Where is a really good place to buy dishes?

1 Answer

Answer :

There are many different places to buy dishes, but this website is one you should check out!https : //yazing . com/deals/dish/AllForStrength(Remove the spaces, it's an affiliate link but it's a great deal - take a look!)

Related questions

Description : Is it really necessary to wash dishes in hot water, or will cold water get them just as clean?

Last Answer : Cold water is fine as long as their is a bleaching agent in your soap. But I’m fine with using Dawn just cause it’s soluble. The trouble is, it’s hard to get the grease off, so a lot of scrubbing must be done. Any soap will wash the bacteria away.

Description : Anyone have some recipes for vegetarian dishes they really like?

Last Answer : Open the can of corn. Ta-Da! :)

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Last Answer : Some kind of stew. Stews of various types are pretty common in a lot of countries.

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Last Answer : Spaghetti. Fried Rice. Pizza.

Description : Have you ordered a bunch of side dishes and not an entree?

Last Answer : Sure. All the time. When I was in college I had one bowl of mashed potatoes and gravy for lunch every day and that was all.

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Last Answer : I'm in the no way in hell camp. By the time those hands have finished washing the dishes, the hands (and the dishes) are no longer germs, as the warm water and soap have removed the pathogens. If ... and washing dishes, they are too sick to be doing that. Lend a hand, do the dishes for them.

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Last Answer : I never order steak in a restaurant . I prefer to make it myself. I only like store bought egg nog.

Description : What restaurant dishes have you come to appreciate more after trying to cook them yourself?

Last Answer : Probably not considered great, but what comes to mind is Chinese egg rolls. I’m not very good at wrapping them, but I do like my homemade ones better than the restaurant. I don’t deep fry mine. I do buy the wrappers ready to wrap.

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Last Answer : Spagbol. I care not for the cautiously cultivated, splendidly sprawling spaghetti tree; its precisely plucked, delicate al dente strings or that littlest ladle of rich, red reduction atop the $30 plate of paradisiacal pasta.

Description : What are some of your semi-homemade dishes?

Last Answer : I take the burrito bowl cafe steamer from the frozen aisle (throw out the tomatillo sauce) and love putting it in pita bread with melted low fat shredded Mexican cheese and cilantro salsa

Description : Sponge, brush or washcloth to wash dishes?

Last Answer : Scrubber, usually plastic, sometimes metal and then into the dishwasher. We do have a wash cloth and it does get some use but usually just wiping down cabinets and sinks. No sponges for dishes or cabinets. My wife read something that put her off them.

Description : Anybody have any new vegetarian Thanksgiving side dishes?

Last Answer : Every side dish I make for thanksgiving is vegetarian. I never think to make anything “new” since the meal is all about tradition for me. I’ll be following to see the answers though. Except to say when my parents are here I make baked sweet potato. I never make that otherwise.

Description : Do you ever mix it up at Thanksgiving with different dishes?

Last Answer : Turnip and potatoes mashed together, instead of just mashed potatoes. Cranberry, oranges and walnuts; put them in food processor then bring to boil and chill.

Description : Do you clean up or organize the used dishes when you are finished eating at a casual restaurant?

Last Answer : I do. I clean up, and stack the dishes as best I can from biggest on bottom to smallest at top.Obviously trying to make the dishes easier to carry. I still tip the same. I just don't mind helping someone ... to the bar, and throw away my trash. I don't wipe the table, but I clean up major spills .

Description : Are there any recipes dishes or meals that you make at home that are partly from a mix/prepared and partly from your personal additions?

Last Answer : answer:I do semi-homemade and part packaged part scratch meals all the time. Like I'll use frozen sliced turkey and gravy with mashed potatoes and add my own veggies as a side. Another frozen is the ... frozen is I buy plain frozen pizza and add my own mushrooms. Sometimes I add some spinach too.

Description : Do you think I can use silicone dishes to make large blocks of ice?

Last Answer : answer:You can always freeze a gallon milk carton jug filled with water. Then just cut the plastic away after it solidifies. Don’t fill them all the way though, as liquid obviously expands when frozen. I do it all the time for when I’ll be in the sun all day in my canoe.

Description : Can you give me some easy main dishes to feed a crowd?

Last Answer : answer:Well, relatively easy, maybe: - meatball dishes, such as barbecued, Swedish, or other varieties - pulled pork for sandwiches - for that matter, a roast of some kind - chili or other ... And having a catered main dish, but no actual dinner to present might make the cost bearable.

Description : Have you had any dishes with short ribs lately?

Last Answer : answer:Not lately, but years ago - decades ago - my wife used to make a mustard-based I don't know, not really a marinade, and certainly not a sauce that she would slow-cook short ribs ... she announced the plan - even though I like mustard a lot.) They became a family favorite for many years.

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Last Answer : The alcohol cooks away but not the flavor of the liquor.

Description : What would you think of a large meal for a lot of people where only what we consider "appetizers" and what we consider "side" dishes, were offered?

Last Answer : What is a “side dish” to a ‘merican?

Description : What are your favorite dishes and recipes using tomatoes?

Last Answer : You know, a caprese salad is delicious. So if you can find some beautiful tomatoes why not just team them with a lovely mozzarella and some basil. Other than that you could stuff them or make your own tomato sauce (ketchup) or a marinara sauce that you can use in a whole host of dishes later.

Description : Any suggestions for make-ahead vegetable dishes that don't involve dairy?

Last Answer : Several packages of frozen petit lois; cook according to instructions, add a little butter and salt. Reheat and garnish with fresh chopped mint (or just skip that step).

Description : Is it okay to use hand soap to wash dishes?

Last Answer : answer:It’s the very (very) hot water that matters; soap is soap. The differences between bar and liquid soaps. http://www.detergentsandsoaps.com/articles/bar-liquid-soap.html

Description : If you were creating a feast for one of your fellow Jellies, which Jelly would you choose and what dishes would you prepare?

Last Answer : Hm. I would prepare a bunch of magic brownies for Coloma, and be sure to have my fridge and cabinets stocked with munchies that she can choose from later.

Description : Americans, what is your favorite food? Your comfort food? Some Common Dishes?

Last Answer : answer:Macaroni and cheese. A cheesburger. Black-eyed peas. Grits Biscuits with butter and syrup. (none of which I eat now)

Description : For those of you who were not born and raised in the U.S., what foods are considered common dishes, or comfort foods in your respective countries?

Last Answer : Bangers & Mash Fish & Chips Bubble & Squeak Toad in the Hole Spotted Dick Bread & Butter Pudding Jam Roly Poly

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Last Answer : answer:Over the weekend, I had mac n cheese made with spicy cheese. What a great way to perk up an old favorite. I'd like to try your version though. Sounds yummy. In taco salads, I use ranch ... cream. I always put Rudy's BBQ Sause in my meatloaf and stuffed green peppers. Gives them a good kick.

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Last Answer : Feta cheese, hummus, deer brauts/rabbit/wild game, taco pizza’s, any and all curry’s.

Description : A question towards those who are vegan; what are your favorite meals and dishes to prepare?

Last Answer : answer:I'm not vegan, but I like roasted or sauteed veggies especially mushrooms, eggplant, and zuchini, with pasta or rice. I really like the Morning Star original veggie patties for something ... , with Italian or balsamic vinagrette. Soups. Split pea, lentil, minestrone, pasta fagioli, vegetable.

Description : What chocolate dishes have you made?

Last Answer : answer:A fellow Fluther user told me about a thing called frozen bananas . I had never heard of them, much less tried them, all I knew was it was a frozen banana on a stick that was dipped ... even coat of chocolate. The only down side really, was that the bananas lost some flavor in the process.

Description : Do fancy restaurants use alcohol in pasta dishes?

Last Answer : Some sauces may have a slosh of wine. If veggies are the star ingredient, though, that’s unlikely.

Description : What do you think about when you wash the dishes?

Last Answer : answer:I dunno. I never thought about what I think about :-/ I guess I think, “when I come home from work tomorrow, I’ll have clean dishes…”

Description : I've have Indian food maybe twice in my life; need help with these dishes?

Last Answer : I’m partial to Aloo Gobi Matar. It’s veggies (potatoes, cauliflower, onions) in a spicy gravy.

Description : Its MasterChef Fluther; With which dishes can you impress?

Last Answer : answer:I can make some cracking cheese on toast . I am also pretty good at making something out of nothing. I'm a student Therefore I would probably cook whatever someone else paid for plus a bottle of cheap ... s not an option to mess up a dinner, you always have to eat. There isn't another option.

Description : What are the traditional dishes in your family's Thanksgiving celebrations?

Last Answer : I've been introducing homemade baked yellow-eye beans (a particular specialty of mine) and succotash (made with corn and cranberry beans / Roman beans / speckled beans, whatever you want to call them ... pretty darn good. That, or Crash Hot Potatoes which have been well received on Fluther, anyway.

Description : When I do the dishes, why do the plastics sometimes end up greasy?

Last Answer : answer:I've noticed that too, must have something to do with the grease sticking to the plastic more. I always use tons of soap and rinse really well as I also have a phobia about tasting soap. ... run it for the same reason and because somewhere, deep down, I think it is inferior to hand washing.

Description : Have you ever eaten one of those fancy, gourmet food dishes (you know, with the small portion and the design)?

Last Answer : This question is adorable.

Description : What are you favorite dishes to make with fresh veggies from the Farmer's Market?

Last Answer : Not really a “dish”, but I always recommend getting as much basil and garlic as possible. Make pesto and add it to everything.

Description : Good vegetarian bean dishes?

Last Answer : chakkari

Description : Can you use regular old cedar to cook "cedar plank" dishes?

Last Answer : Just make sure it’s not treated with anti-fungal products… you want UNTREATED wood. Very important because some treated woods can contain poisons.

Description : It's that time of the year. Share your FAVORITE Turkey Day dishes and recipes?

Last Answer : My favorite is stuffing; mo recipe needed really. I make my stuffing with homemade buttermilk cornbread baked with lots of butter. As the cornbread cools a bit, sauté in butter in a big saucepan a bunch ... veggie sausage. Pack it into a greased baking pan and bake at about 350 until crispy on top.

Description : Do you have special dishes that you make only for Thanksgiving?

Last Answer : I do not have a special dish, but I am thinking of starting the tradition this year with Mama Stambergs Cranberry Relish.

Description : Care to share any easy food dishes (including soup) that you can freeze?

Last Answer : Do you want recipes or suggestions for things that freeze well?

Description : Why do my dishes smell?

Last Answer : what dishwasher products are you using in it to clean the dishes?

Description : What food/dishes/meals haunt your dreams?

Last Answer : Food just doesn’t affect my life in such a way.

Description : Why do plastic cups and bowls air dry far slower than glass dishes?

Last Answer : I doubt they do. However most plastic containers and cups have some sort of rolled edge on their tops, and that forms a channel which can hold a significant amount of water which pours out when you ... the rolled lip to gravity drain while the cup or bowl does, and this will speed complete drying.

Description : When Fluther says to me "Sit back and relax. We will do the dishes today. Log out" is it trying to get rid of me?

Last Answer : HaHa! the “log out” button is there for you to do just that: to log out. It’s not part of the cute quips they have there.

Description : What are your favorite Passover dishes and recipes?

Last Answer : I love matzoh ball soup. It's hard to improve upon the old recipes, but I believe I have. I make the soup the old fashioned way (simmer roasted chicken with herbs and winter vegetables, and then a ... the difference but no one ever tasted it without saying, Wow, this is great! What did you do?

Description : Should I wash these huge pile of dishes even though they aren't mine?

Last Answer : LMAO how ironic. Fluther just told me “Sit back and relax, we will do the dishes for you today”