What’s the best soil for indoor plants?

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Description : How to create the best soil for indoor plants?

Last Answer : Here are some good suggestions on building an indoor potting soil

Description : What soil mixture do I use to transplant an indoor Calla Lilly to an outdoor pot?

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Description : my indoor plants leaves are all turning brown around the edges whats cuasing this?

Last Answer : I sounds like you need to repot in the next size.

Description : What's the best way to water indoor plants?

Last Answer : The best way to water indoor plants is to water it a little less frequently than regular plant that are outside. Indoor plants can drown more easily because of its limited capacity to hold water.

Description : Who or what is destroying my newly transplanted indoor plants to the outside garden?

Last Answer : If you are a wildlife lover that doesn’t want to shoot rabbits, or live in town where you can’t shoot rabbits, try putting deer urine around them, or pepper spray right on them. You can buy both at any garden center.

Description : Cats and House Plants: How to keep furry feline from eating indoor plants?

Last Answer : I've often heard pets eat houseplants, or outdoor plants for that matter, to fulfill a dietary need/deficiency. Perhaps you could somehow restrict the plan making her sick and replace it with another. My animals ... to chew on. I don't try to stop them since it keeps them from the other houseplants.


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Description : What kind of insect spray can be used on indoor avacado plants?

Last Answer : Take it outside to spray this mix.............1 teasp of non-alcohol liquid soap w 1 qt water and spray...........get under the leaves.................spray the dirt..............spray again if you ... dries.............bring it back inside......don't spray this in the sun........use a shady area.

Description : indoor the house plants leafs are turning brown

Last Answer : Are they getting morning light vs hot sun? Some plants only like reflected light not direct light. Maybe it is time to go a little deeper pot and change the soil to that new vitamin enriched soil

Description : List of cat safe indoor plants

Last Answer : peace lily is on the toxic list.....................can you hang that where kitty can't reach it.....what about some herbs.................parsley, mint, oregano, thyme

Description : indoor and outdoor plants, non-toxic to dogs

Last Answer : Mint, basil, thyme planted and then rubbed on your skin...also lavendar.......you can grown the first 3 in the house......lavendar won't grow inside for me.

Description : why do the leaves of my indoor philodendron plants turn yellow?

Last Answer : Your drowing your plant. It is receiving too much water. -Birdy

Description : i think i over watered my indoor daisy plants what should i do to keep them alive?

Last Answer : Daisies are quite resilient plants but if you feel you have overwatered the best thing to do is repot the plant. Find a pot with adequate drainage so that excess water will run through to the bottom ... a good chance it has been over watered. Repotting will give you the best change to revive it.

Description : what causes yellow leaves on indoor plants

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : Do I need to use fertilizer for indoor plants?

Last Answer : Its good to use fertilizer at least once a year on indoor plants to keep them healthy.

Description : Indoor Plants

Last Answer : If you've been reading Gardening Guides articles on container gardening, you know that just about any plant that grows can be grown in a container as an indoor plant. Even so, in temperate ... and be sure to pick up useful information on growing potted plants in our Container Garden section!

Description : Which plants are suitable for indoor gardening ?

Last Answer : Alamanta, antikonan, aristolokiya, Manoranjitham asparakas, piknoniya, Dried Flower, perantai, Parrot Conch puspam Mattis, paikas load Ivy are plants grown as house plants Hibiscus plant Want to plant ... plant, the flower withers the leaves of the plant at different times, the same holding

Description : Care on indoor plants

Last Answer : House (Indoor Plant) grown plants use less water even spraying is enough than water-impregnation. Once a week plants are exposed to sunlight in the outside or balcony for moderate solar light exposure. The soil ... If stem plants, only to let the water to be given in the bottom part of the trunk.

Description : How to Take Care of Indoor Plants

Last Answer : How to Take Care of Indoor Plants Indoor plants are a lovely way to liven and warm up a room. Plants also produce oxygen, which will provide cleaner air indoors! Here's how to keep indoor plants ... take it. Some plants like African Violets do not like their leaves getting wet and may cause damage.

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Last Answer : What are the most unpretentious indoor plants? Many young women would like to keep magnificent indoor plants at home, but due to fear and sometimes inability to care for them, many simply abandon ... can have a beautiful flower at home that will delight both households and guests all year round.

Description : What's the best kind of indoor tanning lotion?

Last Answer : When I used to tan my favorite was called Climax . Not only did it do a good job of even tanning, my skin was softer tan it had ever been in my life. This link has it cheap compared to what I used to pay for it.

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Last Answer : The indoor floodlight only illuminates floods that occur inside your house, such as in your kitchen or bath. The outdoor floodlight only illuminates outdoor floods that occur, such as a creek, lake, or a pond ... that in this day and age they would be able to invent something that does both! :- P

Description : Do indoor cats and dogs feel like they are in prison?

Last Answer : I hope not. Vanta has gone from being an indoor-outdoor cat to an indoor cat. I know she misses her trees and squirrels, but there is nothing for it at this point.

Description : How do you grow a small indoor flower garden?

Last Answer : I think the biggest obstacle would be sunlight. If you have enough natural light in the place you want to have the flowers, you’re probably good to go. If not, you can get “grow light” lamps or lightbulbs to give your plants enough light to live by indoors.

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Last Answer : Wherever you put it, be sure there's plenty of ventilation and that the room can handle the humidity or you're going to have a layer of black mold growing over everything in your room. If ... soaking/relaxing/contemplating in a hot tub at night is among the most sublime of life's small pleasures.

Description : Can you answer a couple of my questions regarding adjusting my cat to becoming indoor/outdoor?

Last Answer : Very hard on the cat IF you first let him wander outside AND then isolate him. Especially a male cat that has the instinct to roam at night. We had at different times in our life growing up at ... behavior that you mentioned. Perhaps look for a mate..It has to be compatible at they are territorial.

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Last Answer : It’s the gym.

Description : I have two cats. Both fixed females. Both indoor cats. Should I find a male cat to give them some action? This is not a joke.

Last Answer : ~ I’m waiting for my bailout. ~

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Last Answer : How about a wildlife camera system?

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Last Answer : answer:Aged 6 – 10? How about role play? I mean, you act like a certain character with your friends, maybe with the assistance of dolls. Or you play alone and your dolls are the characters.

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Last Answer : Yes. When it is so cold outside the air becomes very dry. “Air conditioning,” in this case taken literally, is heating the air and adding moisture.

Description : What is that narrow thin indoor bamboo like plant?

Last Answer : Might it be Lucky Bamboo?

Description : I need suggestions for keeping an indoor cat entertained (toys, objects). Any ideas?

Last Answer : answer:Paper bags, boxes with holes cut in them and you can get, what I call The tunnel of fun lol Walmart has them for really cheap, less than $10. They are fold up, crinkley tunnels that ... turkey feathers and feathers from my geese. She is going nuts over the taste and smell of the wild. lol

Description : Any of you have an indoor/outdoor cat (or cats). How did you go about getting them used to the outside, so, that they didn't run away?

Last Answer : When my family moved, they would just wait a week or so before letting the cat out, so the cat had time to associate the new place with home. They never had any trouble with their cats running away. ... s much you can do to keep your cat within a certain distance of home, if that's your goal.

Description : I inherited a small indoor palm tree from a family member. Most of the ends are brown and crispy. What can I do to nurse it back to health?

Last Answer : Just trim off the dead end of the leaves. And I’d try to place it in a high light high humidity area. (Maybe a bathroom?)

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Last Answer : How old is he? What are his strengths and weaknesses?

Description : I am looking for a indoor hanging plant to go with this pot. Suggestions?

Last Answer : I’d go with a pretty sedum. They’re practically care-free.

Description : Is it neccessary for my indoor cat to have a health examination every year at the vet?

Last Answer : My parents' cat is both an inside and outside cat. We give her a flea collar, laxative in malting season (she is a medium-hair), but she never sees the vet unless we notice that she is sick. If ... , by all means get her checked out, but if you are observant you'll notice when it is getting sick.

Description : Is there a compelling reason to not trim the claws of indoor/outdoor cats?

Last Answer : I once watched my old orange cat open the nose of a rude dog then charge up a metal downspout, 20 minutes after her nails were cut. I’m thinking Milo’s fine.

Description : Does anyone have experience with painting an indoor mural?

Last Answer : I’ve done this for a charity before. What type of paint you use depends on whether or not it will be an indoor or outdoor mural. We projected the image up on the wall, drew the outline in pencil, and painted it.

Description : My girlfriend and I each have an indoor/outdoor cat; what is the best way to get them used to each other (without killing one another)

Last Answer : My older cat and new kitten hated each other. They battled it out and are buddies now. Cats will be cats once both cats know their place they’ll either be friends or they will go their separate ways.

Description : What seeds is best to grow in the house indoor or outdoor?

Last Answer : I start alot of seeds inside and I just buy whatever I like.I grow ALOT of flowers and some veggies.I put them in little dirt -filled paper cups on trays.I have hundreds of them every ... ,every year and divide and trade them with my neighbors to get variety.Try stargazer lilies.They are lovely.

Description : My indoor feline started sneezing this morning (quite a bit). His shots are up to date. What could it be?

Last Answer : sneeze can be triggered by an allergic reaction… could he be allergic… to cats’ fur?

Description : What will happen if I use an indoor basketball outside, on concrete?

Last Answer : I’ve done it before, the ball gets all scratched and loses the nice smooth feeling. I still use the ball, it’s just not as nice anymore. If you’re never gonna use it indoors there really isn’t any point to save it.

Description : Could you recommend a good indoor plant that I could put in my bedroom? I'm thinking more like a small tree.

Last Answer : Get a bunsai tree!

Description : Will spinning (indoor biking) aggravate, or delay the healing of, tibial stress fractures?

Last Answer : I should think it would depend on how hard you spin. Most exercises while you have a broken bone should be gentle, if you are allowed to do anything at all. In many cases, someone with a ... need to be done? Will internal fixation be required? What are the risks and complications of surgery?