How do you keep Spider plants looking healthy?

1 Answer

Answer :

Use good houseplant potting medium, not garden soil.  Repot in larger pot each spring or divide the old plant into several smaller ones and repot them.  Put your spider plant in an E W or N windowsill any time of the year.  Put plant in S window during the winter months away from a south window in late spring & summer.  Provide bright florescent or other light.  Provide light shade to deep shade for spider plant that are used outside.  Use room temperature water, use distilled or purified water if possible.  Let the pot surface feel dry to the touch before watering.  Water until water drains from the bottom and empty drained water from trays promptly.  Fertilize spider plants once a month in the spring & summer with a houseplant fertlizer mixed according to label directions.  Keep spider plants between 40 & 85 degrees.  Groom spider plants by trimming off dead leaf tips or leaves with scissors.  This is toxic to cats or birds.  

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