[Serious]What is the one hobby you don't understand?

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Description : [Serious]What is the one hobby you don't understand?

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Description : [Serious]What is the one hobby you don't understand?

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Description : [Serious]What is the one hobby you don't understand?

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Description : [Serious]What is the one hobby you don't understand?

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Description : [Serious]What is the one hobby you don't understand?

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Description : [Serious]What is the one hobby you don't understand?

Last Answer : Attention! [Serious] Tag Notice Jokes, puns, and off-topic comments are not permitted in any comment, parent or child. Parent comments that aren't from the target group will be removed, ... was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this sub if you have any questions or concerns.

Description : Anyone else have a hobby they love, but are actually not very good or downright bad at it? And you don't care?

Last Answer : answer:I never care if I win or lose That’s the key to fun, yo. :) I love philosophy, but I don’t even know what that word means.

Description : Do you have a secret hobby that you don't want anyone to know about?

Last Answer : Yes. But if I told you I’d have to kill you.

Description : What is a hobby that will give you hours of fun with a startup cost of around $100?

Last Answer : Calligraphy. You can spend some money for fancy pen, ink, and paper, but generally just normal pen and paper is enough.

Description : Do professional, or those who play for fun as a hobby, athletes play to win or to have fun?

Last Answer : Professionals do it for a living and get paid to win. Amatures I can believe do it for the fun of it.

Description : What is a good profession, craft, trade, or hobby, where it's is ok to make honest mistakes?

Last Answer : Painter, à la Pollock.

Description : Can doomsday prepping be considered a hobby?

Last Answer : I think for most preppers, it’s not really a hobby but an intentional preparation for future catastrophes to help their families survive. Nothing wrong with it, if you have the extra money and time, and limit the paranoia.

Description : What would you do when there’s a secret white supremacist in your hobby group?

Last Answer : How does the person know that there is a WS member? Have they been threatened or seen them spouting their WS beliefs on easily accessible social media? This is a very slippery slope unless such a thing ... , if it can't be, the proof has to be pretty incontrovertible or it borders on slander.

Description : Should you turn your hobby into a profession?

Last Answer : Sometimes, if you turn your hobby into a profession, it can lose it's magic, because the goal of most jobs is to make money. Hobbies are wonderful in that you can choose the time when you will ... it, and making money, or satisfying customers, ir keeping to a strict timetable is not part of it.

Description : Can saving money be a hobby?

Last Answer : How will you save $400 a month?

Description : When you took up a new sport hobby with expensive equipment, when did you decide to buy rather than rent it?

Last Answer : answer:Fly fishing I borrowed equipment first, then got what I needed. Mountain biking I purchased a mid-quality bike and related gear. I have since upgraded many times but always buy used frames

Description : Have you recently taken up a new hobby or sport?

Last Answer : I started running about a year ago, at the age of 58. I started as an outgrowth of working to improve my health and lose weight. I had started walking, then walking faster, then running/walking. By September of last year I was running the whole time.

Description : Did Hobby Lobby provide for IUD's, the "morning after" pill, etc. before the ACA went into effect?

Last Answer : Yes, but they stopped in 2012 when they filed the lawsuit. I can’t find where I originally read it, but here’s one source from googling: http://www.politifact.com/punditfact/statements/2014/jul/01/sally-kohn/did-hobby-lobby-once-provide-birth-control-coverag/

Description : What are some activities that one can go deep into as a hobby?

Last Answer : answer:There are a lot of things one can lose oneself into; it's really a matter of enjoying it. Stamp collecting, coin collecting, reading the Great Books of Literature, choose something you like, ... to share with very many people; in fact you may have the only such private collection in Canada.

Description : Is brewing your own beer at home an expensive hobby?

Last Answer : Well, it’s not expensive. A good quality starter kit will be a little over $100 and ingredients for 5 gallons about $25. Try it! It’s easy! I recommend reading “the new complete joy of home brewing” by charlie papazian for reference.

Description : Does your spouse have a hobby or interest that makes life more complicated?

Last Answer : answer:My husband is in a band. He also promotes and supports the local metal scene as a whole. They're actually good, I enjoy the music, the crowd is great. However, he automatically has just about ... I'm pretty much an introvert, and I don't have many local meatspace friends or go out much.

Description : What products would you put in a Dungeons and Dragons hobby store for teens-adults?

Last Answer : If a product is trademarked you need a license to sell it.

Description : What hobby have you started after wanting to do it for so long only to discover that you hate it?

Last Answer : Crewel work. It’s an embroidery technique that looked fascinating to do. I found I could not sit still in one place long enough to really get into it. Hate is not a word I use, but I did not take to it at all.

Description : Do you suspect attractive people are lying when they admit to a nerdy hobby?

Last Answer : answer:Why would they lie about something like that? Seems counter intuitive. btw I’m a nerd

Description : Have you started a new hobby lately?

Last Answer : answer:Isn’t bird-watching wonderful? Do you own a good bird book? I recently started learning how to cook and found out that I really enjoy it. Who knew that this would come about at this old age? Certainly not me. The measurement of success is when the SO likes it and doesn’t get sick.

Description : Do you think killing an animal for it's meat/fur is morally different compared to killing it as a hobby?

Last Answer : answer:Why would one animal make a difference more than another? There's a huge difference. People have to eat, and we have to eat other living things to do so. I don't discern between plants and ... ecosystem as a whole. On top of that, killing things for fun is just kind of sick and sadistic.

Description : People, as a hobby, and usually with extraordinary amounts of free time on their hands, make all kinds of things from all kinds of things - what are some of your favourites?

Last Answer : Ahhh, the lack of photographic evidence means it never happened! Thank you for the out . . .

Description : What are some ways to balance work, hobby, and family?

Last Answer : Just label it My Time or Hobby TIme. Don’t think of it as work. It is just your time for yourself.

Description : Should I get a hobby or something?

Last Answer : Volunteer…or at least get a hobby! Start a garden….nothing is more rewarding than munching on a fresh salad you grew yourself!

Description : Name one activity (hobby) that gives you peace?

Last Answer : Throwing pottery,painting,wood carving,drawing,bike riding,boating,hiking,swinging from trees,throwing pies at people,kicking some ass,petting kittens,and walking for miles…I can’t just pick one ;)

Description : Do you write for a living or hobby?

Last Answer : answer:I've never been published except once I got $25 from the Utne Reader for a write-up about my salon group. That was twenty years ago, but I still remember it like it was yesterday! I think I still ... my file cabinet or something. I write for fun, so obviously I enjoy it, or I wouldn't do it.

Description : Anyone know where I can get a small hobby/toy ratchet mechanism?

Last Answer : Did you check McMaster Carr site ? You might try taking apart a standard old video cassette. It has ratcheting gears in it.

Description : Help, I'm in desperate need of a hobby. Anyone have any ideas?

Last Answer : Get a second job?

Description : My little sister (who's 9) can't seem to find her "thing". You know, a hobby...a favorite thing to do. What should I tell her?

Last Answer : Thank you for clarifying what you meant by “thing”.

Description : What books or resources would you recommend for someone who's interested in taking up art photography as a hobby?

Last Answer : LOADS of free info out there. Just google “photo tips” and you’re off and running!

Description : What's the best camera for someone who wants to take up photography as a hobby?

Last Answer : Any. Photography is not in the equipment, it’s all in the eye of the photographer. Forget about equipment, get any camera you can afford, and go take photos.

Description : Do you have a unique hobby?

Last Answer : I play the drums. I don't know many girls that do. I got into them when I was 13, I've always liked them and I wanted to try it. So on my birthday my parents bought me my first drum set. Then my ... just told me what I needed to do to not fall down. As you can see, I'm not the girliest girl around.

Description : Hobby meteorologists, what are these objects in this video?

Last Answer : Here is a link to 4:25 in the video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H8bptMpkkjc&feature=channel_page#t=4m25s

Description : I need a new hobby. Any suggestions?

Last Answer : Climbing, depending on your location. I taught myself how to cook, just by playing around till I made some tasty stuff. I also read quite a bit. What are some other things you are into, your level of fittness, and where abouts are you living?

Description : What do you do to pass the time? Like a hobby?

Last Answer : Well, Fluther for one. But I also read quite a bit and I paint and create things (art, etc.)

Description : What new hobby can I take up this winter break?

Last Answer : Crochet is relatively easy to learn, and fun to do (if I could only remember how to do it). Decoupage (sp?), too.

Description : Has anyone ever done a craft/hobby you did years ago and would like to start again but can't get the supplies to do the particular 'craft/hobby'? What would/did you do?

Last Answer : building plastic models. that was fun.

Description : Can anybody recommend a new hobby?

Last Answer : Pikachu dolls. Or stamp collecting.

Description : Ideas for a hobby...

Last Answer : Painting, gardening, recording music from a specific genre, model car building, learn guitar, reading, write a journal, martial arts, walking, bird watching, bicycling, hiking, join a health club. The list goes on and on I hope you find something that interests you.

Description : What sentence is heresy within your hobby/career?

Last Answer : ANAL GLANDS

Description : I ride horses as a hobby anyone had an bad horse accidents?

Last Answer : Well I never rode horses enough to say I have, but there was this one time my brother and me snuck into a neighbors yard who owned horses. So I decided to get on one bare back and my brother made a ... his ass off while the whole time I could have been killed. It's funny now all these years later.

Description : How many people who visit here have knitting as a hobby?

Last Answer : I do. Although I still can’t knit to a pattern to save my life :)

Description : I need help writing poem about my hobby and honesty?

Last Answer : You’ve a lot of poems to write haven’t you…

Description : Is Metal Detecting a good hobby?

Last Answer : if you have nothing else to do, I guess so.

Description : What is your hobby?

Last Answer : answer:http://www.ask-public.com/disc/15435/men-what-are-your-hobbies/ http://www.ask-public.com/disc/15394/women-what-are-your-hobbies/ :)