Where do babies come from?

1 Answer

Answer :

Really? No, seriously. Really?

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Last Answer : I agree with all that you say. If a woman is addicted or severely mentally unstable, the child should be in better hands – otherwise, the child should stay with the woman.

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Last Answer : I think it’s an excuse that men have come up with to forgive themselves for being so unintuitive ;)

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Last Answer : Some man who didn’t want to give up destructive habits that annoy women.

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Last Answer : The compliment is worth more if the person paying it has the qualities they are complimenting you on. A compliment about your looks is better if it comes from someone attractive. A compliment on your intelligence is better if it comes from someone smart, etc.

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Last Answer : “True gender equality is when both sexes live under fear of being beaten in public. Equal pay, equal beatings.” https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=FTHEnHTU2po&feature=youtu.be

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Last Answer : Because Mitochondrial DNA, unlike nuclear DNA, is inherited from the mother, while nuclear DNA is inherited from both parents.

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Last Answer : Tell him that the fact that he thinks like that proves to you that he isn’t REALLY gay. That should set him thinking on just how ridiculous his own notions sound.

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Last Answer : Not specifically, no.

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Last Answer : WE need more details about how old you are, what kind of place you live in (city, town, country) and what gender you are before answering. Also, how late at night and how far are you traveling.

Description : The very first all-female spacewalk is happening soon, what’s the best and the worst that could happen?

Last Answer : If you’re looking for the worst that could happen, but not to men, the obvious answer is of course PMS.

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Last Answer : Isn’t that always the way???

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Last Answer : Not guaranteed, but probably a lot closer than we are now!

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Last Answer : I would state: “Women should rule the world”. Cause they rule. And they rock. And less blood shed (I expect).

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Last Answer : 6 people is a tiny sample size.

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Last Answer : The few times I have had a pedicure, I’ve never had a manicure, by a male, they don’t shut up. I go to relax, not have inane conversation with someone I don’t know. So no, I don’t go to male pedicurists if I can avoid it.

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Last Answer : No, no, no, that’s not it at all. The male thinks if the woman sees a pic of his dick, she’ll want to try it out.

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Last Answer : No. “The more things change, the more they stay the same.”

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Last Answer : Too soon, man.

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Last Answer : They wouldn’t let me in.

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Description : Women's place in the world?

Last Answer : Your argument is illogical - I don't see the logic in expanding some love for all women' to great love for a particular woman'. It's a little like saying you can't love chocolate ice cream without ... you have a blindly pollyannaish view of women, but you don't make a good case for it at all.

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Last Answer : From my experience men think that I am being enabled and women think that they are helping someone down on his luck . When talking about my disability.

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Last Answer : You are not paranoid. Watch this forklift driver safety video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-oB6DN5dYWo

Description : Women, have you ever personally known a man who you were stronger than?

Last Answer : Sure. I’ve also met plenty who are less aggressive than I am. My uncle is a giant, but about as aggressive as a wet rag.

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Last Answer : A rope and the nearest available lamp post.

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Last Answer : I’m barefoot now and usually have nothing on my feet in the house.

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Last Answer : 1. Innocent until proven guilty is a legal concept. It does not apply in your scenario. 2. Probably some women are bandwaggoning, but relatively few. Believe it or not, most women don't like putting ... system that is so unbalanced in the favor of men isn't patriarchy , then what, exactly, is?

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Last Answer : Ew, gross!

Description : What do you think of this click bait called "People share stories of the most hilarious things they've ever had to explain to an adult?"?

Last Answer : I will tell you that I once had to explain to an almost 40 year old man that the days themselves actually got longer and shorter with the seasons, and it wasn’t just daylight savings time that caused it.

Description : Should men have any real say, in any kind of abortion debate?

Last Answer : If you remember a while back a rep/con politician stated that a woman couldn’t get pregnant from a rape because her body shuts down from the traumatic experience,really?? and it’s idiots like this that make laws that affect millions of women.

Description : Place these pictures in order of muscle?

Last Answer : TR BR TL BL in that order.

Description : Why does this woman at work avoid me?

Last Answer : Well, now she feels like you're going to be harassing her for a date, or more. Whether it's a valid concern or not is beside the point. After 40 years women have learned to be extremely reserved with men ... to get the message, like now. She is not interested, so drop it. Be a co-worker, period.

Description : What does the other side say about male, female, transgender?

Last Answer : Whoever came up with that bullshit should not discuss gender issues anymore. They probably shouldn’t be left with kids either.

Description : Why is it that when working women are featured, the fact that they are a wife and mother of X number of children is almost always mentioned, but not the men?

Last Answer : Because even in the 21st century, a woman’s worth is only measured in her connection to a man and her ability to breed.

Description : Are there any statistics about what percentage of women have extramarital affairs over the course of their lives? And also men?

Last Answer : I’d guess more men. Women tend to be more nurturing and faithful, at least in my experience. Men are dogs, let’s face it.

Description : Why, oh why is it that if a man stops to assist a woman in someway, even if she didn't ask for help and didn't need help, they always expect a sexual favor in return?

Last Answer : To assume that all men are like that is sexist.

Description : What kinds of things did the men discuss that allowed this person to understand the difference in sexuality between men and women?

Last Answer : This woman still does not really get what being a guy is like. I have seen this before and while I like the premise it makes men out to be like wild animals under study. It does outline that women are just as clueless about men as men are about women.

Description : How much does Trump have to do with the International Women's Day protest?

Last Answer : His impact is minimal if that. He was not even born when this event was first started in Russia 1909. International woman's day is celebrated every March 8th with or without Trump. Too bad you ... the impact women have on the world we live in and the struggles many still endure around the world.