Why do horses stand and sleep ?

1 Answer

Answer :

Horses sleep mainly for self-defense. The horse's body is very heavy. The back is straight. So once they sit down, they take much longer to get up than other animals. So if someone suddenly comes and attacks you while you are sitting , then it takes them a long time to stand up and it is too late for them to run . Until then the attacker can attack the horse and sit down. That is why the horses stand and sleep. Horses have a special ability to stand on their knees while sleeping , which is why they do not fall asleep. Horses can stand for a long time without any fatigue. So they can easily fall asleep while standing. Horses, however, sleep while standing, but this does not mean that they cannot sit or sleep. Occasionally sleeps while sitting for foot rest

Related questions

Description : Why do horses stand together?

Last Answer : I doubt it is actually possible to know. But safety in numbers is a pretty common thread with all creatures. And it probably isn’t in the flighty and win sense. More of a be faster than your friend when chased by a bear thing.

Description : Thirty white horses on a red hill, First they champ, Then they stamp, Then they stand still. -Riddles

Last Answer : Teeth

Description : is it more common for horses to sleep standing up or lying down!

Last Answer : Unlike humans, horses sleep more frequently, but for much shorter periods of time. Foals nap about half of each day until they are 3 months old. They sleep lying down but as they get older, they choose to ... a barn or an area where they feel secure, they might decide to lie down for a quick nap.

Description : My horse rarely lays down to sleep. But I often see her standing still and it looks like she's sleeping. Is this normal?

Last Answer : Yes, it is normal behavior. Horses are prey animals. In the wild especially, they feel vulnerable to attacks by numerous predators. It is not unusual for them to sleep standing up so that they are prepared ... , when feeling secure in an enclosure such as a barn or a stall will lie down to sleep.

Description : I do not breathe, but I run and jump. I do not eat, but I swim and stretch. I do not drink, but I sleep and stand. I do not think, but I grow and play. I do not see, but you see me every day. What am I? -Riddles

Last Answer : I am a leg.

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Last Answer : You would still get hurt, but you'd be less hurt than if you landed directly on the ground.

Description : Do horses really need to wear shoes?

Last Answer : In some restaurants, they are forced to. They would probably prefer to dine casually unshod, but rules are rules.

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Last Answer : Yes, they can. They (zebra’s) can mate with any kind of equine. Zebroids is what you get. A horbra, or a zorse.

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Last Answer : They prefer beer—Guinness more specifically. I don’t know about the specific risks of coffee, but I would be concerned about the stimulant effect on the horse. Could they get jumpy and hurt themselves/someone else? What would be the benefit?

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Last Answer : The ones native to North America went extinct a long time ago, and what we have now was brought in during the Spanish Conquest it seems.

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Last Answer : I don’t think they would remember who branded them but I believe they know enough to shy away from a person who repeatedly abuses them.

Description : Why can't they domesticate zebras like they did horses?

Last Answer : Because painting white stripes on black african american horses is cheaper and easier.

Description : Trivial Pursuit time (which means you can't Google: How many horses have won the American Triple Crown?

Last Answer : I think just two: Seabiscuit&manowar?

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Last Answer : Had a friend that was a farrier in Connecticut , he used something like THESE for carriage horses in southern New England.

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Last Answer : I just googled it and it seems there was a National Geographic one on Fresian horses.

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Last Answer : Bats. I wouldn’t screw with them if they had bats.

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Last Answer : answer:I'm not sure what you mean by and I'm sure they made huge strides in their civilizations during the 300 years they had them, before the Europeans came . The Europeans came at ... , and Middle Eastern groups had camels. There have been plenty of alternatives for transportation and for work.

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Last Answer : Considering the weight of the girl is resting on her crotch, and the hymen is merely a membrane, it’s not at all surprising. Add to that the concept of horse back riding as a masturbatory exercise for young women, it means the pressure from horse back riding is directly on the area in question.

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Last Answer : Funny, I was thinking the same thing. I really wanted California Chrome to win.

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Last Answer : answer:Horses use verbal communication like we use speech. It's to alert others of some situation. Check that the horse does not have a leg or hoof caught in something. Check that the horse's ... reacting to a problematic situation, it will try to get attention. Since it lacks speech, it whinnies.

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Last Answer : In Michael Clayton, which I think is an absolutely perfect film, there's a scene with horses that's almost worth the price of the movie. Clayton (George Clooney) is a sad, troubled man doing a dirty job ... the horses' eyes, and we can see in them how much he yearns for a fresh start in life.

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Last Answer : answer:It surely cannot be easy these days being Joan Guilfoyle, the (relatively) new director of the Bureau of Land Management's Wild Horse and Burro Program. On the one hand she works ... .com/national/archive/2012/05/the-feds-unnecessarily-round-up-wild-horses-then-complain-about-costs/256527/

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Last Answer : answer:www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evolution_of_the_horse The spanish are credited with introducing the first horse to north america after indigenous species had become extinct. Funny I JUST changed my avatar to the ... over here. Yes, the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. lol

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Last Answer : answer:*You’re SO clever… Random? Well butter my muffin this is a GREAT question! Teeth… Horses teeth disturbe me. So although I like looking at them, much like everything else, they are rather plesant… Until of course they open their mouths, then, not so much. *Smiles.

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Last Answer : No. It was supposed to be an approximation based on comparing draft horses to steam engines.

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Last Answer : From what I know of horses, some are more intelligent than many people I know. They’re beautiful animals, inside and out – when Alex and I dream about our farm upstate, we have two horses at least in that dream.

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Last Answer : They take them out when insurance companies come out and say “your rates are going up because you have that hazard” or because they get a suit or a claim.

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Last Answer : answer:I’m gonna fall into a stupid trap here, I’m sure – but isn’t that just 7 horses a piece? Edit – nevermind. Two fathers and two sons. Whoops.

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Last Answer : answer:If it's a horse you or a friend own, I'd say south down past Funston Beach. That's where I would run mine, but he was at the stables near there in Daly City. Rental-wise, I don't think ... have had some horses in Half Moon Bay take off back home at a gallop, but certainly not on purpose, ha.

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Last Answer : All but one has a pretty similar view. A horse’s ass. If horses were really “into” racing, then jockeys wouldn’t need whips.

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Last Answer : It protects the hooves from deterioration. Horses do fine in the wild but in captivity, we put them to work in a big way.

Description : What are your thoughts on whipping horses in order to train them?

Last Answer : i kind of like it

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Last Answer : A charley horse is a popular North American colloquial term for a painful contusion (bruise) of the quadriceps muscle of the anterior or lateral thigh that commonly results in a muscular hematoma and sometimes several ... , or too much calcium. ~Wikipedia Simple It's a bruise, or a cramp. :)

Description : Do horses ever have green eyes?

Last Answer : answer:http://www.equine-information.com/eye-colour.html Yes, some can.

Description : I ride horses as a hobby anyone had an bad horse accidents?

Last Answer : Well I never rode horses enough to say I have, but there was this one time my brother and me snuck into a neighbors yard who owned horses. So I decided to get on one bare back and my brother made a ... his ass off while the whole time I could have been killed. It's funny now all these years later.

Description : Do horses with broken legs have to be shot?

Last Answer : answer:I got the following from http://www.wisegeek.com/why-are-broken-legs-so-dangerous-for-horses.htm But why is a broken leg so dangerous for horses? There are a number of reasons ... sentence it once was, but owners need to understand all of the ramifications of an aggressive treatment program.

Description : If human beings are truly able to "talk" to primates via sign language, then will the day ever come when we can talk to our dogs, cats and horses?

Last Answer : answer:Dogs, for one, are extremely sensitive to body language and very responsive to hand signals. More research is needed. The problem right now is that most of the establishment does not accept the level of animal intelligence. Most people who discuss it believe that animals “think” in images.

Description : My 10 yo gelding has had stress from yearly shots 12 days ago. Colic 6 days ago 2 days ago till present both eyelids droopy no fever

Last Answer : Droopy eyelids can have a number of causes including lacerations, entropion (eyelids roll inward), ectropion (eyelids roll outward), trauma, tumors, disease such as Horner's Syndrome (see our article), ... to have the condition examined by a vet so that proper diagnosis and treatment can be given.

Description : Besides to make them look nicer, is there any health benefit for painting my horses hooves?

Last Answer : People paint their horses' hooves when showing them or if they take part in a parade. Dark horses' hooves are usually painted with black hoof polish and light-colored horses with clear hoof polish. Otherwise ... reason to paint your horses' hooves as it's better to leave them uncovered as they are.

Description : In the wild they don't have horseshoes. Why do they need them when they get domesticated?

Last Answer : Domesticated horses spend most of their time walking and running on hard surfaces. They need horseshoes to keep their hooves from wearing down too quickly and damaging them. Wild horses don't need shoes ... soft grassy areas, protecting their hooves and allowing them to wear down at a normal rate.

Description : I read somewhere that they don't. Is that true?

Last Answer : Yes, horses sweat. During hot weather, exercise, stressful situations, horses sweat to cool down their bodies. When the beads of sweat evaporate, they cause cooling down. Sweat glands are found throughout ... between 10-15 liters of fluid. The fluid will be replaced slowly when the horse drinks.

Description : I love horses and I'd like to work with them. What are some careers that involve working with horses?

Last Answer : Veterinarian or Veterinary Technician top the list of careers with horses. But you would have to make a commitment to attend university for a number of years to earn a degree and be able to practice. ... land as well as seeing to the horses' needs), training horses, breeding horses. Hope this helps.

Description : I have a healthy horse, but her mane seems thinner than other horses. What can I do to get her to have a healthier looking mane?

Last Answer : A healthy mane starts with the right feed. Make sure your horse is getting the proper nutrients. Keep the mane free of any dirt, burrs, tangles and so on that can get caught on objects and pull ... the mane. There is grooming spray that can be used inbetween times to help keep tangles to a minimum.

Description : content:

Last Answer : This cross between a thoroughbred and a pinto is referred to as a "paint." Nicknames come from whatever name you have given the horse.

Description : Are ponies baby horses or are they just small horses?

Last Answer : A pony is a separate breed , it is a small horse. A horse that stands 14.2 hands (a hand measure is 4 inches), high or less is considered a pony. Conformation, the body ... environment where food was scarce, producing smaller horses. The pony's size was then maintained through selective breeding.

Description : I recently saw a post for a blind horse on PetFinder.com. What do you need to know to take care of one?

Last Answer : A horse's vision is an extremely important sense. Their range of vision allows them to see all around except directly in front or back. But even blind horses can adapt if they feel safe and secure. ... him/her. For your safety and the horse's use the same methods of communicating and be consistent.

Description : At what age are horses considered fully grown?

Last Answer : A horse is usually 90% grown at 2 years old. They reach their full height at 5 years old. They are considered fully grown at 6 or 7 years of age although some horses continue to grow till 8 years of age.

Description : I read somewhere that they couldn't. If they can't what happens when they eat something they're not supposed to?

Last Answer : Horses cannot vomit. There is a very strong band of muscle called the cardiac sphincter around the esphagus at the stomach entrance. It cannot relax and allow the horse to vomit. If your horse ... it could mean that something is stuck in its esphagus and requires the attention of a vet immediately.

Description : Can horses swim? If they can, do they enjoy it?

Last Answer : Yes, horses can swim and most enjoy it. Swimming is an excellent exercise as it uses muscles without putting pressure on the legs. It also provides shortened recovery time for injured or ill ... important to teach the horse and yourself to swim safely without causing injury to himself or you.

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Last Answer : Need Answer