What went above or below your expectations?

1 Answer

Answer :

Below my expectations: my teens and 20s Above: the mashed potatoes I made last thanksgiving

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Last Answer : Doom Eternal. Also the recent Risk of Rain 2 dlc

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Last Answer : My mom gave me her stand mixer, a Hamilton Beach, that she got as a wedding present in 1947. I still use it. My old stuff is still working, the newer stuff gives up pretty quickly b6 comparison.

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Last Answer : Expectations? Yes, no, maybe. We have established patterns, my daughter and I, and we communicate our feelings freely. I hope that we can maintain this level of affection and connection, but I don't make ... a huge plus, and not taken for granted. I expect civility, I enjoy and revel in friendship.

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Last Answer : I thought that I would have a masters in psychology and have my own practice by now. Some of my family threatened me that If I didn’t have good grades that I would end up managing a McDonalds for the rest of my life.

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Last Answer : answer:I'd include it in the cover letter. Even though it lists as 3 separate bullets, it would be weird to have a 3rd document with just your salary requirements. Be sure to write a unique cover ... able to do it as well as you can. The resume should support the arguments made in the letter.

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Last Answer : Both sexes have fallen for the stereotype. Ignore them all and go with your gut.

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Last Answer : I’d have skipped clothing some years ago but now, my middle aged form is not something I would want to share with the world anymore. lol Hmmm…otherwise, I really can’t think of much, maybe the social obligations of holding your tongue when you really just want to tell someone where to get off. lol

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Last Answer : answer:My expectations were zero, so yeah, I'm pretty fulfilled. Christmas dinner is on Saturday and my home made noodles came out beautifully today. I always remember the time that the girl who ... and they had glommed into a solid mass Merry Christmas @marinelife! Thanks for all you do here.

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Last Answer : What I’d like to know is why everything has to be so damn expensive.

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Last Answer : USA, 60ish female – 24 year old might be sharing an apartment in a city with friends or a boyfriend and working at her first post-college career job.

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Last Answer : I’m your friend and I’ll knock. I promise. :-)

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Last Answer : My dad taught me that three people can keep a secret as long as two of them are dead. I may not like the truth that most people, even sworn to secrecy, will blab. But truth doesn't work ... t post secrets on the Internet. A billboard in Times Square is a better hiding place than www.topsecret.gov.

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Last Answer : answer:Ask your host. He should be happy to tell you. Usually, there are yarmulkes provided for the men. Have your wife and daughter bring headscarves in their purses. Brace yourself for ... pretty kitchen towels, would be appropriate. Or, simply enjoy the evening and send something afterwards.

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Last Answer : answer:Expectations the same as that of the Department of Motor Vehicles. He passes the test, he drives like a careful adult. Usage is up to you both. Who pays for gas and how often? Who pays for ... with NO exceptions, no booze or drugs, ever, and no texting or phoning while the car is in motion.

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Last Answer : You might want to pull back and realize the student has been on their own for a while. They probably like being their own boss, I know I did. Treat them like adults and have a discussion of what you both want. If you both are adults about the situation it’ll go much better.

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Last Answer : answer:From what I've gathered as an average is somewhere around this $60-$120 a month. Usually two times a week with options to do drop in classes at your leisure. You purchase your own gear and uniform. ... t mind finding out some insight to what he wants and let me know, I'd be happy to help.

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Last Answer : Honestly I didn’t find a method. You could put salary requirements on your resume if you’ve been in a field long enough and know what you should be getting paid. I once talked them up a dollar an hour…. But I’m not sure really how to go about doing that.

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Last Answer : Same expectation, no matter the restaurant. No screaming or wailing and you say excuse me if you have to pass by someone. Actually, that’s the expectation anywhere, not just restaurants.

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Last Answer : Oh absolutely I do, but then it’s the same when they succeed. I live their lives vicariously, it’s in the blood see.

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Last Answer : answer:Not really. For one thing, I thought I'd be dead by now and I could give you a list of names of the people who are disappointed and maybe surprised that I'm not. So that's an assumption ... I'd know how to play Bridge, or a musical instrument. And I never considered being orphaned at age 50.

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Last Answer : You’re not always right. If you think you are, think it over again – you better have something more than “The customer is always right” if you don’t want me to think you’re a jackwagon.

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Last Answer : No, I didn’t.

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Last Answer : answer:Better- Northern Wisconsin. I discovered a little town in northern Wisconsin when planning our first family vacation over 10 years ago. We originally planned on visiting Wisconsin Dells, but I wanted something a ... (sorry NYC fans) It was way too crowded for my liking, plus it smelled. :(

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Last Answer : answer:“is it acceptable/legal for the professional to notify authorities?’ Yes and it is the law.

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Last Answer : He loves his family and they are super cute together, so yes. He has loved up to my expectations.

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Last Answer : Though I don’t know the backstory of who and what is going on, to me it sounds like he is accepting the fact that he could have done something about what he has done or said, but allowed it to happen anyways. Is that what you mean?

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Last Answer : Go outside it’s more fun.

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Last Answer : my head hurts Get out of your own head. Look for happiness elsewhere. Volunteer. =)

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Last Answer : “exceed expectations” or overdeliver

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Last Answer : I really like to take into consideration the opinions of people I have regard for if my decision is going to affect them in some way. .

Description : What are some of the ways you resist cultural expectations?

Last Answer : Well you’ve already resisted cultural expectations by your phrasing of ‘identity as a woman’ =) And yes, I do resist cultural expectations in my own small way. Like not being a teen who is in touch with all the latest music (although I am slowly changing on that front).

Description : Do you live up to others' expectations of you?

Last Answer : I can’t speak for myself; only others can.

Description : Serious/ People of Reddit who fell short to your family’s expectations, what happened/ how did you move on from the shame?

Last Answer : answer:I literally take care of my father. Hes fine with it. He wanted me to work in a certain area because I was very good in it, I havent got any good job offers.

Description : How do you manage expectations to sustain relationships

Last Answer : Don’t have very high ones.

Description : Is it possible to have both low standards but high expectations and vice versa at the same time? Why or why not?

Last Answer : Yeah, expecting higher performance from something of low quality is like 99% of the reasons for car recalls and other types of design failures

Description : What are our expectations from democracy? -SST 10th

Last Answer : . In a democracy, we are most concerned with ensuring that people have the right to choose their rulers * and people have control over the rulers. . Whenever possible and necessary, ... the government is accountable to the citizens and responsive to the needs and expectations of the citizens.

Description : Democracy is accountable and responsive to the needs and expectations of the citizens.' Evaluate the statement. -SST 10th

Last Answer : 1. A democracy provides the people with the right of choosing their leaders and exercise control over them. It actively involves citizens in the democratic processes, making the democratic ... enquire about the activities of the government and ensure accountability and transparency time and again.

Description : How is democracy accountable and responsive to the needs and expectations of the citizens ? Analyse. -SST 10th

Last Answer : Democracy is accountable and responsive to citizens: 1. Decision-making process has to follow certain procedures which the citizen has the right to know. Hence, there is a transparency in its ... people. 3. Democracies have ensured free and regular elections and a platform for open public debate.

Description : How have democracies fallen short of people’s expectations? -SST 10th

Last Answer : Democracies have failed to hold elections which give a fair chance to everyone. They have failed in transparency, i.e. sharing information with citizens. They are also blamed for not holding public debate. And finally, corruption is the biggest charge against democratic governments.

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Last Answer : We start blaming the idea of democracy we start doubting if we are living in a democracy.

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Last Answer : (i) Gender division is a form of hierarchical social division based on social expectation and stereotypes. (ii) Boys and girls are brought up to believe that the main ... still a male dominated patriarchal society. Women face disadvantage, discrimination and oppression in various ways.

Description : How is democracy accountable and responsible to the needs and expectations of the citizens ? -SST 10th

Last Answer : Democracy is accountable and responsive to the needs and expectations of the citizens because: (i) In a democracy, people have the right to choose their representatives and the people will have control over ... They keep a check on the ruling party and make sure that it does not misuse the power.

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Last Answer : The Catholic Church adhered to the rebels and instrumentalised the Catholic sentiment and traditions against the Republic

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Last Answer : non-feminist historians

Description : What is your expectations for 2021?

Last Answer : I expect 2021 to turn over to good events, I expect this world to come to their senses so the nonsense can stop. I want this pandemic mess to blow over the roof and end by 2021 somewhere near in that ... I'm gonna better myself in many ways the rest of this year and become an amazing me in 2021.

Description : What are your expectations of the remaing part of this year.?

Last Answer : I have expectations about job and money: I hope to get more money doing what I love: digital journalism and translations. I hope to be healthy the rest of the year too.

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Last Answer : Feel Free to Answer

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Last Answer : What is the answer ?

Description : What is our restaurant focusing on to meet our guest expectations?

Last Answer : Need answer

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Last Answer : It is likely that the audience will disrupt the speaker