Who likes hedgehogs?

1 Answer

Answer :

hedgehogs are great pets so dont come here if u just want to to cut them down ,thanx.

Related questions

Description : Hedgehogs, are they sick if out in day light?

Last Answer : I have no idea how legitimate this site is (and when it comes to the health of animals, you should always, always, always double check information with multiple sources) but it appears to have some information you might find helpful. Click here.

Description : How do you stop a hedgehog from pooping on you?

Last Answer : My guess would be that the hedgehog is scared shitless when she is being picked up by a human and because she gets stressed she empties her bowels.

Description : Do hedgehogs make good pets?

Last Answer : i've heard that the do...

Description : Would you recommend hedgehogs as a pet?

Last Answer : Already answered: http://www.ask-public.com/disc/528/do-hedgehogs-make-good-pets/

Description : I've had a hedgehog for about a year. I haven't given her any shots. Should I? Are there vaccinations that hedgehogs should get?

Last Answer : Normally hedgehogs don't need routine vaccinations. If she appears to be healthy with no eye,ear or nose discharges, poops normally, eats well and is active, has no lumps or bumps, then she's ... don't use ivermectin. Revolution, a dog medication, is safer. Check with your vet for proper dosage.

Description : Hedgehogs look like mini porcupines...do they belong to the same family? Can they breed together?

Last Answer : Although they both appear similar, having spiny projections, hedgehogs and porcupines are not related and cannot breed together. Hedgehogs belong to a family called Erinaceidae while porcupines belong to the rodent family. Hedgehogs are often domesticated and in some places are legal to own as pets.

Description : Can hedgehogs carry bacteria, but can they be mad?

Last Answer : They tend to, but are not used to being mad. They are more of a tick hazard, so you should watch out for them!

Description : Do hedgehogs have good eyesight?

Last Answer : Need answer

Description : Do hedgehogs have backbones?

Last Answer : Yes, they do.

Description : Do hedgehogs and echidnas show an example of divergent evolution?

Last Answer : Hedgehogs and echidnas show convergent evolution. Despite being far apart, they ended up looking very similar. Like sharks and dolphins.

Description : How did henri’s father feel about hedgehogs?

Last Answer : A

Description : Are hedgehogs and porcupines related?

Last Answer : no.Although they have some things in common,porcupines plus hedgehogs aint related

Description : FACTS HEDGEHOGS 

Last Answer : Hedgehog's hearts are much quicker than ours, on average it beats 300 times per minute. Hedgehogs float in water. They have between 4,000 to 5,000 spines, each lasts about a year long and then ... it's place. In average they live around 6 years. There are 15 different species of hedgehog's.

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Last Answer : From what you have described I'd say she may have had a change of heart and wants to be your friend, and not romantically involved. It appears she is sending you mixed messages, so, back off for a ... t contact you it sounds as if she is not ready for a relationship right now. Good luck to you.

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Last Answer : answer:Interesting question. I haven't posted on facebook in forever. Log in check for messages from family and few friends, and look at funny and interesting things. Personally I give likes to ... people in school still? Just a different means to get that attention. Same thing different way.

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Last Answer : answer:I decide to like something based on its content not who posted it. So I don’t mind liking people I am not that close too or having them like my stuff. If this guy makes you uncomfortable, unfriend him.

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Last Answer : answer:The comments on those types of Facebook pages typically get a lot of likes, simply because a lot of people are seeing it. One of mine got 112 awhile back. I forgot what it said. Top Ten Most Liked Facebook Posts

Description : Does this mean he likes me?

Last Answer : Married for ten years, and you’re just now asking if it means you love him? There must be something I’m not getting.

Description : Am I the only one that thinks Rhubarb pie is even more disgusting than fruitcake? Who the hell likes Rhubarb pie?

Last Answer : I like raw Rhubarb, but do not like Rhubarb pie. I may tolerate a Strawberry Rhubarb, but will gladly provide you the first $1 in your quest for compensation of your nasty pie episode. If the $1 is not enough to keep me out of the vat, then I will pay you the $14 and make you a pie of your choice.

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Last Answer : Oh no! Not this again!

Description : How to know if a guy likes you?

Last Answer : answer:He may be very interested in you but scared of losing his job for crossing the line of sexual harassment. Flirting in the workplace can be very dangerous. Smile whenever you catch his eye, say hi if you ... the best thing is hey, a couple of us are going out after work, can you join us?

Description : If someone likes George Carlin, Louis CK, Bill Burr and Jim Jefferies, what other comedians would you recommend them?

Last Answer : answer:I’ll tell you the ones I like and maybe some of those might sound interesting to you. Dane Cook, Chris Rock, Robert Kelly, Gary Gulman, Jay Davis, Donald Glover, Joe Rogan, Nick DiPaolo and Ron White.

Description : How to create a website that sells twitter followers, facebook likes, youtube views etc?

Last Answer : Do you mean selling or sharing ? Ya know, the links at the bottom of the page, saying: Share this page . I've never seen anyone literally selling Facebook, for instance; don't even think ... sites that do this? There are a bunch of web-developers on Fluther who might be interested in knowing.

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Last Answer : I love it a lot in Japanese cooking. Bamboo shoots are often boiled and pickled.

Description : How do you deal with the person "nobody likes"?

Last Answer : I see if it's founded, first of all. Sometimes the person that no one likes has earned that title by being unlikable. If that isn't the case, then screw the cool kids. I didn't play that ... to befriend people who seem to be alienated or are clearly outcasts. I have just always been that way.

Description : When men ask if a particular woman likes them, should you always tell them yes?

Last Answer : Here’s irony: Tom Petty, Love is a Long Road. Just as you asked. Be honest. Real confidence is much bettter than scam confidence.