Sometimes they just fly around crazily all of a sudden and feathers go everywhere! They did this when I first got them and they did it ever since. It's really weird

1 Answer

Answer :

Does this happen when you just let them out of their cage? It could be just happiness and excitement. Has something frightened them? Don't panic and don't try to catch them as this will make it worse. Just make sure there are safe places for your budgies to land. Cover windows and mirrors so that they don't fly into them. Make sure the room is budgie-safe and there's nothing around that could hurt them.

Related questions

Description : I have two budgies, male and female, and are both age appropriate for breeding. They are bonded, and i inserted a nest box so they can breed. It's been there for a couple days, and my momma bird ... They stay away from the box. And it's breeding season! Is anything wrong? They are all healthy too!

Last Answer : It's possible that your budgies don't like the space where the box is placed. Try moving it. Use a different flooring . You might want to check what material the box is made of as well.

Description : Their feathers mostly puff up at night and then they look super fat. Then in the day they just flatten up and then my budgies look super skinny. It looks like they are trying to warm up. But I'm not really sure. Thx for the answer!

Last Answer : Budgies normally puff up their feathers. It could be that since night time temperatures are lower, your budgie is puffing up because it's cold. Puffing up their feathers traps warm air and helps ... s no problem. If you notice any behavioral changes, contact an avian vet and discuss the situation.

Description : My budgies used to not fight and I saw my budgies preen each other only once. One of them is male and one of them is female. I know the basics about breeding but now I just need to let them bond. My older bird ... hope there's a way to let/make them bond. Help me plz! :3 thx for the answer! :D

Last Answer : You'll have to start off by putting them in separate cages. Gradually move the cages closer to each other. If they don't become agitated, you can try re-introducing them to each other. This may work, but not for sure, but worth trying.

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Last Answer : Cockatiels are wonderful pets for anyone. Of course it depends on the age of the child and if the child can be supervised during care and play. Cockatiels or any bird may not be right for very young ... a bit. As long as you can give them the proper care and attention, they make wonderful pets.

Description : It was really hot that day and my budgies were both clicking their beaks. When I went near they did it and when I wasn't so near they stopped. Why is that? It's the first time. : /. Thank you so much! It really got me worried! :D

Last Answer : Budgies normally click their beaks, usually a sign that they are relaxed. While the clicking sound is often loud, it's not cause for alarm. If the day was that hot, make sure your budgies are not in the ... a tub of water in the cage (not too cold). Some budgies enjoy a gentle spray of water too.

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Last Answer : Parrots are messy birds, no doubt about it. The larger the bird, there's usually more seed and poop cleanup. The only way to avoid a lot of mess is to keep the bird caged all the time ... no guarantee. Whatever parrot you decide on, don't think about mess, just enjoy having a wonderful companion.

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Last Answer : Birds in the parrot family tend to be noisy. If you find his screeching annoying, don't reinforce by paying attention to him. He'll make a game of it and screech more. Be patient and ignore ... this consistently when he's quiet. He'll soon understand that screeching is not rewarded but quiet is.

Description : My bird stays in the house. You can see birds migrating at this time of year. Does my bird feel the need to migrate too? I have a grey parrot.

Last Answer : Most pet birds are not migratory, so the problem doesn't arise. There are only 2 species of parrot that do migrate - the swift parrot and the orange-bellied parrot. Some species of finch migrate but canaries do not. I'm sure your grey parrot is very happy being with you.

Description : I see birds migrating. How do they know where to go?

Last Answer : Scientists know that birds have the ability to fly thousands of miles finding their way to a desired area by using the earth's magnetic field. Researchers at Baylor College of Medicine have ... detect the magnetic field and scientists believe the information is stored in another part of the brain.

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Last Answer : answer:

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Last Answer : Some species of birds do mate for life, but not all birds do. Some examples of those that mate for life are the Bald Eagle, Layan Albatross, Mute Swan, Scarlet Macaw, Whooping Crane, California Condor, Atlantic Puffin, Black Vulture, Great Horned Owl, Osprey, to name a few.

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Last Answer : Some cats and birds can get along, but keep in mind that cats are predators and birds are prey. When the cat looks like it's ready to go after the bird, a sharp "No" should stop it in its ... "No." No guarantees, but with patience they may learn to tolerate each other. A few even become friends.

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Last Answer : Clipping a bird's wings does not prevent it from flying entirely. They may not be able to fly as far or as much. Wings need to be clipped properly to allow some freedom of flight. If you're not sure how to clip the wings, have an avian vet or breeder show you how .

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Last Answer : When parrots screech a lot, it's usually because they want attention. Running to the bird each time he screeches or sternly telling him to be quiet won't work as it reinforces the behavior. He's ... If he sees that your husband is a source of good things, it may encourage him to stop screeching.

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Last Answer : It may take time and patience, but with both you may be able to train your bird to "go" in the cage. First, observe your bird to see what his bathroom patterns are. Does he make certain body movements ... a treat and tell him what a good bird he is in a happy voice. Be consistent and be patient.

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Last Answer : First, have his wings clipped so he can't fly off. Have treats handy. Place his cage in an area of the house that has high activity, but not too near the kitchen where smells can be toxic. ... area is safe. Speak softly and offer treats. Be patient and consistent and he will learn to trust you.

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Last Answer : Research has shown that certain parrot species such as the African Grey , do understand what they are saying and even use their wide vocabulary at appropriate times. But until more research can be conducted, ... gives this big wolf whistle. They could be a lot smarter than we give them credit for.

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Last Answer : As prey creatures, birds sleep lightly. Your bird could have what is called night fears. Any movement such as curtains blowing, shadows, noises, other pets, car lights shining in and so on, can frighten ... dark. You can also try covering the cage. Your pet shop should have the right type of covers.

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Last Answer : Birds can be very territorial. He could interpret your touching his cage as infringing on his possessions. Don't raise your hands and touch the cage over his head. He could view this as a threat and will ... Try offering a treat when you touch his cage so he will see your approach as a good thing.

Description : I want to get them a nest to sleep in but I'm not sure if they would use it. And also, is an actual grass nest better for breeding or a nest box? And where do budgies sleep in nature?

Last Answer : In nature, budgies sleep on tree limbs. In a cage, a next box is best. Pet shops also carry sleepers that hang in the cage and are open on both sides. However not all budgies will make use of them and prefer to sleep on their perches.

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Last Answer : If the bump looks so abnormal to you, then please take your budgie to an avian vet to determine what it is. If it has grown, it might be a tumor.

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Last Answer : It doesn't sound like anything abnormal. If your budgie's behavior has changed, if she's not eating, has loose droppings, then you should take her to an avian vet for evaluation.

Description : I've seen things writen up that say that they are the same and some that say are different. What's correct?

Last Answer : In the United States these birds are called parakeets while all other areas of the world refer to them as budgerigars or budgies. In their natural habitat, Australia, budgies are green and yeallow ... in many different color mutations. The English budgie has a little different look due to breeding.

Description : Hello, I want to ask how many days since the budgies have to be fed and if it is necessary to feed them ?? !! Thank you write to e-mail [email protected] thank you again

Last Answer : It's not necessary, but we feed young birds by hand, mainly so that they cling to people and are not shy. It is easier to tame. It is possible to feed the young fourteen days after hatching ... can put boiled eggs, carrots, banana biscuits, peeled sunflower, millet. It is better to mix the mixture.

Description : What are the types of budgies?

Last Answer : what are the types of budgies?there is two different types of budgies the english budge aaustrailian budgie.sophia mashmi melon

Description : Where would be a good place to fly kites around Columbus, OH?

Last Answer : Tons of places. Dodridge park, Highbanks park, In Grove City there is a place too, but I do not recall what it is called. Gantz park maybe?

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Last Answer : Spirit Airlines. I have not looked at their site in a long time, because I no longer live in a city they service, but they had great deals. Sign up for their emails. They have a $9 club also ... but that flight is like an hour and fifteen minutes flying time, do you really want to have to connect?

Description : I have a BIG TIME FLY problem going on around my home. Please help.

Last Answer : can you secure the dog on a chain for several hours.............lime your grass and then water it in...............when you cut your grass later use a bag catcher and mulch the grass.... ... dog use, pick up any feces as that will draw flies. Even dog urine will draw flies you can hose that down.

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Last Answer : sounds like a dragon fly..

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Last Answer : Wind.

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Last Answer : The cyclists took 6 hours to meet. The fly traveled 6*30=180 miles.

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Last Answer : Need answer

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Last Answer : What is the answer ?

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Last Answer : What is the answer ?