“When did segregation start and end”?

1 Answer

Answer :

Segregation started at at the year of 1865 and ended at the year of 1964.

Related questions

Description : When did segregation end for blacks in America?

Last Answer : Socially, many parts of America are still segregated, so segregation has not ended. Legal segregation ended gradually. In some states, public schools were never segregated, in others, school ... that allowed legal racial discrimination in housing remained legal until the Fair Housing Act of 1968.

Description : When did segregation end for blacks in America?

Last Answer : Socially, many parts of America are still segregated, so segregation has not ended. Legal segregation ended gradually. In some states, public schools were never segregated, in others, school ... that allowed legal racial discrimination in housing remained legal until the Fair Housing Act of 1968.

Description : Did you learn about US slavery and segregation in K-12 school?

Last Answer : I grew up in the ‘60s in Oakland. We learned about slavery early. We learned about the underground railroad, the capture of Africans and the story of the Amistadt, the Civil War, it’s causes and effects. But I never heard about Juneteenth till at least the ‘80s.

Description : During segregation did we have four washrooms?

Last Answer : Expensive? Of the 4 designations listed, which might you suppose would be tasked with cleaning all 4 of those bathrooms? And do you imagine the individuals assigned to be well paid?

Description : Can we get segregation laws for meat eaters from vegans in a restaurant?

Last Answer : Well food smells can’t physically hurt anyone. If a person is so sensitive that it can that person needs to take responsibility for themselves.

Description : During racial segregation did they have four public washrooms?

Last Answer : Yes. I attended a middle school here in Charleston SC. There were like 4 water fountains, and bathrooms, always together. It seemed REALLY weird to me. I had just moved here from Europe. I found out that all the water fountains, and restrooms, were from the era of segregation. It seems crazy now…..

Description : When you learned about slavery and segregation in America, was it taught as American history, or more specifically Southern history?

Last Answer : answer:US History. Not being from the South, we didn’t have a Southern History course. Public schools in the northwest tend to have a northwest history section, and teach about the indigenous people and how we were scumbags to them as we took their land, cheated them and killed them off.

Description : Were the anti-segregation movements useless?

Last Answer : answer:While de facto segregation still exists in many places, it is not inherent in the legal structure as it was before 1965. It used to be illegal to sell a house to minorities, and that ... all. People that grow up with diversity succeed much more than people who grow up in insular societies.

Description : Americans: if you were born before 1968 what did you actually experience or know about regarding segregation and desegregation?

Last Answer : answer:My mother-in-law is visiting, and while her memory has big holes in it, she occasionally comes out with an interesting story (or story fragment) She says she was accidentally sent by her parents to an ... hair, so it was OK. I never got out of her whether she continued to go to that school.

Description : Would it be legal to open a restaraunt that practiced voluntary racial segregation?

Last Answer : That’s a really interesting idea. I’m sure you’ll catch all kind of crap from everyone, but I’d try it just to see how it felt to be discriminated against because of my race. I think it would be a good learning experience. Now I’ll run for a corner and hide.

Description : Americans: in what grade did you or your children learn about slavery, segregation, and the civil rights movement.

Last Answer : answer:For myself, I don't remember.It was a long time ago. My daughter started learning about slavery in second grade. She's in third grade now and their studying it again in time for black ... seems to see this as something that happened a long time ago that has little impact on her reality.

Description : Which was the worst state in the US during the time of slavery and segregation?

Last Answer : My guesses: Virginia, Georgia, or Mississippi.

Description : What was the point of the senate apologizing for slavery and segregation?

Last Answer : They have to do something with their time. I’d much prefer them being pro-active about the economy though.

Description : What do you mean by the following terms? 1. Segregation 2. Composting.3. Dumping. -Geography

Last Answer : 1. Segregation refers to the separation of waste into different categories of waste. Segregation depends upon the waste disposal technique. The most popular segregation is biodegradable and non-biodegradable. 2 ... humus-like substance. 3. Dumping is an activity of depositing waste in an area.

Description : Explain briefly the meaning of the following terms: (i) Composting. (ii) Incineration. (iii) Segregation. -Geography

Last Answer : (i) Composting: It is a process that involves decomposition of organic waste into humus known as compost which is a good fertilizer for the plants. (ii) Incineration: It is a ... at source into different categories of biodegradable and non-degradable waste, this process is called Segregation.

Description : What is segregation? -SST 10th

Last Answer : Segregation is the initial stage of waste disposal. The waste can segregated according to their features like sharp edged waste like blades, knives, plastic glass, bottles, etc.

Description : What does segregation mean in South Africa? -Civics 9th

Last Answer : Segregation means a practice when trains, buses, taxis, hotels, hospitals, schools and colleges, libraries, cinema halls, theatres, beaches, swimming pools were all separate for the whites and the blacks in South Africa.

Description : What kind of racial segregation was practised by Hitler? -History 9th

Last Answer : Adolf Hitler practiced racial segregation by giving speeches in public and by spreading the idea of the pure German race. Discrimination began immediately after the national seizure of power in 1933 when Hitler became the Chancellor of German.

Description : What is the law of segregation? -Biology

Last Answer : answer:

Description : When does the law of segregation occur? -Biology

Last Answer : answer:

Description : When does law of segregation occur in meiosis? -Biology

Last Answer : answer:

Description : According to Mendel’s law of segregation, what happens to chromosomes during meiosis?

Last Answer : According to mendel's law of segregation, what happens tochromosomes during meiosis is that, allele pairs do separateleaving each and every cell with a single allele for eachtrait.

Description : Why were some schools still segregated in 1960 even though the Supreme Court had ruled that segregation was unconstitutional in 1954?

Last Answer : Reginald F. Lewis (December 7, 1942 - January 19, 1993), was an American businessman. He was one of the richest African-American men in the 1980s, and the first African American to build a ... In 1993, Forbes listed Lewis among the 400 richest Americans, with a net worth estimated at $400 million.

Description : Segregation of genes takes place during

Last Answer : Segregation of genes takes place during A. Metaphase B. Anaphase C. Prophase D. Embryo formation

Description : What Supreme Court decision allowed for the segregation of blacks in separate but equal facilities?

Last Answer : Need answer

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Last Answer : What is the answer ?

Description : Why is segregation unfair to African American?

Last Answer : What is the answer ?

Description : What is segregation in meiosis?

Last Answer : What is the answer ?

Description : What is the random segregation of alleles?

Last Answer : What is the answer ?

Description : How did Ida b wells fought segregation on a railway car?

Last Answer : What is the answer ?

Description : What were some events in dr king's youthwhich led to his decision to fight against discrimination and segregation?

Last Answer : What is the answer ?

Description : Do cost segregation laws include improvements to real property?

Last Answer : Cost segregation identifies personal property assets that are grouped with real property assets. Remodeled real property is included in the segregation laws.

Description : What is the difference between real property assets and personal property assets in cost segregation?

Last Answer : Property is that which an individual owns. Real property is real estate, land, investment/rental properties, homes, etc. Personal property is jewelry, art, automobiles, valuable collections, cash and financial assets other than real property.

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Last Answer : Mendez v. Westminister decision

Description : Why does Justice Harlan say that segregation cannot be justified upon any legal grounds?

Last Answer : Justice Harlan say that segregation cannot be justified upon any legal grounds because he believe, if harmsarise from the mixing of the two races on public highways built for the welfare of all, ... will certainly emerge from state laws restricting the enjoyment of civil rights on the basis of race

Description : Busloads of students rode into the South to challenge the segregation laws there. What were these journeys called?

Last Answer : Freedom rides

Description : In the case of Plessy v. Ferguson, the Supreme Court ruled that separate but equal facilities were constitutional; however, this ruling was overturned by other Supreme Court cases and segregation was found to be unconstitutional.?

Last Answer : 1

Description : What did people in Montgomery, Alabama do to oppose segregation?

Last Answer : They walked instead of riding the bus

Description : What was an idea about racial segregation in the United States states by Fidel Castro?

Last Answer : He proposed presenting a motion in the United Nations against the United States.

Description : This was a U.S. Supreme Court decision that established the legality of racial segregation so long as facilities were "separate but equal."?

Last Answer : Plessy v. Ferguson pretty sure

Description : This 1896 Supreme Court decision approved segregation of blacks as long as "separate but equal" facilities were provided A. Plessy v. Ferguson B. Marbury v. Madison C. Brown v. Board of Education D. Dred Scott v. Stanford?

Last Answer : Plessy v. Ferguson

Description : This 1896 Supreme Court decision approved segregation of blacks as long as "separate but equal" facilities were provided A. Plessy v. Ferguson B. Marbury v. Madison C. Brown v. Board of Education D. Dred Scott v. Stanford?

Last Answer : Plessy v. Ferguson

Description : Most commonly used method for selection from segregation generations of crosses in self pollinated crops

Last Answer : Ans. Pedigree method

Description : In a fully mechanised composting plant, involves A. Mechanized receipt B. Mechanized segregation C. Mechanized pulverising of refuse D. All of these

Last Answer : ANS: D

Description : Explain Mendel’s law of segregation.

Last Answer : The two pairs of factors separate during the formation of gametes. They do not blend but separate into different gametes. The gametes combine together by random fusion at the time of gamete formation.

Description : State Mendel’s law of segregation or law of purity of gametes.

Last Answer : “The pair of factors for a given character separates in equal ratio at the time of gamete formation during meiosis”.

Description : A change in genetic constitution, which arises suddenly and not to segregation and recombination of genes in sexual reproduction is called as: a. Hybridization b. Bud variation c. Mutation d. Non of them

Last Answer : Mutation

Description : Which of the following statements is an not an example of an inherent limitation of internal control? a. The effectiveness of control procedures depends on segregation of duties. b. ... nonroutine transactions. d. The cost-benefit relationship is a primary criterion in designing internal contro

Last Answer : The effectiveness of control procedures depends on segregation of duties

Description : The absence of which of the following internal controls increases the opportunity for fraud? a. Appropriate segregation of duties or independent checks b. Job applicant screening for employees with access to ... access to assets d. The absence of any of the above increases the opportunity for fraud

Last Answer : The absence of any of the above increases the opportunity for fraud

Description : The auditor is most likely to presume that a high risk of fraud exists if a. The client is a multinational company that does business in numerous foreign countries. b. The client ... perpetrate and conceal thefts. d. Inadequate employee training results in lengthy EDP exception reports each month

Last Answer : Inadequate segregation of duties places an employee in a position to perpetrate and conceal thefts