What is URL ?

1 Answer

Answer :

URL refers to the address of a web site.

Related questions

Description : "Copy image url" disappeared from Google Chrome?

Last Answer : That could be a quirk of Google+. I still have the “copy image url” option available to me in Chrome.

Description : How do URL-shortening companies make money?

Last Answer : They take the extra letters and sell them for a profit at the text bazaar…It’s complicated

Description : There is no way to take a screenshot from a video url . ?

Last Answer : There is no way to take a screenshot from a video url .

Last Answer : Invalid URL means wrong URL . It will show up when you try to browse with wrong URL .

Description : What is the actual full form of URL? Universal or Uniform?

Last Answer : Uniform. But I did see a reference that it used to be universal. But uniform is the proper wordage now.

Description : Is there a way people can download a mobile application directly by clicking on a URL link?

Last Answer : You’re confusing web sites and apps. Apps have to be downloaded on to the mobile device from an app store.

Description : When does hovering on a word or sentence link not produce the url?

Last Answer : Is it a function of the browser or the operating system or other?

Description : Have you heard of "URL Squatting" before? And what does it mean to "buy" a URL?

Last Answer : If you register it nobody can do anything with it. It’s yours.

Description : Where do you enter the shortened url in order to turn it into the long/full url?

Last Answer : Um, I think you might have left out some context. I do that on the “address bar” of my web browser, though it depends on the browser, version, and settings how that specifically works.

Description : How do you get part of a url that corresponds only to the Google image that's picked?

Last Answer : answer:Is the following an example of what you're asking about: http://ell.h-cdn.co/assets/16/01/480x720/wraps-hh-essentials-premium-jersey-wrap-sapphire-2_1.jpg ? If so, then: hijab > images > ... in your details is for the image's location at Google's image page, and not for the image itself.

Description : How do you get the url of only one part of all those podcasts?

Last Answer : You could use iTunes to download just the episode you want.

Description : Is Google's url shrinker under "more", on the homepage? If not where is it?

Last Answer : answer:Google's url shorterner appears to be one that is no longer maintained. Note that the branding and entire style of the page is many iterations old. Google has had many tools that they've shut down. ... people even know about it. Plus, it doesn't seem to be as popular as bitly or tinyurl.

Description : Is there a way to make Outlook display the true target location in a hyperlinked URL?

Last Answer : answer:Your friend's virus protection was either non-existent or out of date. I refrain from clicking on the obvious bogus links (worded as you have described), and when I send out even short emails ... , or a chain of them, that none of the shortening services could have the resources to penetrate.

Description : How does this website continue playing music when the URL is changed?

Last Answer : answer:the source code says window.pagetype = “ajaxy” I don’t know anything about writing script or whatnot but is that the same as what you referenced above making this sort of thing possible?

Description : How do you create a URL for an image?

Last Answer : answer:If the image is online it has a URL. If you put it in a folder called images' it is often hrrp://www.domain.ext[com,edu,etc.]/images/filename.ext[jpg,gif,etc.n] If you are ... right-click on the image and select cooy image location -copy it into notepad first then use it as you will.

Description : How do you turn a URL into a one word link?

Last Answer : here? “Ooh, jellies!” : fluther.com ...stick everything together Ooh, jellies!

Description : Firefox extension which stores URL shortcuts?

Last Answer : Is using the bookmark toolbar out of the question?

Description : Why do I have to pay for a URL?

Last Answer : It has to reside somewhere. You could get around it but it would have to be parked on your computer (it now being a server/static IP address) and up all the time.

Description : At what URL can I purchase a 100 oz+ stainless steel container to drink out of?

Last Answer : You might want to try a water bladder/pouch. I have one that is over 3 liters.

Description : At what URL can I order canned Jalapeno slices which are not pickled?

Last Answer : Something like this product (only not pickled): http://www.amazon.com/Costena-Jalapeno-Nacho-Slices-26/dp/B0037BR6YW/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&s=grocery&qid=1268709821&sr=1-4

Description : What Are Some Good URL shortening Websites?

Last Answer : http://twe4.me is a new good one. You should check it out :)

Description : I have an "Ask.com" search bar besides my URL search bar on FireFox. I didn't download it and don't want it, how do I get rid of it?

Last Answer : http://www.paperstreet.com/blog/index.php/archives/582 Hope this helps.

Description : My URL task bar disappeared. Can you help me get it back?

Last Answer : What browser are you using?

Description : How do you remove the "www" from the URL of a wordpress site?

Last Answer : in .htaccess file in the root directory… RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www.domain.com$ [NC] RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://domain.com/$1 [R=301,L] though don’t tough any of the Wordpress generated stuff that’s in there.

Description : Why does the URL bar in Firefox 3.5 sometimes change color?

Last Answer : That’s not something I experience, could be an addon you have? My best guess is security, whether or not the addon’s database has the chat room confirmed on its “safe list”.

Description : What's the gmail iPhone URL?

Last Answer : http://m.google.com/mail?dc=gorganic

Description : What URL shortening service do you use?

Last Answer : I use tinyurl.com

Description : How do I get a YouTube URL using just my iPhone?

Last Answer : Hello! Easy peasy, you tap the little mail icon and it creates a mail with the luscious URL within, ready to be equally cut and pasted.

Description : Need a brand name for sms coupon that is catchy and memorable as a url?

Last Answer : smsasmuchasuwant ?

Description : Are the .dat, .url, etc files recieved in downloads harmful / bulky?

Last Answer : The answer is… (shakes Magic 8 Ball™) ...uncertain.

Description : On Mac Firefox (latest version) I drag a link to the bookmarks toolbar, and the URL is different than the link's URL, sometimes a URL I have never seen, what is happening?

Last Answer : You might have an obfuscated URL as used by various nefarious phishing organisations. When you drag it it will show the true URL.

Description : Best URL shortener?

Last Answer : 1. Search for what you want. 2. Click the first hit. ツ

Description : If you add a URL bookmark to your home screen on a 1.1.3 iPhone, what does the icon look like? Is it customizable?

Last Answer : answer:Here’s a link to a video that shows you everything in action: iPhone 1.1.3 Walkthrough

Description : Adding a music URL...

Last Answer : how do you mean? If you want to link to a music file, you copy the URL and put it like this: some text But if you want, like, a flash player to play the song then just Google “embedded music player.”

Description : What does adding a question mark to a URL do?

Last Answer : Oh, and I know it’s used for URL parameters. I mean a ? with nothing else.

Description : Where's the best site to register a URL?

Last Answer : www.mediatemple.net

Description : Is it possible to have a facebook page with a custom URL?

Last Answer : Nope

Description : How can I change the URL of one of my website's pages?

Last Answer : Forums

Description : What are some good URL shortining websites?

Last Answer : What’s wrong with tinyurl.com?

Description : Ask-public users: do you have a website/blog? What's the URL? What is your piece of the Internet about?

Last Answer : answer:here is mine http://www.willbrawn.blogspot.com I post photos and am working toward becoming a pro photographer. Process in work.

Description : how to get base url in q2a ? -question2answer

Last Answer : qa_path_to_root(); This function can be used to get the root url of the q2a site

Description : a student, has written some points about Web pages and URL. 1. Which of the following statements are true about Web pages? -Technology

Last Answer : 1. (c) and (d)2. (a) and (b)

Description : In URL http://www.cbse.nic.in/ is a …………. protocol. -Technology

Last Answer : In URL http://www.cbse.nic.in/ is a http protocol.

Description : Website can be accessed by URL. -Technology

Last Answer : True Each Website is accessed by its own address known as URL.

Description : URL is an Internet machine. -Technology

Last Answer : False URL is the Web address for a Website or a Web page.

Description : ……………. is an attribute of the tag which specifies the location or URL of the image to be displayed. -Technology

Last Answer : src is an attribute of the tag which specifies the location or URL of the image to be displayed.

Description : The …………. tag is considered to establish a hypertext relationship between the current document and another URL. -Technology

Last Answer : The tag is considered to establish a hypertext relationship between the current document and another URL.

Description : The ………….. attribute is used for specifying the URL of the anchor tag. -Technology

Last Answer : The hrefattribute is used for specifying the URL of the anchor tag.

Description : Using the ………… type URL, you can create the E_mail hyperlink. -Technology

Last Answer : Using the mailtotype URL, you can create the E-mail hyperlink.

Description : How to get image URL to post image on this site -Technology

Last Answer : You don't have to get image URL. Simply you have to click on (Send it to server button).It will automatically take theURL.Then anew page will appearas below. click on OK button.