Finding your happy place?

1 Answer

Answer :

I take a nap on the roof of my car.

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Last Answer : Sounds like you are requiring others to validate your life and your happiness. I used to do that and was miserable. Now I am happy. I started worrying about me what I did, what I said, etc ... some professional help to work through some of the issues you have with trying to find your self-esteem.

Description : Do you listen to songs to be happy or listen only when happy?

Last Answer : There was a time in recent years when I couldn’t listen to music for a period of some months but now I listen both when I happy and to get happier. Different music for each. I usually put on music when I’m cooking.

Description : What makes you happy?

Last Answer : Money. Money is good…

Description : How is it possible to be happy in life (and I'm not talking only about laughing)?

Last Answer : Is anyone truly happy 100% of the time, we all have our moments of happiness , and contentment ,but life throws challenges at us that sometimes we wish we had a nuke em all button at the ready.

Description : What is it that makes you happy and sad at the same time?

Last Answer : Loneliness.

Description : Is it possible to learn to be happy even when not everything in your life is OK?

Last Answer : I think the answer came to me by allowing situations to exist regardless of my attitude about them. It's similar to accepting, but that requires work on my part. I have to do something ... might be conflating acceptance with tolerance here. I still feel that allowing releases me and gives me ease.

Description : How can I be happy again?

Last Answer : answer:I'm afraid I'm short on advice, in this instance. I would like to say though,that you aren't alone. Life has phases. Maybe this phase will pass soon. It's common for humans to feel bad when ... what it's worth, you have your fellow jellies here when you need us :) Good luck. Peace n love.

Description : May I wish my fellow Jellies a Happy Independence Day? What are you doing this long weekend?

Last Answer : answer:You need to say “Happy summer holiday” to me because everyday is my weekend now :D And have fun with the party, and happy 4th of July to you :)

Description : Would you, please, share something happy about your day?

Last Answer : Well it was my first day off, so that was a good thing.

Description : How can I be happy?

Last Answer : Therapy.

Description : Are you happy?

Last Answer : Yeah, over all, I’m happy I’ve had a lot of challenges lately but I’ve worked through them.

Description : It's impossible to be happy without...?

Last Answer : …people thinking you’re hiding a problem.

Description : How can I be a part of the system and be happy?

Last Answer : Read the book 1984 (George Orwell). It will take a lot of pain and a lot of brainwashing, but eventually we all become part of the system.

Description : Could you be happy if there were no stars?

Last Answer : Yes I would care. I look up every evening to the stars and moon, the sunsets and sunrises. Seeing the stars fills me with joy.

Description : What are you really happy about right now?

Last Answer : To be honest not much really. I study abroad and I really miss my family and friends. I'm also not used to the climate here, the temperatures go down to 0ºC at night, so that doesn't help. ... ll go back home for Christmas break. So yeah, I'm looking forward to getting back home for Christmas :)

Description : Some people are happy with a moderate lifestyle, and some seem to need more to be happy. What causes the contrast between people needing more or less to be happy?

Last Answer : It ultimately boils down to the self esteem of that individual.

Description : Is being happy synonymous with happiness?

Last Answer : They are separate, but can also be synonymous. I’ve been on a rollercoaster in a state of indifference because it wasn’t thrilling, and I’ve had a very happy time on a rollercoaster.

Description : What small thing made you happy today?

Last Answer : I made a lemon cke with chocolate filling and vanilla butter cream frosting.

Description : Please share a happy conclusion about life.

Last Answer : answer:One can’t know the outcome for a situation and might be impressed how things go. One needs to give chances to others and when they do the good thing they will feel really good. Life is short but it’s worth living.

Description : Is it weird I'm this happy?

Last Answer : answer:Good for you honey! Good for you! Never allow anyone to ever take that away from you! People think it is “Weird.” Because they can’t imagine that for themselves. Given enough time… they will eventually hate you for it. Don’t let them.

Description : What is your tip for being happy in life?

Last Answer : answer:I'd love to post an answer to this, and I certainly have many. I am not particularly successful though! So, I guess any tip I give would not match the q's criterion. One good suggestion ... they do, remember what they were like, so you can apply the same logic later on to new problems.

Description : At this point in your life what makes you happy?

Last Answer : Creative endeavours and spending time with my loved ones.:)

Description : Is everything that makes you happy the right thing?

Last Answer : I think that heroin users think that heroin makes them happy…

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Last Answer : Yes…100% The upside is you can get a good piece of it with just a little effort!

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Last Answer : I’m a 8 .. I got plenty or reasons to be happy. Though sometimes the things from my life take the happiness away from me because I let it…

Description : What monthly salary would suffice to make you happy?

Last Answer : I don't need much to survive, the trouble is, on my current monthly wage I am only just ableto pay the bills and have enough left for food and fuel etc. I wouldn't need much extra though, £200 more ... knowing that aftermy bills have been paid, I still have money to get me to the end of the month.

Description : What makes you genuinely happy?

Last Answer : I watch horror movies. Not everyone’s answer, but it works for me.

Description : Why does majority of the society hate Happy/self motivated/cheerful people?

Last Answer : answer:Does the majority of the society hate Happy/self motivated/cheerful people? Everyone I know is drawn to people like that.

Description : Simple question. Are you happy?

Last Answer : Nope. Far from it.

Description : Name one thing that would make you happy right now?

Last Answer : For my head to stop hurting.

Description : What makes you unhappy, or happy, with the gender you are?

Last Answer : My girlfriend’s period pains are enough to make me satisfied with being a man.

Description : Has anyone ever been happy by always putting others ahead of themselves?

Last Answer : I think you can be happy, but I think you can be happier by taking time out for yourself every once in a while. Some of these people are also considered doormats or people-pleasers and I think ... In fact, I think it's a must and considered a component in contributing to good health and sanity.

Description : Can being in a relationship make you happy?

Last Answer : answer:No, it isn't that someone else can make you happy, it is that having someone to truly share your life with can increase your happiness. Another person cannot make you happy, but they can improve ... past thirty before I met my wife. We have been together for more than twenty-five years now.

Description : What would you give up for a chance to be happy?

Last Answer : I’ll tell you this much: It wouldn’t be my Klondike bar. It’s my Klondike bar that makes me happy.

Description : Meet in the middle so neither are unhappy or do it all the way, one way and make one person happy?

Last Answer : Be grateful for the consideration, and eat it with a smile on your face. Just eat less, and slowly. And share the rest!

Description : What is your current job? Are you happy with it? If not, what do you wish it to be?

Last Answer : I have been a nurse for 40 years. About four years ago I changed careers and now I teach which I love.

Description : Why can't I be truly happy?

Last Answer : How about just being yourself. Let nature take it’s course.

Description : What are some of your daily habits? Do they make you happy?

Last Answer : I play guitar just about everyday and that makes me very happy, every other day I exercise. As for the online and TV routines, I’d much rather be doing something else, but I’m new to the current state I live in and don’t have much friends to change that.

Description : Has it become human nature to expect the "happy ever after"?

Last Answer : I know I will always be subconciously searching…

Description : How to make the people around my happy and delighted with my presence?

Last Answer : Try to connect with people over things that are important to you. If there’s a disagreement with someone, let the little stuff go.

Description : Would the things that make you happy make others happy?

Last Answer : I can’t imagine unicorns would make Dick Cheney happy…

Description : When did you finally become happy with yourself?

Last Answer : Im still in the pursuit of happiness. If I find it I will let you know.

Description : How happy is John Sanford that Michael Jackson passed away yesterday?

Last Answer : who is john sanford?

Description : Could you honestly say that you're happy (at this point in your life)

Last Answer : I have my moments.

Description : What would you say if I told you that how a person looks at the world is a direct reflection of how happy they are personally?

Last Answer : Well, I'd say show me the proof . But that's because it's the first thing I say when someone says what would you say if I told you XYZ . As for commenting on your thesis, I ... 's internal happiness will affect their perception of all sorts of events (looking at the world, interpreting a phrase).

Description : What are some little, everyday things that make you happy?

Last Answer : Good food for sure. The sun shining after a particularly dreary day. A nice note or conversation from/with my husband or friend. A good laugh.

Description : What makes you happy?

Last Answer : I use this funny little technique to make myself happy in a hurry - I call it "look for the bright side". More here (yeah, I wrote that myself, and the cute pictures are my friend's):

Description : This is a multi-part question. 1) What steps have you taken to find out what makes you happy in life 2) What are the specific things that make you most happy 3) And, how successful have you been at making the things that make you happy a part of your life?

Last Answer : answer:To find out what makes me happy, I had to strip myself of all pretenses. I had to let go of all guilt, anger, shame, pain, blame, resentment, and especially fear. I had to get to the ... And it must follow, as the night the day, Thou canst not then be false to any man. Shakespeare Hamlet

Description : Are people truly happy in their life?

Last Answer : i don’t actually know how to answer this question. there are several different people who would say, “yes i am truly happy” and others who would say, ” i can never be happy” i think you have to work at it to be truly happy, just like everything else in life.

Description : What makes you happy?

Last Answer : answer: Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens Brown paper packages tied up with strings These are a few of my favorite things Cream colored ponies and crisp apple ... I'm feeling sad I simply remember my favorite things And then I don't feel so bad