. I don’t understand how some people can be so hateful. It makes me sick to my stomach.

Description : What do you think about this domestic violence case?

Last Answer : I think the school was right, yes it’s shitty, yes it’s unfair & yes she deserves sympathy, but the kids welfare comes first. Staff should come with no baggage, simple as.

Description : Does stricter gun control prevent gun violence?

Last Answer : According to the Australians, it does.

Description : Violence in games, what about Peter Pan and Looney Tunes?

Last Answer : answer:I don't count Looney Tunes. Those cartoons are very cartoonish. I don't think it is easily confused with real people or animals. Since the entire scene is unreal, so is the violence. A talking bunny ... people have no problem watching it. My husband doesn't, he says to me, it isn't real.

Description : Would the reintroduction of dueling help reduce the amount of gun violence?

Last Answer : answer:No. I say forget dueling and get a rope. Just hang the bastards from the nearest big tree. Big tree, tall horse, short rope. Yhaaaaw, slapping horse on rump My joke, I've got all 3 ... bolt like a freight train and enough property and wildlife that no remains shall ever be found. lol ;-)

Description : How does diplomacy not come first in movies instead of violence?

Last Answer : Any narrative, any work of fiction needs conflict, drama… the question should perhaps be why does diplomacy not come first, rather than violence, in the real world, I think.

Description : Does witnessing violence leave you all shaky?

Last Answer : No, that’s a totally instinctive reaction to a traumatic event. That’s not being a pansy, that’s having human biology.

Description : Have you ever seen a sign that said "Violence towards our staff will not be tolerated?"?

Last Answer : answer:I have not seen any such signs in my area but I might guess that drug-seeking behavior is the root of some of these signs in offices. As a former EMT, I can say that there is ... influence. Not all people handle emergency situations well. Unfortunately they can go off on those there to help.