do you have to tie purple cabbage to form the bulb?

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Related questions

Description : What would happen if you tie a brick to your forehead and then repeatedly smash it against a wall?

Last Answer : You’d have a very exfoliated forehead

Description : Who would win, Batman in the Batmobile, or a Tie fighter?

Last Answer : It depends on who’s piloting the Tie-fighter of course. If it’s Darth Vader I bet he’d take Batman out easily.

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Last Answer : Brexit.

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Last Answer : Let’s see, my maternal great-grandparents were thrown out of the Czar’s Russia for being Jewish. My paternal grandparents escaped Germany just before WW2; some of the family were killed in Concentration camps. No, I feel no kinship to either Russia or Germany.

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Last Answer : Contestant 4 came in 4th. There were three people ahead of him.

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Last Answer : so people have a constitutional right to buy weapons to wage war on American citizens? Might be time to review the constitution.

Description : Can aliens tie knots?

Last Answer : Yes. A very basic skill if you have to tie something together, like a safety tether or a broken wire. Or the Captain’s feelers during a mutiny.

Description : Jewelry Buffs: Which of these gold tie clips is a better buy?

Last Answer : answer:As a guy who wears ties, I prefer the look of the Etsy. It looks distinguisehd and classic. The Wold and Badger one – I don’t like the shape – the sharp point. It strikes me as aggressive and unfriendly.

Description : Do people still wear tie dyed shirts?

Last Answer : I see them, I do not know if they are true tie-dyed shirts or printed to look retro. Most of those I have seen had printing on them as well, so it was more commercial than hippyish.

Description : How do you tie a Baby Shoe Trace?

Last Answer : answer:I had no idea what a Baby Shoe Trace was, but it's a slow day on ask-public, so I found one for you. Here's the actual Trace. Just click the picture and it will enlarge to actual size ... think. It's not really clear, but thesse look like the right size for a baby and quite comfortable, too.

Description : How do you use the Tie Fast Knot tying tool?

Last Answer : You do KNOT use it. If you can’t tie your own flies, then you don’t deserve to have a fishing license.

Description : Where to get nice Tie-Dyes Shirts?

Last Answer : Just buy a new white t shirt. Tie it in knots, then wash it with a bright red sweatshirt, then throw it in the dryer, then untie the knots, retie some new knots, and wash it with a load of brand new, stiff blue jeans. Dry again. Pretty!

Description : Have you ever done tie dye and if so, do you have any tips or ideas?

Last Answer : answer:I have. It is fun, messy and unpredictable. Jut get rubber bands that don't break and use only 100% cotton. That is harder to find these days since apprently all cotton grown on the bush is ... and using many colors. I wouldn't bother. Just use trial and error. Best done outside if possible.

Description : Do you tie your shoes, or tuck the strings?

Last Answer : Double knot as strings are usually too long for me.

Description : Is this dress suitable for a ladies evening formal & gentlemen black tie / formal dinner?

Last Answer : I doubt it. It would be fine for a nice luncheon , though or dinner at most restaurants.

Description : How do you tie your shoes?

Last Answer : Since my knee surgery, I wear shoes without laces.

Description : Are there any photos that you can find of Obama in the Oval Office without a tie on?

Last Answer : answer:Yep. Here’s one and here’s another. However, here’s one of Reagan. So much for that theory.

Description : Should I rent/wear a tux to this "black tie" wedding?

Last Answer : Dude, black tie is one step in formality above “wear your tux”. I know it sucks, but you need to wear a tux to this one.

Description : What color tie is appropriate for a funeral?

Last Answer : black is fine. Or anything pretty much dark—like the blue one. I suppose stripes could be ok if they are suitably somber, but I’d stay away from them in general.

Description : What is the best way to tie my scarf around my head?

Last Answer : Like this

Description : What comes to mind when you see someone wearing a bow tie?

Last Answer : They’re going for…something…you know, some kind of a look and some of them do pull off that kind of hip, in an offhanded fashion but most fail miserably. I’ve worn a bowtie once, not with a tux but it was for GenderBender Ball.

Description : Quick Question: Can I Wear a Short-sleeve Dress Shirt and Tie At a Job Interview?

Last Answer : answer:Yes you can. I have done it that way for years. As long as you represent respect, cleanliness and organization.

Description : What is a Peruvian Neck Tie in BJJ?

Last Answer : It’s a submission move. If you are wanting to learn how to do it, here is a video demonstrating it. I would highly recommend being trained by someone that knows what they are doing though instead of learning it and trying it from a video.

Description : If there is a tie in a division in baseball, how do they determine who is listed first in the standings?

Last Answer : This should have all the information you are looking for. I was going to try to type in the highlights, but the webpage just has too much info for that. Hope this helps out.

Description : Should a celeb's personal life tie in with their professional life?

Last Answer : This gets to an interesting distinction many of us make these days: we have a personal world and a work world, and the two are very different. Historically, this hasn't been the case. Heck, your name ... them in the door. I don't really want to support people who make a living off bad behavior.

Description : What loose ends would you tie up?

Last Answer : I hope that this is a hypothetical question. But if I were to, I would be sure and write letters to my family and friends telling them it was not their fault.

Description : Do you wear tie-dye? Do you still wear tie-dye?

Last Answer : I used to, but my wife threw away (or possibly burnt) most of it.

Description : Why are people superstitious? Does this tie into being religious?

Last Answer : I think sometimes people just “inherit” the superstitions their parents have. I don’t think it’s a religious thing at all. They grow up hearing about them and just continue with them in their own lives.

Description : Is it possible to un-wrinkle a silk tie?

Last Answer : I use steam.

Description : When is it ok to wear a bow-tie?

Last Answer : Halloween. Or if you make a mess making a macaroni picture.

Description : Any good tips for tie dying?

Last Answer : Using a dye fixer, like alum, will help prevent the dye from washing out (and thus, fading) really fast.

Description : Have we come to a dead end with the evolution of the men's common "neck tie"?

Last Answer : Over the last several decades ties have changed shape though.

Description : How do you tie a toga made out of bedsheets?

Last Answer : Source The basic, I have 2 minutes, poor mans toga: There are a few different ways to make and tie a toga. Here we will illustrate the simple bed sheet toga. Materials needed: twin bed sheet (spot ... sheet and go over either shoulder. FOURTH: Bring back to waist and safety pin or just tuck it in.

Description : The "power tie" of the 1990s--now the power "leg cross" of the 2000's?

Last Answer : Link to picture please?

Description : What's a good method for making sure the ends of your tie are lined up perfectly?

Last Answer : Scissors

Description : What's the best tie dye kit?

Last Answer : Why use a kit? It is not that hard to do on your own.

Description : What is the rhyme boys learn to tie their tie?

Last Answer : Loop de loop Rabbit saying,“OOPS”! You’ll lurve this response

Description : would anyone know why my male doesn't tie with my female dog?

Last Answer : stuff may happen when you're not around...

Description : How do you tie a tie?

Last Answer : This eHow has step-by-step instructions and a video. It usually takes a few tries to get the length just right. I would recommend that your husband practice in front of a mirror.

Description : What are some creative ways or men to tie a (large) scarf?

Last Answer : answer:What I usually do with long wide ones: fold them in half lengthwise(to make them really narrow). Put the midpoint behind my neck, wrap one end around my neck. ( now one side is ... other. (Assuming my directions made any sense) I just suggest finding a mirror and trying different things.

Description : Can I wear a cocktail dress to a black tie wedding?

Last Answer : A cocktail dress should be fine as long as it’s not too brightly colored or provocatively cut, and the hemline shouldn’t fall higher than right around the knee.

Description : How to tie a tie?

Last Answer : I am so lame I don’t know how either. Whenever I need one I make my brother do it. I would think you would need a guide with pictures. Without pics I think it would be pretty tough.

Description : What is tie in Spanish?

Last Answer : as in the verb or as in the aparrel?

Description : Bow Tie Question?

Last Answer : I would sooner recommend no tie than a bow tie, for the simple reason that I for one associate bow ties with occasions of celebrations, galas and such. – but that’s just my preference. Depending on the culture of the crowd at the funeral and your personal style, it could work…

Description : Can you wear a striped tie with a striped shirt?

Last Answer : answer:In very few cases, yes. It would have to be either an exact match or a matching contrast…..otherwise no. Unless it’s for a function, don’t think any specific rules apply – just pull it off in style, and you’re fine.

Description : What's the way to make the highest interest on some cash, that doesn't tie it up for to long?

Last Answer : It depends on your tolerance for risk, how much access you have to have to the money, etc. For straight savings, some Ask-publicites have used ING Direct, a Web bank that pays higher interest rates. It is FDIC insured.

Description : It's a $1200 dress I'll only wear to this one black-tie event. Can I keep the tags on (inside) and return it afterward if it's in perfect condition?

Last Answer : No!

Description : Can I get away with wearing a clip on tie?

Last Answer : Depends where you clip it.

Description : A Cool Way To Tie a Tie?

Last Answer : answer:Be a man. Wear a full windsor. Never undo the top button of your shirt when you wear a tie, just buy a shirt that fits, it's not hard. (Unless it's a tuxedo and the tie is bow tie, ... you can undo the top stud and untie the tie and leave it around your neck). Its speak like a pirate day.

Description : Men of , do you own a suit and tie and when did you last wear it?

Last Answer : I have one suit and tie. I wore it one time 6 Years ago for an interview