What is your most embarrassing story?

1 Answer

Answer :

Any form of getting two text strings confused and responding to the wrong person. It’s unfortunately happened multiple times. The last time I was texting a guy I wanted to adopt a kitten from, and a guy I wanted to hook up with. The kitten guy mentioned wifey, I thought it was was hookup guy and extreme embarrassment followed. I did not get the kitten.

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Last Answer : hey susan! i'll try my best. let's say you want to link to youtube ok? so the link you want to input is http://www.youtube.com , but you want to hyperlink it to a word. so put the word you want to ... s important to add the http:// part (so you can't just say www ) for the link to actually work.

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Last Answer : Hmm, I can’t remember a really embarrassing moment but in Grade 1 the teacher wouldn’t let me go to the bathroom and I vomited all over my friend. It was not very pleasant for either of us.

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Last Answer : @Mtl_zack Love the tags, heehee.

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Last Answer : Mclovin’

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