what disease do tomato plants have if the leafs curl up and fold in half. then they die after a while

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Last Answer : too much rain this year. try after the sun goes down 1 teasp baking soda 1/2 liquid hand soap & 1 qt water and spray your plants ....................repeat when it rains.

Description : Why are my tomato plant leafs curling

Last Answer : My tomato plants are having the same problem. I think it has to do with the soil or planted to close to other tomato plants and roots have no room to expand. This year were planted on new location and the siol wasn't cultivated to meet what the plant needed to thrife.

Description : Why are my tomato leafs turning yellow?

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Description : what causes tomato leaf curl?

Last Answer : after the sun goes down, mix 1 tablespoon liquid soap & 1 qt water and spray...spray again when it rains.

Description : why do tomato plant leaves curl?

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Description : What cause tomato plant leaves to curl?

Last Answer : I go into the garden with a small plastic bags & clippers and cut off those leave and trash them. After the sun goes down & the plants are cooled off mix up 2 tablespoons dawn & 1 qt water and spray. They don't like soapy water. Happy summer.

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Last Answer : Ans. White fly

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Last Answer : Are they getting morning light vs hot sun? Some plants only like reflected light not direct light. Maybe it is time to go a little deeper pot and change the soil to that new vitamin enriched soil

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Last Answer : we had horrible rain here.....I would give them a soapy bath....................after the sun passes.........mix 1 teasp liquid hand soap w 1 qt of water mix & spray.............can ... .............they were fighting to get out...good thing that I did it outside. Are they getting good drainage?

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Last Answer : too much water and not enough drainage..............you could change the soil and use stones at the bottom of the pot that has a good hole for drainage.......I like the soil that has all the ... use the $store soil and that is not for inside the house...........you will get bugs flying around.

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Last Answer : Sounds like some bug is trying to make a nest.....so use clean scizzors and cut the leave off and bag it...wipe the scizzors off.......put that into the trash can......mix up 1 teasp of ... of leaves.....tomorrow is you see anything crawling use a plastic glove to take it off and bag & trash it.

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Last Answer : 1st year.......don't take..........any flowers, cut the flower down to the bottom.........also any times they come....they take away from the root............2nd year take a few............3rd year ... .........if you live where it goes below 32.............cover it with hay for the winter.......

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