Hey , how’d you get that injury?

1 Answer

Answer :

roller blading without pads. we don't talk about that

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Description : Men of - If you’ve had shy bladder syndrome, how’d you overcome it?

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Description : Men of - If you’ve had shy bladder syndrome, how’d you overcome it?

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Last Answer : Congratulations Snowberry, welcome

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Last Answer : answer:I love that poem. So does most of the literary world. Try googling, This is Just To Say parody. This is one of dozens aired on a segment of This American Life. This is just ... mean them and you lost your damage deposit forgive me but revenge is so sweet so delicious and best served cold

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Last Answer : answer:Track bikes must be brake-less. If one racer suddenly decelerates, you have a pile-up. Brake-less on the street is a pointless and unsafe affectation. There are literally no hills where I ride. So ... brake (yes, the front is the most important). When I lived elsewhere, I had front and back.