why did many southerners dislike carpetbaggers? -General Knowledge

1 Answer

Answer :

Many Southerners dislike Carpetbaggers because they took advantage of the political and economic chaos in the South after the Civil War.

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Last Answer : they became part of new southern governments.

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Last Answer : Need answer

Description : What was the role of the carpetbaggers in reconstruction?

Last Answer : Carpetbagger was used by Southerners as a derogatory term, referring to the carpet bags (a form of cheap luggage made from carpet fabric) which many of these newcomers carried. Such a person came ... South after the war. The term came to be associated with opportunism and exploitation by outsiders.

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Last Answer : Need answer

Description : What was the role of the carpetbaggers in reconstruction?

Last Answer : Carpetbagger was used by Southerners as a derogatory term, referring to the carpet bags (a form of cheap luggage made from carpet fabric) which many of these newcomers carried. Such a person came ... South after the war. The term came to be associated with opportunism and exploitation by outsiders.

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Last Answer : Carpetbaggers were Northern businessmen who arrived in the South in the early days of Reconstruction (1865–77) period after the Civil War in the United States.

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Last Answer : You know you’re in the South when “no” is a two syllable word.

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Last Answer : Some southerners felt that confiscating property violated theconstitution.

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Last Answer : some southerners felt that confiscating property violated theconstitution

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Last Answer : Need answer

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Last Answer : Bringing the democratic party and the interests of rich whites back to power

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Last Answer : The Confederacy named moderate Jefferson Davis itspresident.

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Last Answer : by being mean to them

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Last Answer : The federal government did not enforce the Fugitive Slave Law of1793

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Last Answer : the doctrain was a plan to help the needy in south America andthey wre some very noice peeps!

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Last Answer : President Grant helped to pass The Enforcements Act to preventSoutherners from using fear to shut African Americans out of thepolitical process.

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Last Answer : The Confederacy named moderate Jefferson Davis itspresident.

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Last Answer : C.They put it back into their plantations and bought slaves.

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Last Answer : White southerns reacted poorly. Black southerns started to flourish until Jim Crow and lynchings pushed them back down socially.

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Last Answer : They worried a strong national government could eventuallychallenge the right to own slaves and might impose highertariffs.

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Last Answer : He was a thot- Tyson Mayfield of Kansas XDXDXD

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