What has a kicktail and four wheels?

1 Answer

Answer :

A skateboard

Related questions

Description : It has five wheels, though often think four, You cannot use it without that one more, You can put things in it, you can strap things on top, You can't find it in the market, but you can still go shop. What is it? -Riddles

Last Answer : A car.

Description : What has four wheels and flies? -Riddles

Last Answer : A garbage truck has four wheels and flies.

Description : What is there more of in the world, doors or wheels?

Last Answer : probably doors. There are countries where a huge percentage of people don't own any private vehicle

Description : Why don't we have wheels that can go at 90 degree angles?

Last Answer : Don't forget this experimental fifth wheel method installed on a 1951 Cadillac. It used the spare tire to do the job. And while we're on the subject jeck out these two designs. British ... while driving at speed would be disastrous. The negatives far outweigh the small benefit the system offers.

Description : Is a lawn mower with 5" wheels in front and 6" wheels in back harder to push across the lawn than the same mower with 6" wheels in front and 7" wheels in back?

Last Answer : Is it self propelled? If not then I’d say the larger wheels would be easier to push.

Description : Can airplaines use tank like treads unstead of wheels?

Last Answer : No. Too much rolling resistance.

Description : What does death on wheels mean?

Last Answer : It refers to a vehicle that is prone to being involved in devastating accidents. It is a slang term, often applied to motorcycles or very fast cars that are difficult to control. People applied it to the Chevrolet Corvair and the Ford Pinto.

Description : Why do compound bows have wheels on the outside?

Last Answer : answer:Reduces friction, making it easier to draw the string, at least, that’s what I’d assume. edit: well, not so much friction, but just makes it easier to draw the string, so you can probably use a much stronger one that you would be able to use without the wheels. (technically pulleys)

Description : What is the complete song of "the wheels on the bus go round and round"?

Last Answer : Here are the lyrics.

Description : Do anyone here come up with new names for the characters in the game "Happy Wheels"?

Last Answer : What kind of game is it? I’ve already got Holy Roller, Cad Dad, Martha Stewart, Harley Wannabe, Turf Slasher, Lewis and Clark, Jolly Perv, and Hairy Pogo Stick.

Description : Stranded at my partner's without wheels; what are your thoughts on Jimmy John's sandwiches?

Last Answer : Never heard of Jimmy Johns, but surely you can customize a sandwich to your liking. I often ask for customized items in restaurants and have never been turned down. Just decide what you want and ask for them to customize your sandwich.

Description : How does one go about correctly selecting the best wheels for various types of automobiles?

Last Answer : answer:I can't answer all of your questions as I am rather car ignorant, but..I can say that I have a luxury sedan and I bought the Goodyear triple tread 60k, high performance tires a few years ... higher end tires are always better. Take your car into a tire store you trust for the best advice.

Description : How do I keep a bed that is on wheels from rolling away?

Last Answer : What kind of surface is the bed sitting on? Wood, carpet, tile?

Description : Boring question #26; what do you think about midsized cars sitting 4in high off the road on 20in wheels?

Last Answer : It sounds goofy to me, but that is just my opinion.

Description : What are the numbers on the top right of Hot Wheels cars' packages?

Last Answer : I don’t know for certain, but I’d think it would be the series number and model number. Collectors use info like that either to make sure they’ve collected all the items in a series, or just to better identify the models.

Description : Why do wheels always look like they are moving the opposite way when watching TV?

Last Answer : answer:This is how wikianswers explains it: Wheels appear to rotate backwards in movies because of what is called, strobe effect'. When filming, the camera actually takes a series of pictures. ... with Fluorescent lighting. The bulbs flicker at a certain cycle thus causing the illusion. Read more

Description : What gets brake dust off of wheels the best?

Last Answer : answer:Go to your local full-service carwash. When I managed a carwash in Colorado, we had a product by Zep that would eat brake dust away. It still takes a lot of scrubbing though. I imagine you ... Pro tip though: wash your wheels more often or they'll end up pitted out from this. Good luck.

Description : Is anyone else afraid of ferris wheels?

Last Answer : I’m not afraid of ferris wheels, but I’m afraid of heights. I don’t like roller coasters because of my fear of heights.

Description : Why when watching cars travelling at high speeds do the wheels appear to be going backwards?

Last Answer : answer:I'm guessing you mainly see it in movies or, less commonly, videos. It's a stroboscopic effect related to the fact that moving pictures are actually a rapid sequence of still frames. If the ... vision directly, motion appears as a blur. You need a discrete frame rate to produce this effect.

Description : I have a vehicle that came standard with 16" wheels but now has older 15" wheels. What if any difference will be in fuel economy because of this?

Last Answer : You should be fine. If I remember correctly + or – 3% for tires. But if your not sure go to a tire shop and ask them.

Description : What is that weird coating on Brie cheese wheels?

Last Answer : It is edible, it is spores from the mold that is used to give Brie its unique flavor and texture.

Description : Why do steering wheels have the car logo on them?

Last Answer : It’s another way to keep the marketing in front of you. After all, you noticed it, didn’t you?

Description : How do you make a toy car...out of common house items, and the wheels can't be previously used as wheels for something else?

Last Answer : Water bottles and nails. The caps are wheels, the bottle is the frame. Cut off one side of the bottle. Drive the nails through the caps and into the bottle, then bend them inwards with pliers to make sure ... a milk carton for the frame. If you have a dowel and a saw, you can make wheels from that.

Description : Why isn't this line of code appearing in the config.cfg file for 18 Wheels of Steel Haulin'?

Last Answer : It sounds like you’re doing it wonrg.

Description : Where can I upgrade my truck in 18 Wheels of Steel Haulin'?

Last Answer : Whichever place you use for tyres should do wheels also, and if not they will be able to refer you to someone who will.

Description : Should I go with the Mugen GP wheels?

Last Answer : These? It's a nice looking wheel, but my experience with Mugen parts is that they're overpriced. The lowest I'm seeing around the Net is a Grand, and that's on eBay (vaseline optional). What ... tires. TireRack.com has around 240 wheels that will fit your ride. No need to spend $1800 on bling.

Description : Why won't 18 Wheels of Steel Haulin' run on my computer?

Last Answer : we can not help unless you give us your system configuration. (hardware, OS, driver versions)

Description : How hard is it to turn the front wheels in a parked car?

Last Answer : 1. Easy, but not for a 5 year old. 2. Too hard for a 5 year old. 3. 5 year old could do it.

Description : Where can one find roulette wheels with only a single 0 in the US?

Last Answer : Correct me if I am wrong that you are reffering to French Roulette? No?

Description : How do I decide on spoke count for a set of Edge Composite 45 clincher wheels?

Last Answer : I like 32 rear, 28 front. Your weight is a factor.

Description : Aftermarket steering wheels?

Last Answer : Momo and Sparco both make a fine product. I’m concerned about you giving up the airbag if your stock wheel has one. Are you going to drive this car on the street?

Description : Why are the wheels on my board unstable?

Last Answer : Bushings?

Description : Which came first: vulcanized rubber wheels or the automobile?

Last Answer : Goodyear claimed that he discovered vulcanization in 1839, but did not patent the invention until June 15, 1844 - Wikipedia Also, if you wiki automobiles you'll see a number of inventions, depending on what ... engine. - Wikipedia I'm going with automobile. Some dates are as far back as the 1600s.

Description : Why do some of the Paris metro trains have rubber wheels?

Last Answer : @andrew, I’d ask a French engineer or mechanic. and what are you doing in paris wondering about train wheels when you have work to do and when are you coming back to get busy keeping ask-public running top notch?

Description : why do buses have those gigantic steering wheels?

Last Answer : big wheel gives more leverage via the steering linkage. If you watch the driver she moves the steering wheel very slightly while driving straight. When making a corner, even with power steering ... position. It also has something to do with ergonomics, semi tractor steering wheels are large also.

Description : Formula to calculate the effort needed to pull a weight on two wheels up an incline?

Last Answer : isn't the formula the same as escape velocity?

Description : Grass...I was just kidding about the wheels.

Last Answer : What’s green and has wheels?

Description : Do the wheels on your skateboard have to do with how fast the skateboard goes?

Last Answer : I’m guessing that thinner wheels means faster board, just like thinner tires on a bike are better for speed than fat tires.

Description : Why haven't animals evolved with wheels?

Last Answer : How do you come up with this stuff?

Description : If you want to stop the car in the shortest distance on an icy road, you should a.107 dynes b.not apply the brakes c.pump' the brakes d.push hard the brakes to lock the wheels e.push just hard enough to prevent slipping

Last Answer : e. push just hard enough to prevent slipping

Description : A car travelling at a speed of 60 km/hour is braked and comes to rest 6 seconds after the brakes are applied. The minimum coefficient of driction between the wheels and the road would be a.0.107 b.0.3 c.0.283 d.0.417 e.0.5

Last Answer : c. 0.283

Description : Why did the grandma put wheels on her rocking chair? -Riddles

Last Answer : To rock in roll!

Description : What has wheels and flies, but it is not an aircraft? -Riddles

Last Answer : A garbage truck.

Description : Weight in my belly, Trees on my back, Nails in my ribs, Wheels I do lack.What Am I? -Riddles

Last Answer : a ship

Description : What can be driven although it doesn't have wheels, sliced but stays whole? -Riddles

Last Answer : A golf Ball

Description : A man is late for an appointment and, in his haste, takes a corner so fast that only two wheels were on the pavement. A police man is standing on the corner, but he did not give him a ticket. Why? -Riddles

Last Answer : He was on a motorcycle.

Description : Archaeologists have found spindle wheels, made of terracotta and …………………. -Social Science

Last Answer : answer:

Description : How much should i wear a gallon of fish while skateboarding on a icy road with the wheels as cucumbers?

Last Answer : UWU

Description : How Many wheels on 3 tricycles?

Last Answer : Each tricycle has 3 wheels, so on 3 tricycles there are a total of 9 wheels.

Description : Why are wheels fitted in traveling bags ? Explain ?

Last Answer : If there were no wheels in the traveling bag, there would be a lot of friction or slippery friction while pulling it. The value of cyclic friction is lower than that of vortex friction. So the wheels are fitted in the traveling bag for the purpose of easy pulling and avoiding high quality friction.