What is the name of this Indian snack?

1 Answer

Answer :

Masala Munch

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Last Answer : Oh yeah…

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Last Answer : It depends. What kind of tuna is it? Chunk white is different from chunk light. There are two main kinds of canned tuna: chunk light and solid or chunk white (albacore). All canned white tuna is ... which case it is best to avoid eating tuna. Here is an article/discussion on eating tuna every day.

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Last Answer : I wouldn't do it every night. Anything taken to excess tends to become a problem. Seems like not what Cliff bars are best for, but it's certainly not the worst late-night snack, but it's not ... better touch with what your body is actually hungry for, and work on trying to be able to have that.

Description : Could you recommend some healthy lunch and snack ideas?

Last Answer : answer:Eating fresh fruit and veg is the best way to lose weight. Don't eat anything processed. Cook everything from scratch. I've been eating a lot more fresh food for about 18 months now, and if I eat ... snacks. A few potato chips occasionally is not a bad thing, but I don't keep them on hand.

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Last Answer : Well “angels” are hardly at the top of the pyramid I’m thinking about. But then again, Lucifer is reputed to be an angel.

Description : What would be a good snack to send to school for Teacher Appreciation Week?

Last Answer : answer:Apple cobbler is incredibly easy and literally everyone loves it. TBH, I was going to make some myself today and threw my back out so I’m just thinking of it. Haha.

Description : If you were to invent a snack food, what would it be like?

Last Answer : Oh god, I went to NSFW so fast on this one. I’m almost embarrassed but not quite. Edit: Well one of your tags is fantasy snacks.

Description : What's your favorite naughty snack?

Last Answer : this

Description : Do you indulge in a midnight snack?

Last Answer : Yes, but then I get off work at 1:30 am. It is usually a combination of supper and breakfast before I go to bed.

Description : Reach for a snack and beverage - okay - what was it?

Last Answer : Coffee and whole wheat muffin, egg whites and pepperoni.

Description : Mmm, apples and peanut butter; what's your go-to snack?

Last Answer : answer:Whatever’s in the fridge and still edible. XD I love tuna, and it’s quick and easy to just open a small can and chow down. I get these spicy Thai flavors, and it comes with a red pepper inside. Also keeps my cats from sniffing around me the whole time I eat it haha.

Description : Do you eat a lot of snack food?

Last Answer : I don’t eat a lot of snack food but I usually have a few pieces of candy a day.

Description : Is drinking a cup of tea with milk (or whatever it is called) considered a proper snack?

Last Answer : No, it’s not a snack, it’s just a cup of tea. And it does not have a lot of calories. A tablespoon of whole milk is 49 calories; if it is skim milk it’s only 5.

Description : What is the only snack or food you can eat everyday for the rest of your life?

Last Answer : answer:

Description : What's a better "bad" snack? Potato chips, popcorn or corn (cheese) puffs?

Last Answer : Tell you what. Provide me with a sample bowl of each, and I’ll get back to you.

Description : What discontinued snack food/drink do you miss?

Last Answer : Tab. Used to drink it all the time.

Description : Watching a movie at 3 am, which foods do I snack on from my fridge?

Last Answer : Toast the bread, fry/scramble the egg and ham, make a sandwich, then wash down with beer.

Description : Do you like any of the prepackaged asian "snack bowls"?

Last Answer : the only time I tried Annie Chung’s was at school using a microwave.. it didn’t taste very good to me, but I think that’s because I didn’t cook it long enough \

Description : What's a snack you like, but that probably shouldn't even exist?

Last Answer : Deep fried Twinkees.

Description : What is your favorite healthy snack?

Last Answer : You nailed it for me. It has to be apple slices with peanut butter. Mmm.

Description : What do you like for a midnight snack?

Last Answer : Just about anything whem I’ve got the munchies….I like a combination of sweet and salty most. Like yesterday, I had chilli cheese fritos and strawberries…..sounds gross but the salty just made the sweet, sweeter!

Description : Does anyone know any good snack recipes?

Last Answer : answer:Blueberry Grape-Nut Pudding This simple, homey baked custard (it's like a bread pudding) has the malty flavor of Grape-Nuts and the sweet-tart accent of blueberries. It can be served for ... 1 cup blueberries 1 teaspoon raw or maple sugar (optional) Whipped cream, for serving (optional) Photo

Description : What is a good, healthy, tasty snack to eat between lunch and dinner?

Last Answer : Banana? :)

Description : What are some snack recipes (for kids)

Last Answer : Make a large bowl of Chex Mix. i believe the recipe is on the side of the Chex box in the store. its simple and the kids love it. john

Description : How late is too late to eat a snack?

Last Answer : I don’t see how fruit can contribute to gaining weight, but I’ve always been told not to eat an hour before bedtime.

Description : Why is it called a snack?

Last Answer : Originally in the sense of snap, bite. It comes from Middle Dutch snac(k), from snacken ‘to bite’, variant of snappen

Description : What is your favorite snack food and drink combo?

Last Answer : Pizza and beer is a classic. Cookies and milk is good, too. Marshmallows and hot chocolate.

Description : Could You Share Any Amazing Healthy Snack Foods Ideas?

Last Answer : fresh fruit sliced with non-fat yogurt, vegies with salsa dip, air popped pop corn

Description : What is your favorite junk/snack food?

Last Answer : Fat Free chips :)

Description : Sinful snack anyone?

Last Answer : answer:Hummus on pita with clover sprouts, swiss cheese, almond butter, honey, and lettuce, if you have it. Discovered on a camping trip when that was all we had left.

Description : You have unlimited amount of only 1 breakfast, 1 lunch, 1 dinner, 1 snack and 1 beverage on an island what are they?

Last Answer : Hash Browns for breakfast. BLT for lunch. Pizza for dinner. Garlic bread for a snack. Beer as a beverage.

Description : What's a good snack/ treat to bring in for a group of people?

Last Answer : cookies..

Description : Does anybody midnight snack any more?

Last Answer : The midnight snack is a lost art! Usually improvised from contents of fridge, leftovers, etc.

Description : What is your favorite snack when watching a movie?

Last Answer : Spaghetti is pretty good. Hard to sneak it in though.

Description : What is the best snack food that your country has that another country doesn't have?

Last Answer : Peanut butter Girl Scout cookies

Description : What is the name of this snack and have you eaten it?

Last Answer : Nope. I may have seen an add but its not in my store. I love yougurts and healthy snacks.

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Last Answer : I doubt I’ll be eating. I hope to be cuddling on the sofa with my husband, and fast forwarding through any BS.

Description : What is a good low effort snack food that I can buy in bulk?

Last Answer : answer:Popcorn. As long as you don't get the kind with all that chemically artificial butter on it, it's actually quite healthy. And it's fun to make your own so then all you need is the kernels and ... dirty a pot. Plus, you can likely find an air popper for cheap at a thrift shop. Maybe $5-10.

Description : Snack attack? What is YOUR favorite?

Last Answer : answer:Anything that I can eat without cooking. Chips, chocolate, instant noodles… anything! You skipped breakfast for ask-public? Dr. Jelly would be moved :)

Description : What types of snack foods do you hate?

Last Answer : Corn Nuts Mike n Ike

Description : If you had to choose between a sweet snack(cookies, pastry, cake) or a salty snack(chips, nuts, popcorn). Which would you choose?

Last Answer : Depends on my mood. Both are good. Would vote more towards salty though. I love salty things.

Description : Any healthy movie theater snack ideas?

Last Answer : answer:It's best to not snack during movies/TV because it's mindless eating. You're not actually tasting much of the snack. Try to eat only when you're going to enjoy the taste. I like frozen treats ... top and eat with a spoon. It takes me a long time to eat so overall, not that many calories.

Description : Besides Cheetos, what other snack "foods" stain your fingers?

Last Answer : answer:I was going to say Oreos, but that’s more of a black dust that’s left on the fingers, not a stain. Pomegranate will stain for sure.

Description : What can I snack on at night? Have a bad habit long=term!

Last Answer : answer:Get rid of the snack stuff. Now!!! Don't eat it ! Toss it or give it to the animals outside. Do it now!!! Tomorrow, go to the grocery store and buy celery and carrots. That's it. ... pounds. Give yourself an equal amount of time to sculpt them off. You have taken the first step! Good luck!

Description : Kick up your feet, chill, pop in a comfort flick - which is is? Now what would be your comfort food, drink and snack to go with that film?

Last Answer : Mine is always a zombie movie, and for that specific purpose you ask about, it’s usually either the original Night of the Living Dead, or the remake. Chips and beer are usually my snack/drink of choice.

Description : What is the best fruit to eat as a snack? Or in general?

Last Answer : Cherries!

Description : What's your opinion on communion wafers as a snack/diet food?

Last Answer : I haven’t had one in ages, but I don’t remember them being particularly tasty. Maybe if it catches on, they’ll come out with popular flavors, like “sour cream and chive,” or “barbeque,” or “blood wine.”

Description : [NSF weak stomachs] Which variety would you snack on?

Last Answer : I would pick the chicken,I hear it tastes like chicken. Straight.No chaser. ;)

Description : What is that special snack, where once you start, you just can't stop?

Last Answer : Hmmmmmmmm….......pork scratchings.

Description : You're Home Alone, Dieting and Starved. What is Your Low-Fat Snack?

Last Answer : Well I am not a dieter, but I really like to snack on almonds. There a lots of different flavors. They are not “low fat” but they are pretty healthy.