what is the use of lemon pepper

1 Answer

Answer :

It is a spice that people use on food that they cook.  Good on chicken & fish.  It does have salt in it.

Related questions

Description : What can one use to balance/neutralize too much black pepper in a (pea-)soup?

Last Answer : You might have to make a second batch of soup and mix it in. (Note: Do not pepper the second batch.)

Description : How to use black pepper to lose my weight? Is it good for cholesterol?

Last Answer : black peppers are equally effective as a red peppers in reducing weight loss. They are more effective when we use freshly prepared , powdered black pepper.. it improve digestive system, it ... increasing metabolism.All spicy foods are best for weight loss but it should be taken in moderation.

Description : Whole Peppercorns or black pepper powder, which is ideal for home use?

Last Answer : To get utmost benefits from pepper, eat it fresh. It is better to get whole peppercorns and crush it at home and use it instead of black pepper powder. This ensures that pepper retains its flavor ... dry and dark place. Black peppercorns have a fresh and strong flavor and are ideal for home use.

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Last Answer : Usually the best kind is the coarse pepper that are round balls. They have not been shredded yet into tiny pieces.

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Last Answer : Maybe a sock has hired it to go undercover to try and track down a missing mate. Maybe a jealous hand towel has had it rubbed out because it didn’t understand why it never gets dirty. Maybe it’s clinging to a sheet or large towel.

Description : Is pepperoni spicy because it has pepper in it?

Last Answer : Yes, the cayenne pepper is very pungent. There is such a thing as mild pepperoni, but it just tastes like plain sausage.

Description : Can I put red pepper flakes in peanut butter?

Last Answer : I suggest that you try ANY or ALL of the ideas that pop into your head. IF you find one that you don't like, just DON'T do it again!!! I put red pepper flakes on just about everything I ... buds so the food that follows taste better than normal!!! They make a baked potato taste 10 times better!!!

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Last Answer : Horseradish

Description : Suppose you were in a room and Donald Trump came up and grabbed your crotch. So you pulled out your pepper spray / mace and sprayed him. Would the Secret Service arrest you or him?

Last Answer : answer:They would arrest you. Their duty is to protect the candidate, not those he assaults.

Description : Can black pepper go bad?

Last Answer : answer:You are hung over. Is the olive oil fairly fresh or is it old? Oil can go rancid. Pepper is a dried spice, peppercorns last ages. They would only be damaged if they got wet/damp and mildewed a bit. Don’T store food in the RV.

Description : Have you seen the very funny Prince impersonation Diet Dr. Pepper commercial?

Last Answer : Well it looks like there’s a whole string of these little clips done by someone called “Lil’ Sweet.” I just caught the one about the playhouse. Pretty funny.

Description : What flavour is Dr Pepper?

Last Answer : According to foodie lore It’s supposed to taste like a “pharmacy.” I’m not kidding.

Description : What would you do with this tomato/"bell pepper" mix?

Last Answer : You can always add some basil, oregano, and other herbs and spices and use it for a dipping sauce for garlic bread.

Description : Why do recipes often say "Salt and pepper to taste" instead of "Salt and pepper at table"?

Last Answer : Because adding salt and pepper while cooking yields a different result than adding salt and pepper after serving.

Description : Why would people buy a 3' high pepper mill ?

Last Answer : answer:Because it makes their table seem just as fancy as a restaurant. It is a small, non-consequential matter that is amusing in its presence and adds a bit of fun to eating. What does being married have to do with it?

Description : Out of a chili pepper, cracker, Jell-O, milk toast, dill pickle, bran muffin, tofu, hard candy or honey, which would best personify you?

Last Answer : Milk Toast.. ‘Cause I like the both of them (no skim please). I had too many dill pickle dreams to like them.. http://i.imgur.com/g1ONJeW.gif

Description : When used in a pepper mill, do you see a distinct difference in the taste of different colored peppercorns?

Last Answer : Green taste different than black, but it all blends together in a blend. I would try them separately.

Description : Veggie gardeners.... can you help me prime my prize pepper?

Last Answer : Coloma I’m not much of a gardener, but my mom picks her veggies when they’re almost ripe and lets them finish ripening on the kitchen windowsill. I’m thinking that if the sun hasn’t reached the bottom of you pepper yet, it probably won’t.

Description : I am turning 40 soon. All of the women my age don't have grey hair at all while I have a salt/pepper thing going. Should I dye mine?

Last Answer : You’re bald anyways.

Description : Is it okay to eat the pink pepper corns out of my yard?

Last Answer : answer:Are they exactly like this: http://www.google.com/search?q=pink+peppercorns&hl=el&rlz=1I7GPCK_enGR354&prmd=imvnse&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=IR3PT9GaCs6k-gaZ98n2Cw&ved=0CG0QsAQ&biw=1255&bih=561

Description : What animal would have gone up on my deck and nipped the stem of my beautiful green pepper plant, laboriously grown from seed?

Last Answer : answer:Hmmm…maybe Milo going for something green? Otherwise, well…squirrels are not out at night, deer don’t usually climb the deck stairs, at least over here. Gophers and Voles don’t climb tables, neither do rabbits. Yes, maybe a Raccoon, Possum…Skunks don’t really climb either. It’s a mystery!

Description : Where to keep pepper spray so it doesn't accidentally go off?

Last Answer : answer:When faced with a tough decision such as this it is often best to start with eliminating where you do not want to place the pepper spray. Under your pillow is not a good idea. Not in ... , not near the furnace, fireplace or campfire most certainly. See how easy! Process of elimination. ;-)

Description : Is there a "standard" salt to pepper ratio?

Last Answer : I don’t think so, it really is too taste. I often under salt certain recipes to allow for others to season to their own taste. Given my personal choice, I like a lot of zing in my food. Red pepper is one of my favorites, but, not everyone likes the after bite.

Description : What do you think about police pepper spraying an 8 year old?

Last Answer : answer:He had a weapon. They disabled the kid quickly without using force. This kid was a repeat offender. He is now in a school for troubled kids. It was not just any 8-year-old behaving as eight-year-olds do.

Description : Help me make a meal out of a pepper filling I made?

Last Answer : Get some bell peppers, stuff, and then bake until the top of the stuffing is browned. Or you can add some veggies and make a variation on Shepherd’s pie – top it with mashed potatoes, and bake.

Description : Which famous people would you have on your Sgt Pepper album cover?

Last Answer : Willie Mays, Jimmy Cliff, and Wilkiam Shatner (in Captain Kirk garb).

Description : When can I start removing peppers from my pepper plant?

Last Answer : It should let you know by having the stem let go easily, as the tomatoes do.

Description : Is it possible for me to grow a habenero plant from a habenero pepper I bought?

Last Answer : Yes

Description : What are the 23 flavors in Dr. Pepper?

Last Answer : I’ve always heard tell that there are prunes in Dr. Pepper.

Description : Why do restaurants now insist on putting ground pepper in salt shakers?

Last Answer : My guess would be it’s easier to order one type of shaker and use it for both purposes.

Description : Which kind of spice you must have besides salt ad pepper?

Last Answer : yes yes yes no

Description : What's so special about salt and pepper?

Last Answer : space

Description : Has anyone heard of an allergy where cayenne pepper makes your nose itch?

Last Answer : some acupuncturists claim they can cure allergies...

Description : What are the 23 Flavors of Dr. Pepper?

Last Answer : http://ask.yahoo.com/20000621.html

Description : Whats the best recipe for Jamaican Black Pepper Shrimp?

Last Answer : I’d like to know this as well… Did you ever find one?

Description : Can a habanero pepper (chili) burn holes in your stomach?

Last Answer : I don't know about that. I tried to eat one sober one time and it was so hot, I had to spit it out. I couldnt even get it down. It was torture for a while. I even tried the classic ... ; nothing worked! Anyways, the moral of your story: Dont eat anything when your drunk that you wouldn't eat sober

Description : How can we get the lid off of a disposable pepper grinder?

Last Answer : I’ve removed the lid from a disposable salt grinder by pulling hard.

Description : Can I put tomato plants and pepper plants in the same pot?

Last Answer : I can’t see why not. We do, at my house, in things called Earth Boxes.

Description : Is Dublin Dr. Pepper worth it to you?

Last Answer : Well I go back and forth from San Antonio to Dallas a lot so I pick up a case or two when I am coming or going, so I would say yes, it is worth taking the back road. Also it comes at the same price as regular Dr. Pepper.

Description : How do you play "pepper"?

Last Answer : Throw a ball up into the air and hit it with a bat. Fielders then try to make a play as fast as possible and toss the ball back. The batter repeats and so on.

Description : Why do black ant's taste like pepper?

Last Answer : answer:Eww. Peradventure the better question here is: why are you eating ants? And by the way, look out! Here comes an ‘s’!

Description : Why do I have holes in the leaves of my bell pepper plants?

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : can i transplant a green pepper plant from my garden

Last Answer : I would try, needs good morning sun and new vitamin inside soil..................

Description : sweet pepper lack spot ,. what do i do

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : why are my pepper plants yellowing, slow growing not producing

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : why has my pepper plant wilted

Last Answer : I might not like the pot, they do better planted in the ground...........the roots probably got too hot in the sudden hot temps.......it probably needs also be watered from the top and let it drain out several times a week after the sun goes down. ph should be 5.0-6.0

Description : why are my pepper plant leaves getting holes?

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : Why are my pepper plant leaves curling?

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : What is turning my pepper plant leaves brown

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : 2) when to harvest and how to care for mexibelle pappers? One pepper is red but is still rather small.

Last Answer : If it was green and turned red pick it and more flowers will come.